1,132 research outputs found

    Fertility preservation in gynaecologic cancers

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    Due to substantial improvement in the diagnosis and treatment of gynaecologic cancers, a better understanding of patient care needs to be revised. We reviewed the literature related to fertility preservation strategies in gynaecological cancer and discussed current general management approaches. New technical modalities and patients’ own desire for motherhood should be integral and paramount in the clinical evaluation to significantly contribute to preserving fertility in those women diagnosed with gynaecologic cancers during the reproductive years

    Occurrence of mislabelling in prepared fishery products in Southern Italy

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    Fish authentication is a major concern not only for the prevention of commercial fraud, but also for the assessment of safety risks deriving from the undeclared introduction of potentially dangerous toxic or allergenic substances or environmentally damaging fish where endangered species are involved. Moreover, food authentication might affect the diet of certain groups of consumers, such as followers of religious practices. Considering the authentication of fish products is one of the key issues in food safety, quality and sustainability, the aim of this work was to investigate the prevalence of mislabelling in sole (Solea solea), plaice (Pleuronectes platessa), Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), and hake (Merluccius merluccius) fillets from markets and supermarkets located in Apulia (Southern Italy) using DNA barcoding. The results of the molecular investigations reveal that 42/98 (42.8%) fillet samples were not correctly labelled. In particular, 12/27 (44.4%) fillets of sole (Solea solea) were identified as belonging to Solea senegalensis. In addition, 13/28 (46.4%) plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) samples were identified as Pangasius hypophtalmus. All Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) samples were correctly labelled. Post-sequencing data analysis revealed that 17/30 (56.6%) hake fillets (Merluccius merluccius) were not correctly labelled, of which 8/30 samples identified as Merluccius hubbsi, 5/30 samples as Merluccius products and 4/30 as Merluccius capensis. The study reveals a high occurrence of species mislabelling in the prepared fish fillet products, further evidence of the need for increased traceability and assessment of the authenticity of food products

    Morphologic and genic effects of waste pollution on the reproductive physiology of Paracentrotus lividus lmk: a mesocosm experiment

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    : A considerable amount of coastal contamination is caused by wastes deriving from household and the degradation and the metabolism of plants and animals, even if our attention is commonly focused on industrial pollutants and contaminants. Waste pollutants are mainly represented by highly diluted soluble compounds and particles deriving from dead organisms. This complex combination, consisting of suspended particles and dissolved nutrients, has a significant impact on coastal planktonic and benthic organisms, also playing an active role in the global cycles of carbon. In addition, production practices are nowadays shifting towards recirculated aquaculture systems (RAS) and the genic responses of target organisms to the pollution deriving from animal metabolism are still scarcely addressed by scientific investigations. The reservoir of organic matter dissolved in the seawater is by far the least understood if compared to that on land, cause only a few compounds have been identified and their impacts on animals and plants are poorly understood. The tendency of these compounds to concentrate at interfaces facilitates the absorption of dissolved organic compound (DOC) onto suspended particles. Some DOC components are chemically combined with dissolved metals and form complexes, affecting the chemical properties of the seawater and the life of the coastal biota. In this research, we compared the reproductive performances of the common sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus cultured in open-cycle tanks to those cultured in a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS), where pollution progressively increased during the experiment due to animal escretions. Sea urchins were cultured for 7 months under these two conditions and their gametes were collected. Embryos resulting by in vitro fertilization were analyzed by Real Time qPCR to identify possible effects of pollution-induced stress. The fertility of sea urchins was evaluated, as well as the gonadosomatic indices and the histological features of gonads. Our results indicate that pollution due to excess of nutrients, event at sub-lethal concentrations, may hardly impact the reproductive potential of this key species and that chronic effects of stress are revealed by the analyses of survival rates and gene expression

    The antimicrobial peptide Magainin-2 interacts with BamA impairing folding of E. coli membrane proteins

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    : Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are a unique and diverse group of molecules endowed with a broad spectrum of antibiotics properties that are being considered as new alternative therapeutic agents. Most of these peptides are membrane-active molecules, killing bacteria by membrane disruption. However, recently an increasing number of AMPs was shown to enter bacterial cells and target intracellular processes fundamental for bacterial life. In this paper we investigated the mechanism of action of Maganin-2 (Mag-2), a well-known antimicrobial peptide isolated from the African clawed frog Xenopus laevis, by functional proteomic approaches. Several proteins belonging to E. coli macromolecular membrane complexes were identified as Mag-2 putative interactors. Among these, we focused our attention on BamA a membrane protein belonging to the BAM complex responsible for the folding and insertion of nascent β-barrel Outer Membrane Proteins (OMPs) in the outer membrane. In silico predictions by molecular modelling, in vitro fluorescence binding and Light Scattering experiments carried out using a recombinant form of BamA confirmed the formation of a stable Mag-2/BamA complex and indicated a high affinity of the peptide for BamA. Functional implications of this interactions were investigated by two alternative and complementary approaches. The amount of outer membrane proteins OmpA and OmpF produced in E. coli following Mag-2 incubation were evaluated by both western blot analysis and quantitative tandem mass spectrometry in Multiple Reaction Monitoring scan mode. In both experiments a gradual decrease in outer membrane proteins production with time was observed as a consequence of Mag-2 treatment. These results suggested BamA as a possible good target for the rational design of new antibiotics since this protein is responsible for a crucial biological event of bacterial life and is absent in humans

    Relationship between circulating E-selectin, DD genotype of angiotensin-converting-enzyme, and cardiovascular damage in central obese subjects

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    Fifty-six young central obese patients were investigated to evaluate relationships between soluble E-selectin (sE-S), angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) gene polymorphism, left ventricular function and structure, and carotid morphology by determination of sE-S and ACE genotypes. Our results indicated that central obese subjects with concomitant higher levels of sE-S and ACE DD genotype may be characterized by early cardiovascular alterations and then considered a particular subset of subjects at higher risk of cardiovascular disease

    Diabetic mouse angiopathy is linked to progressive sympathetic receptor deletion coupled to an enhanced caveolin-1 expression.

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    OBJECTIVE: Clinical studies have demonstrated that hyperglycaemia represents a major risk factor in the development of the endothelial impairment in diabetes, which is the first step in vascular dysfunction. Using non-obese diabetic mice, we have evaluated the role of the adrenergic system and eNOS on progression of the disease METHODS AND RESULTS: When glycosuria is high (20 to 500 mg/dL), there is a selective reduction in the response to alpha1 and beta2 agonists but not to dopamine or serotonin. When glycosuria is severe (500 to 1000 mg/dL), there is a complete ablation of the contracture response to the alpha1 receptor agonist stimulation and a marked reduced response to beta2 agonist stimulation. This effect is coupled with a reduced expression of alpha1 and beta2 receptors, which is caused by an inhibition at transcriptional level as demonstrated by RT-PCR. In the severe glycosuria (500 to 1000 mg/dL), although eNOS expression is unchanged, caveolin-1 expression is significantly enhanced, indicating that high glucose plasma levels cause an upregulation of the eNOS endogenous inhibitory tone. These latter results correlate with functional data showing that in severe glycosuria, there is a significant reduction in acetylcholine-induced vasodilatation. CONCLUSIONS: Our results show that in diabetes development, there is a progressive selective downregulation of the alpha1 and beta2 receptors. At the same time, there is an increased expression of caveolin-1, the endogenous eNOS inhibitory protein. Thus, caveolin-1 could represent a new possible therapeutic target in vascular impairment associated with diabetes
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