5,188 research outputs found

    Thermal Analysis of Carbon Nanofiber Reinforced Isotactic Polypropylene

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    Isotactic Polypropylene (IPP) is a commonly known thermoplastic that has unique properties include being light weight, high performance, impact strength, tensile strength, elongation, and high temperature properties. The use of vapor grown carbon nanofiber (VGCNF) reinforcements on polypropylene has shown to produce high specific modulus, strength, electrical and thermal properties on specimens. Thermogravimetric (TGA) investigations on the thermal degradation of isotactic polypropylene – vapor grown carbon nanofibers composites in nitrogen were reported. The mass evolution as a function of temperature is a single sigmoid for both polypropylene and polypropylene loaded with VGCNF. The inflection temperature of these sigmoids increases as the concentration of VGCNF is increased. The width of the degradation process narrows as the concentration of VGCNF is increased due to a better homogenization of the local temperature provided by the high thermal conductivity of carbon nanofibers. TGA analysis data indicates the formation of polymer – VGCNF interface

    "Immigration Problems Facing the European Union from the Perspective of UN Human Rights Council Mechanisms"

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    The scale of immigration problems in Europe today is well-known and broadly dis-cussed. The article identifies how this issue is reflected in two Human Rights Council mechanisms: Special Procedures and the Universal Periodic Review. The Special Rap-porteur on the human rights of migrants, François Crépeau, undertook a regional study on the management of the external borders of the European Union and its impact on the human rights of migrants. The analysis of the annual and country visits’ reports allows the main immigration problems facing the EU countries and threats for the protection of human rights to be identified. The recommendations made by the Special Rapporteur are confronted with those taken up in the UPR process. Special attention is given to the EU countries’ position on the problem of immigrants. Their reluctance to raise this issue in the UPR weakens the credibility of EU Member States and puts the objectivity of the mechanism into question

    Team collaboration capabilities as drivers for innovation performance: The case of Spanish technology-based startups

