909 research outputs found

    The Eccentric Disc Instability: Dependency on Background Stellar Cluster

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    In this paper we revisit the "eccentric disc instability", an instability which occurs in coherently eccentric discs of stars orbiting massive black holes (MBHs) embedded in stellar clusters, which results in stars achieving either very high or low eccentricities. The preference for stars to attain higher or lower eccentricities depends significantly on the density distribution of the surrounding stellar cluster. Here we discuss its mechanism and the implications for the Galactic Centre, home to at least one circum-MBH stellar disc.Comment: Proceedings article to be published in "The Galactic Center: A Window on the Nuclear Environment of Disk Galaxies", ed. Mark Morris, Daniel Q. Wang and Feng Yua

    Going with the flow: using gas clouds to probe the accretion flow feeding Sgr A*

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    The massive black hole in our galactic center, Sgr A*, accretes only a small fraction of the gas available at its Bondi radius. The physical processes determining this accretion rate remain unknown, partly due to a lack of observational constraints on the gas at distances between ~10 and ~105^5 Schwarzschild radii (Rs) from the black hole. Recent infrared observations identify low-mass gas clouds, G1 and G2, moving on highly eccentric, nearly co-planar orbits through the accretion flow around Sgr A*. Although it is not yet clear whether these objects contain embedded stars, their extended gaseous envelopes evolve independently as gas clouds. In this paper we attempt to use these gas clouds to constrain the properties of the accretion flow at ~103^3 Rs. Assuming that G1 and G2 follow the same trajectory, we model the small differences in their orbital parameters as evolution resulting from interaction with the background flow. We find evolution consistent with the G-clouds originating in the clockwise disk. Our analysis enables the first unique determination of the rotation axis of the accretion flow: we localize the rotation axis to within 20 degrees, finding an orientation consistent with the parsec-scale jet identified in x-ray observations and with the circumnuclear disk, a massive torus of molecular gas ~1.5 pc from Sgr A*. This suggests that the gas in the accretion flow comes predominantly from the circumnuclear disk, rather than the winds of stars in the young clockwise disk. This result will be tested by the Event Horizon Telescope within the next year. Our model also makes testable predictions for the orbital evolution of G1 and G2, falsifiable on a 5-10 year timescale.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures; submitted to MNRA

    A new inclination instability reshapes Keplerian disks into cones: application to the outer Solar System

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    Disks of bodies orbiting a much more massive central object are extremely common in astrophysics. When the orbits comprising such disks are eccentric, we show they are susceptible to a new dynamical instability. Gravitational forces between bodies in the disk drive exponential growth of their orbital inclinations and clustering in their angles of pericenter, expanding an initially thin disk into a conical shape by giving each orbit an identical 'tilt' with respect to the disk plane. This new instability dynamically produces the unusual distribution of orbits observed for minor planets beyond Neptune, suggesting that the instability has shaped the outer Solar System. It also implies a large initial disk mass (1-10 Earth masses) of scattered bodies at hundreds of AU; we predict increasing numbers of detections of minor planets clustered in their angles of pericenter with high inclinations.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, submitted to MNRAS Letter

    Giant Planet Influence on the Collective Gravity of a Primordial Scattered Disk

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    Axisymmetric disks of high eccentricity, low mass bodies on near-Keplerian orbits are unstable to an out-of-plane buckling. This "inclination instability" exponentially grows the orbital inclinations, raises perihelia distances and clusters in argument of perihelion. Here we examine the instability in a massive primordial scattered disk including the orbit-averaged gravitational influence of the giant planets. We show that differential apsidal precession induced by the giant planets will suppress the inclination instability unless the primordial mass is ≳20\gtrsim 20 Earth masses. We also show that the instability should produce a "perihelion gap" at semi-major axes of hundreds of AU, as the orbits of the remnant population are more likely to have extremely large perihelion distances (O(100Β AU)\mathcal{O}(100~\rm{AU})) than intermediate values

    The Effect of General Relativistic Precession on Tidal Disruption Events from Eccentric Nuclear Disks

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    An eccentric nuclear disk consists of stars moving on apsidally-aligned orbits around a central black hole. The secular gravitational torques that dynamically stabilize these disks can also produce tidal disruption events (TDEs) at very high rates in Newtonian gravity. General relativity, however, is known to quench secular torques via rapid apsidal precession. Here we show that for a disk to black hole mass ratio ≳10βˆ’3\gtrsim 10^{-3}, the system is in the full loss cone regime. The magnitude of the torque per orbital period acting on a stellar orbit means that general relativistic precession does not have a major effect on the dynamics. Thus we find that TDE rates from eccentric nuclear disks are not affected by general relativistic precession. Furthermore, we show that orbital elements between successive TDEs from eccentric nuclear disks are correlated, potentially resulting in unique observational signatures.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Ap

    Using gas clouds to probe the accretion flow around SgrA*: G2's delayed pericenter passage

