1 research outputs found

    Epidemiologic characteristics of amniotic band sequence with limb malformations without body wall defect: data from the Polish Registry of Congenital Malformations

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    Abstract Amniotic Band Sequence (ABS) is a rare disruptive condition, with a variable spectrum of congenital defects caused by fibrous bands emerging as a result of amniotic rupture in the first trimester of gestation. Several factors, such as young parental age, primigravidity, febrile maternal illness, and drug use in the first trimester, were postulated to have substantial influence on ABS prevalence rate. We aimed our study to determine the prevalence of ABS with limb defects, but no body wall affectation, in a Polish population. We also examined the influence of different parental, gestational and environmental factors on the ABS prevalence value, and assessed the rate of gestational complications associated with this disorder. Among 1 706 639 births surveilled between 1998 and 2005, 36 liveborn infants with ABS-L were reported to the Polish Registry of Congenital Malformations, giving a global prevalence for a Polish population of 1 per 47 619 livebirths. We found that young maternal age, young paternal age, and primigravidity significantly increase the risk of ABS-L, when their effect was analyzed independently. However, because of a close relationship of these variables, we analyzed their mutually adjusted effect using conditional logistic regression models, and found that young maternal age proved the strongest risk factor for ABS-L (p = 0.0508). The condition was also more prevalent in infants with low birthweight (OR = 5.71; p < 0.0001). Since gestational complications are often relevant to maternal age and birth order, we introduced an adjustment for these variables, and found that respiratory tract infections and vaginal bleeding/spotting convey approximately fourfold increased risk of ABS-L (OR = 3.72/p = 0.0058 and OR = 3.70/p = 0.0014 respectively)