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    [ES] Las Startups de Base Tecnológica (SBT) son nuevas empresas emprendedoras lanzadas típicamente por un equipo con el propósito de llevar productos o servicios innovadores al mercado y lograr la escalabilidad de sus modelos de negocios. Hoy en día, se reconoce ampliamente que las SBT desempeñan un papel muy importante en la economía como fuente de innovaciones disruptivas y radicales y en la creación de nuevos empleos. Sin embargo, la mayoría de las TBS se enfrentan a retos significativos asociados con conflictos que surgen entre los miembros del equipo y con cambios en el entorno, aspectos que afectan a su rendimiento de innovación y supervivencia. De hecho, a pesar de la potencial novedad de sus productos y servicios, muchas SBT fracasan e incluso desaparecen y con ellas también sus innovaciones. En esta tesis proponemos el concepto de "Capacidades de Colaboración en Equipo" (CCE) referido a la interacción entre los miembros del equipo de una SBT como una condición organizativa esencial que permite la construcción de nuevas capacidades dinámicas estratégicas. En concreto, la tesis se centra en la relación entre CCE, capacidades operativas y resultados en innovación. Consideramos cuatro elementos como las dimensiones principales de las CCE, que comprenden: la confianza, la comunicación, la resolución de problemas y la eficacia del equipo. En primer lugar, la confianza del equipo, que les permite estar abiertos a compartir sus ideas, tener confianza y expresar sus sentimientos y comentarios constructivos. En segundo lugar, la comunicación, que consiste en fomentar el intercambio abierto de ideas e información que beneficien a los proyectos y a la organización. En tercer lugar, la resolución de problemas, que fomenta el establecimiento de protocolos para dar solución a los desacuerdos que puedan surgir a diario. En cuarto lugar, la eficacia del equipo para lograr los objetivos, resolver tareas difíciles a través del esfuerzo conjunto, gestionar problemas inesperados, ser competente y aumentar la autoeficacia para realizar las tareas y la gestión eficiente de los recursos. El estudio empírico se basa en una encuesta con el objetivo de identificar las CCE y sus relaciones con las capacidades operativas y los resultados en innovación de las SBT. Se obtuvieron 45 respuestas válidas de SBT, en su mayoría empresas que han participado en programas de aceleradoras como STARTUPV, EIT Climate KIC Valencia Accelerator Program y Fundación Repsol Entrepreneurs Fund, Social NEST y el Parque Científico de Madrid. La muestra incluye SBT con actividades centradas en el desarrollo de productos y servicios en una amplia gama de sectores, incluyendo medio ambiente, energías renovables, tecnologías limpias, transporte, consultoría, servicios de gestión industrial, arte, ocio y entretenimiento. Dadas las condiciones particulares de nuestra muestra y el tipo de datos recopilados a través de la encuesta, utilizamos la técnica de modelos de ecuaciones estructurales (SEM). Este método permite una estimación basada en componentes para el modelado de causa-efecto con variables latentes. El modelo ha sido estimado utilizando el software Smart PLS 3. Los hallazgos sugieren que el desarrollo de CCE en las SBT contribuye a la creación de nuevas capacidades operativas que resultan en mayores resultados en innovación. Asimismo, proponemos futuras líneas de investigación sobre el papel de las CCE en las colaboraciones externas. Por ejemplo, se podría estudiar la existencia de iniciativas públicas que tengan en cuenta las fases críticas del desarrollo de las SBT, como por ejemplo la promoción de la atracción de talento y el fomento de esquemas de compensación que lo retengan. Finalmente, se plantea estudiar la colaboración entre las SBT y otros agentes externos en proyectos de innovación abierta. Consideramos que estas colaboraciones favorecerían su supervivencia y competitividad.[CA] Les Startups de Base Tecnològica (SBT) són noves empreses emprenedores llançades típicament per un equip amb el propòsit de portar productes o serveis innovadors al mercat i aconseguir l'escalabilitat dels seus models de negocis. Hui dia, es reconeix àmpliament que les *SBT exerceixen un paper molt important en l'economia com a font d'innovacions disruptivas i radicals i en la creació de noves ocupacions. No obstant això, la majoria de les *TBS s'enfronten a reptes significatius associats amb conflictes que sorgeixen entre els membres de l'equip i amb canvis en l'entorn, aspectes que afecten el seu rendiment d'innovació i supervivència. De fet, malgrat la potencial novetat dels seus productes i serveis, moltes SBT fracassen i fins i tot desapareixen i amb elles també les seues innovacions. En aquesta tesi proposem el concepte de "Capacitats de Col·laboració en Equip" (CCE) referit a la interacció entre els membres de l'equip d'una SBT com una condició organitzativa essencial que permet la construcció de noves capacitats dinàmiques estratègiques. En concret, la tesi se centra en la relació entre CCE, capacitats operatives i resultats en innovació. Considerem quatre elements com les dimensions principals de les CCE, que comprenen: la confiança, la comunicació, la resolució de problemes i l'eficàcia de l'equip. En primer lloc, la confiança de l'equip, que els permet estar oberts a compartir les seues idees, tindre confiança i expressar els seus sentiments i comentaris constructius. En segon lloc, la comunicació, que consisteix a fomentar l'intercanvi obert d'idees i informació que beneficien als projectes i a l'organització. En tercer lloc, la resolució de problemes, que fomenta l'establiment de protocols per a donar solució als desacords que puguen sorgir diàriament. En quart lloc, l'eficàcia de l'equip per a aconseguir els objectius, resoldre tasques difícils a través de l'esforç conjunt, gestionar problemes