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    We study the dynamical evolution of the putative gas clouds G1 and G2 recently discovered in the Galactic center. Following earlier studies suggesting that these two clouds are part of a larger gas streamer, we combine their orbits into a single trajectory. Since the gas clouds experience a drag force from background gas, this trajectory is not exactly Keplerian. By assuming the G1 and G2 clouds trace this trajectory, we fit for the drag force they experience and thus extract information about the accretion flow at a distance of thousands of Schwarzschild radii from the black hole. This range of radii is important for theories of black hole accretion, but is currently unconstrained by observations. In this paper we extend our previous work by accounting for radial forces due to possible inflow or outflow of the background gas. Such radial forces drive precession in the orbital plane, allowing a slightly better fit to the G1 and G2 data. This precession delays the pericenter passage of G2 by 4-5 months relative to estimates derived from a Keplerian orbital fit; if it proves possible to identify the pericenter time observationally, this enables an immediate test of whether G1 and G2 are gas clouds part of a larger gas streamer. If G2 is indeed a gas cloud, its closest approach likely occurred in late summer 2014, after many of the observing campaigns monitoring G2's anticipated pericenter passage ended. We discuss how this affects interpretation of the G2 observations.Comment: 9 pages, submitted to MNRA

    The Coupling of Galactic Dark Matter Halos with Stellar Bars

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    Resonant torques couple stellar bars to dark matter halos. Here we use high-resolution numerical simulations to demonstrate long-term angular momentum transfer between stellar bars and dark matter orbits of varying orientation. We show that bar-driven reversals of dark matter orbit orientations can play a surprisingly large role in the evolution of the bar pattern speed. In predominantly prograde (co-rotating) halos, dark matter orbits become trapped in the stellar bar forming a parallel dark matter bar. This dark matter bar reaches more than double the vertical height of the stellar bar. In halos dominated by retrograde orbits, a dark matter wake forms oriented perpendicular to the stellar bar. These dark matter over-densities provide a novel space to look for dark matter annihilation or decay signals. % We predict that the Milky Way hosts a dark matter bar aligned with the stellar bar as well as a dark matter wake the near-side of which should extend from Galactic center to a galactic longitude of lβ‰ˆ323∘l \approx 323^\circ.Comment: 15 pages, 15 figure

    The Hills Mechanism and the Galactic Center S-stars

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    Our Galactic center contains young stars, including the few million year old clockwise disk between 0.05 and 0.5 pc from the Galactic center, and the S-star cluster of B-type stars at a galactocentric distance of ~0.01 pc. Recent observations suggest the S-stars are remnants of tidally disrupted binaries from the clockwise disk. In particular, Koposov et al. 2020 discovered a hypervelocity star that was ejected from the Galactic center 5 Myr ago, with a velocity vector consistent with the disk. We perform a detailed study of this binary disruption scenario. First, we quantify the plausible range of binary semimajor axes in the disk. Dynamical evaporation of such binaries is dominated by other disk stars rather than by the isotropic stellar population. For the expected range of semimajor axes in the disk, binary tidal disruptions can reproduce the observed S-star semimajor axis distribution. Reproducing the observed thermal eccentricity distribution of the S-stars requires an additional relaxation process. The flight time of the Koposov star suggests that this process must be effective within 10 Myr. We consider three possibilities: (i) scalar resonant relaxation from the observed isotropic star cluster, (ii) torques from the clockwise disk, and (iii) an intermediate-mass black hole. We conclude that the first and third mechanisms are fast enough to reproduce the observed S-star eccentricity distribution. Finally, we show that the primary star from an unequal-mass binary would be deposited at larger semimajor axes than the secondary, possibly explaining the dearth of O stars among the S-stars.Comment: 21 pages, 16 figures + Appendix. Accepted for publication in ApJ. The new version is substantially improved with a more detailed treatment of resonant and nonresonant relaxation from the observed isotropic cluster in the Galactic center. In contrast to the first version, we now conclude that these processes alone can reproduce the S-stars' eccentricity distribution in less than 10 My

    Magnetized Gas Clouds can Survive Acceleration by a Hot Wind

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    We present three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulations of magnetized gas clouds accelerated by hot winds. We initialize gas clouds with tangled internal magnetic fields and show that this field suppresses the disruption of the cloud: rather than mixing into the hot wind as found in hydrodynamic simulations, cloud fragments end up co-moving and in pressure equilibrium with their surroundings. We also show that a magnetic field in the hot wind enhances the drag force on the cloud by a factor ~(1+v_A^2/v_wind^2)$, where v_A is the Alfven speed in the wind and v_wind measures the relative speed between the cloud and the wind. We apply this result to gas clouds in several astrophysical contexts, including galaxy clusters, galactic winds, the Galactic center, and the outskirts of the Galactic halo. Our results can explain the prevalence of cool gas in galactic winds and galactic halos and how such cool gas survives in spite of its interaction with hot wind/halo gas. We also predict that drag forces can lead to a deviation from Keplerian orbits for the G2 cloud in the galactic center.Comment: Submitted to MNRAS Letter

    Secular Eccentricity Oscillations in Axisymmetric Disks of Eccentric Orbits

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    Massive bodies undergo orbital eccentricity oscillations when embedded in an axisymmetric disk of smaller mass orbits. These eccentricity oscillations are driven by secular torques that seek to equalize the apsidal precession rates of all the orbits in the disk. We investigate this mechanism within the context of detached objects in the outer Solar System, but we find that the oscillation timescale is too long for it to be dynamically important. It could however be interesting for phenomenon a bit farther from home; namely, feeding supermassive blackholes and polluting the surfaces of white dwarf stars.Comment: Accepted for publicatio
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