21 research outputs found

    The Role of Local Governments in Information Society

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    With the growing accessibility of electronic local governmental services local governments are facing new challenges both from the point of view of the organisation of duties and of their client services. If we analyse the network of relationships local governments have grown into with the development of information society, we will see that they will have to tackle many more and entirely different types of tasks. These tasks have broader significance than a simple reorganisation of the offices, the computerization of certain processes, the elaboration and the introduction of an internet-based front office. As I will point out, local governments will have a much more specific role in information society. They must find access between functionality and content, they need to find the opportunity that makes peace between the local identities and the global network.

    Measuring the Immeasurable – How to Determine the Economic Outcome of Instruction

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    IInstruction and more specifically training is playing an increasingly important role in the lives of major businesses, and the rating it receives in terms of efficiency does make a difference. It is in the interest of both management and participants to be informed of the achievement of the required result, and that is indeed why measuring the impact of the variety of instruction is becoming more and more relevant. In addition to a brief explanation of direct and indirect measurement methods, effectiveness is illustrated by specific examples in the fields discussed.instruction, measurement, impact, result, training effectiveness

    Theoretical Background of Marketing-Controlling

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    In the 21st century the economic environment has been changing fast. To be successful company managements need a system. This system makes marketing costs measurable. If the costs are measurable, spendings will be more reasonable, and in this way marketing costs can be reduced. Of course, to set up a system to increase marketing efficiency several kinds of theoretical and practical methods can be applied. I have chosen the marketing-controlling system. Marketing-controlling makes it possible for marketing to use a measurable component and in this way further develop marketing as a conception. In Germany bigger companies use such a system as a part of the corporate controlling system.

    Gender and budget

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    Neoclassical approach to economics failed to recognize and evaluate the importance in producing the human capital, of work of households which is predominantly performed by women. Extensive research, however, indicates that neglecting such issues may lead to a lower growth rate, and at the same time aspects of human equity are seriously disregarded. To eliminate this deficiency, there is a stronger tendency in the world to involve gender sensitiveness into the process of budget-making. There is a wide range of tools in the process, extending from the gendered analysis of the impacts on beneficiaries of budget, to examining the gender-disaggregated impacts of expenditure or tax incidence. The involvement of participants of civil society helps to make the budgetmaking a more open, participatory process.heterodox economics, gender-sensitive budget, gender equality

    Media and Politics. Aspects and Transformations in the Hungarian Regional Media

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    The changes that have been introduced lately in Hungary affected several levels of regional organization. Yet they have not realized an overall system that could be put in effect after criteria have changed. In my research I map how the local press’s influene and thematizing scope depend on countrywide power relations and how are the central and the local political directives interrelated. I will make my theses in view of these aspects.

    Financing SMEs in EU and in Hungary, with special attention on venture capital

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    The financing of the SMEs is always a hard thing in the European countries. Especially is it a fateful question for a country that is so much dependent on SMEs like Hungary. Since Hungary is on the way of reorganization, every government take it a priority to facilitate the SMEs to reach capital, reach new markets, and Hungary tried hard to simplify the administrative burdens of small and medium sized enterprises. The accession to the European Union indicated new factors on this project, and since 2004, Hungary is based on EU regulation. This accession provided us new perspectives and new goals on globalized market, and force us to become more and more competitive not only with other EU countries, but with the whole world market. This short study is based upon the Hungarian government’s conception of development of SME’s, publicated in February of 2007, extended with the surveys and studies presented from the professionals of the subject.

    Unstable regions in the scorecards’ input space

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    Data mining algorithms become more and more popular to satisfy the Basle II requirements, like to predict the probability of default. Not all of these models can be understood easily from economical point of view, which involve the importance of stress tests. In this paper we try to map a retail credit scorecard’s input space to find regions where predictions can lead to significant differing results. Different definitions for similarity and prediction difference are examined to reach an economically and statistically simultaneously interpretable abstraction.

    Creditor's (conflict of) interest during the bankruptcy proceeding

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    Nowadays we are living in the golden age of involuntary dissolutions of companies . Starting from the liquidations’ statistics, the role of the reorganization keeps growing. Its important to say, that the crisis management processes mostly cannot be solved indoors, the active assistance of the creditors is necessary. The regulated crisis management supported by law, which is to the debtor company’s advantage doesn’t operate satisfactory because of the special environment of the creditors, and because of their usually subjective, multicoloured and controversial type of behavior.

    Some Special Fields of Data Security

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    Our age is called information age which shows the importance of any kind of data. Because of this one should protect their (digital) data to prevent non-wanted entities accessing them.This is a permanent problem of enterprises and private persons as well. The technical prerequisites are given not only for eavesdropping the data of others but for securing our data as well. In this paper I show a possible and a low cost technical solution for a typical situation: how one can hide the digital footprints of his or her browsing the internet.SSH, portforward, privacy, data security

    The protection of the consumers’ interests in the car distribution

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    The present study gives an overview primary of the private law rules of the miscellaneous regulations of the consumer protection on the example of car distribution, presenting its civil law and competition law regulations.