inesperats, ser competent i augmentar la autoeficacia per a fer les tasques i la gestió eficient dels recursos. L'estudi empíric es basa en una enquesta amb l'objectiu d'identificar les CCE i les seues relacions amb les capacitats operatives i els resultats en innovació de les SBT. Es van obtindre 45 respostes vàlides de SBT, en la seua majoria empreses que han participat en programes d'acceleradores com STARTUPV, EIT Climate KIC València Accelerator Program i Fundació Repsol Entrepreneurs Fund, Social NEST i el Parc Científic de Madrid. La mostra inclou SBT amb activitats centrades en el desenvolupament de productes i serveis en una àmplia gamma de sectors, incloent medi ambient, energies renovables, tecnologies netes, transport, consultoria, serveis de gestió industrial, art, oci i entreteniment. Donades les condicions particulars de la nostra mostra i el tipus de dades recopilades a través de l'enquesta, utilitzem la tècnica de models d'equacions estructurals (SEM). Aquest mètode permet una estimació basada en components per al modelatge de causa-efecte amb variables latents. El model ha sigut estimat utilitzant el programari Smart PLS 3. Les troballes suggereixen que el desenvolupament de CCE en les SBT contribueix a la creació de noves capacitats operatives que resulten en majors resultats en innovació. Així mateix, proposem futures línies d'investigació sobre el paper de les CCE en les col·laboracions externes. Per exemple, es podria estudiar l'existència d'iniciatives públiques que tinguen en compte les fases crítiques del desenvolupament de les SBT, com per exemple la promoció de l'atracció de talent i el foment d'esquemes de compensació que el retinguen. Finalment, es planteja estudiar la col·laboració entre les SBT i altres agents externs en projectes d'innovació oberta. Considerem que aquestes col·laboracions afavoririen la seua supervivència i competitivitat.[EN] Technology-Based Startups (TBSs) are newly emerged entrepreneurial ventures typically launched by a team with the purpose of bringing innovative products or services to market and achieving the scalability of their business models. Today, it is widely recognized that TBSs play a very important role in the economy as a source of disruptive and radical innovations and creation of new jobs. However, most TBSs face significant challenges associated with conflicts among team members and with changes in the environment, which affect their innovation performance and survival. In fact, despite the potential novelty of their products and services, many TBSs fail and even disappear together with their innovations. In this thesis we propose the concept "Team Collaboration Capabilities" (TCCs) referred to the interaction among TBS team members as an essential organizational condition to allow the construction of new strategic dynamic capabilities. In particular, the thesis focuses on the relationships between TCCs, operational capabilities and innovation performance. We consider four elements as the main dimensions of TCCs: trust, communication, problem solving and team efficacy. Firstly, team trust, which allow team members to be open to sharing their ideas, be confident and expressing their feelings and constructive feed-back. Secondly, team communication that encourages open sharing of ideas about information that favors the commitment between members and benefit the projects and the organization. Thirdly, team problem-solving encouraging the establishment of protocols that give solutions to the disagreements that may arise in the daily basis. Fourthly, team efficacy in achieving teams' goals, solving difficult tasks through joint efforts, manage together unexpected problems, be competent and increase the self-efficacy to perform the tasks and the efficient management of resources. The empirical study is based on a survey of TBSs based in Spain, aimed to the analysis of TCCs and their relationships with the operational capabilities and the TBS innovation performance. We draw on 45 valid responses of TBSs. Most of the companies in our sample were participants in accelerator programs such as STARTUPV, EIT Climate KIC Valencia Accelerator Program, Fundación Repsol Entrepreneurs Fund, Social NEST and Scientific Park of Madrid. The sample covers TBSs with activities focused on the development of products and services in a wide range of sectors, including environment, renewable energies, clean technologies, transport, consulting, industrial management services, art, leisure and entertainment. Given the particular conditions of our sample and the type of data collected through the survey, we use structural equation modeling (SEM). This method allows a component-based estimation for cause-effect modeling with latent variables. The model has been estimated using Smart PLS 3 software. The findings suggest that the development of TCCs in TBSs contribute to building new operational capabilities that result in greater innovation performance. We also propose future lines of research for the role of TCCs in external collaborations. For example, to assess public initiatives that take into account the critical phases of TBSs development, the promotion of talent attraction and the furtherance of compensation schemes that retain it. Finally, it would be interesting to study the collaboration between the TBSs and other external agents in open innovation projects. We believe that these collaborations would favor their survival and competitiveness.La investigación que condujo a los resultados de esta tesis doctoral fue financiada en su totalidad por mi beca para estudios en el extranjero otorgada en México por el Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACyT).Lopez Hernandez, AK. (2019). Team collaboration capabilities as drivers for innovation performance: The case of Spanish technology-based startups [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/121143TESI

