12 research outputs found

    Two-stage security screening strategies in the face of strategic applicants, congestions and screening errors

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    Abstract In a security screening system, a tighter screening policy not only increases the security level, but also causes congestion for normal people, which may deter their use and decrease the approver's payoff. Adapting to the screening policies, adversary and normal applicants choose whether to enter the screening system. Security managers could use screening policies to deter adversary applicants, but could also lose the benefits of admitting normal applicants when they are deterred, which generates a tradeoff. This paper analyzes the optimal screening policies in an imperfect two-stage screening system with potential screening errors at each stage, balancing security and congestion in the face of strategic normal and adversary applicants. We provide the optimal levels of screening strategies for the approver and the best-response application strategies for each type of applicant. This paper integrates game theory and queueing theory to study the optimal two-stage policies under discriminatory and non-discriminatory screening policies. We extend the basic model to the optimal allocation of total service rate to the assumed two types of applicants at the second stage and find that most of the total service rate are assigned to the service rate for the assumed "Bad" applicants. This paper provides some novel policy insights which may be useful for security screening practices

    Discrete time model for two-machine one-buffer transfer lines with restart policy

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    Abstract The paper deals with analytical modeling of transfer lines consisting of two machines decoupled by one finite buffer. In particular, the case in which a control policy (referred as "restart policy") aiming to reduce the blocking frequency of the first machine is addressed. Such a policy consists of forcing the first machine to remain idle (it cannot process parts) each time the buffer gets full until it empties again. This specific behavior can be found in a number of industrial production systems, especially when some machines are affected by outage costs when stops occur. The two-machine one-buffer line is here modeled as a discrete time Markov process and the two machines are characterized by the same operation time. The analytical solution of the model is obtained and mathematical expressions of the most important performance measures are provided. Some significant remarks about the effect of the proposed restart policy on the behavior of the system are also pointed out

    Ch.: Financial scenario generation for stochastic multi-stage decision processes as facility location problem

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    Abstract The quality of multi-stage stochastic optimization models as they appear in asset liability management, energy planning, transportation, supply chain management, and other applications depends heavily on the quality of the underlying scenario model, describing the uncertain processes influencing the profit/cost function, such as asset prices and liabilities, the energy demand process, demand for transportation, and the like. A common approach to generate scenarios is based on estimating an unknown distribution and matching its moments with moments of a discrete scenario model. This paper demonstrates that the problem of finding valuable scenario approximations can be viewed as the problem of optimally approximating a given distribution with some distance function. We show that for Lipschitz continuous cost/profit functions it is best to employ the Wasserstein distance. The resulting optimization problem can be viewed as a multi-dimensional facility location problem, for which at least good heuristic algorithms exist. For multi-stage problems, a scenario tree is constructed as a nested facility location problem. Numerical convergence results for financial mean-risk portfolio selection conclude the paper. Keywords Stochastic programming. Multi-stage financial scenario generation