    Estimating the prevalence of anemia rates among children under five in Peruvian districts with a small sample size

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    In this paper we attempt to answer the following question: ``Is it possible to obtain reliable estimates for the prevalence of anemia rates in children under five years in the districts of Peru?'' Specifically, the interest of the present paper is to understand to which extent employing the basic and the spatial Fay-Herriot models can compensate for inadequate sample size in most of the sampled districts, and whether the way of choosing the spatial neighbors has an impact on the resulting inference. Furthermore, it is raised the question of how to choose an optimal way to define the neighbours. We present an illustrative analysis using the data from the Demographic and Family Health Survey of the year 2019, and the National Census carried out in 2017.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figure

    Comparing Apples to Apples Oranges: An Exploration of the Use of LibGuides in ARL Libraries

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    The University of Louisville (UofL) Libraries, like thousands of libraries all over the world, use LibGuides content management software from Springshare to create and maintain several hundred subject guide webpages. Although the librarians spend countless hours every year on their guides, a study of guide usage has never been undertaken. As the authors began to look at the usage statistics for their institution, they wondered if examining only statistics from UofL Libraries would be looking at them in a vacuum. The UofL Libraries is a mid-size to large library system with six separate libraries and is a member of the Association of Research Libraries (ARL). The authors decided to use UofL’s statistics as a reference point in asking the following questions: How did UofL’s usage compare to other, similar libraries? What types of guides have libraries created? What guide types are the most heavily used? How does guide placement affect use? The question of how to increase usage was also important given the amount of funding and time spent on the guides. A number of challenges were present as the authors attempted to embark on the research. Since UofL Libraries is a member of ARL, the study was limited to other ARL member Libraries. Although LibGuides are ubiquitous at ARL Libraries, collecting usage data was dependent on the goodwill of those libraries as it was not publicly available. The implementation of the guides at institutions can be radically different and those implementations are affected by internal policies that were not readily available. In addition, LibGuides are more ephemeral in nature than it would first appear. They appear, change, and disappear with a rapidity that makes it difficult to do in-depth, meaningful analysis. Nevertheless, this article will provide a snapshot in time of the use of the software across 27 libraries, demonstrate the wide variation in use of the guides, and provide some practical suggestions for increasing usage based on the authors’ findings

    Prioritising threatened species and threatening processes across northern Australia: user guide for data

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    Northern Australia’s unique and rich biodiversity faces numerous threatening processes. Currently, there is limited knowledge of i) the distribution of species of conservation concern across northern Australia, ii) their level of exposure to various threats and iii) their vulnerability as a result of exposure and differential sensitivity to threats. These knowledge gaps severely limit the efficiency and adequacy of conservation actions and simultaneously create uncertainty for sustainable development in the North. This project aimed to fill these knowledge gaps by creating spatially explicit data that can be used to inform species conservation policy, assessments of species’ conservation status and decision-making about threat mitigation and management. The data can also be used to guide where further research may be needed about species of conservation concern, as part of regional planning processes governing land-use and water resources in northern Australia. This user guide has been prepared to assist stakeholders with the appropriate use of data created for the National Environmental Science Program (NESP) Northern Australia Environmental Resources (NAER) Hub, through Project 3.3 Prioritising threatened species and threatening processes across northern Australia. The project has generated the following data sets: 1. High-resolution maps of the distributions of >1,400 ‘species of conservation concern’,i.e. rare, range-restricted, threatened or near threatened species or populations of plants and animals that occupy terrestrial or freshwater ecosystems, developed based on habitat suitability models and expert knowledge; 2. Hotspot maps that show concentrations, or richness, of species of conservation concern for different taxonomic groups; 3. Maps of the key threatening processes that impact northern Australian biodiversity; and 4. Maps of vulnerability: These combine maps of species of conservation concern distributions with maps of threatening processes and information on how sensitive the species are to those threats. The resulting maps identify areas of high vulnerability – areas, where species of conservation concern coincide with significant threats and thus should be considered for targeted management. This user guide briefly describes the rationale for, and data files associated with, all four data sets described above. It also provides practical guidance on appropriate interpretation of the data, as well as important methodological caveats and limitations. It does not replace the need for ground-truthing, regional and site-based ecological surveys and/or taxa-specific research, but can help frame where this survey effort might occur and for which species

    La geometria i la parametrització com a eines de disseny

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    Geometria i arquitectura estan indiscutiblement relacionades, tot i això, considero que en molts casos no es fa l'esforç d'estudiar aquest vincle amb deteniment. Considero que estudiar els processos de generació de les formes arquitectòniques és una manera d'entendre els recursos descriptius que l'autor hi ha empleat, a la vegada que els assimilem per poder-hi recórrer a l'hora de dissenyar. Així doncs, en aquest treball s’explica com es genera la forma constructivament, és a dir, quins elements i quins processos la componen. Aquesta explicació teòrica s’exemplifica amb projectes on les matemàtiques i la geometria tenen un pes important. D'aquests s’analitza i es descriu la seva forma d’una manera purament abstracta. L’objectiu és entendre alguns dels recursos descriptius dels què disposem a l’hora de dissenyar una forma arquitectònica. Tanmateix, penso que també és important explicar breument les circumstàncies dels projectes analitzats per saber com, quan i perquè aquests recursos han estat aplicats. Per tant, penso que serà una investigació notablement completa perquè s'abordarà el tema amb una combinació de l'abstractesa de les matemàtiques i la tangibilitat d'obres concretes