113 research outputs found

    Social Work - A Practice Based Profession

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    Social Work Profession has spanned many decades and has evolved tremendously over those decades. It is passing through a very critical period mainly because of rapid and startling alterations through the globe. In the 21st century, globalization leads to changes that challenge social work practice and social work education. In India, the social work education has completed more than seven decades. As a discipline of study in the university department and affiliated, private, government colleges and deemed universities, social work has established its own mark. Social work is an international profession and similarly social work education internationally has always embraced both academic and practical components. Social work education exists within the national education systems of all the country, but the content, the pedagogy, and the practice may differ from one country to another. Social work education comprises of a theoretical component taught in the classroom and field- based education involving integration of the academic aspect and practice. It can be said that theory without practice is empty and practice without theory is meaningless. Field work practicum is the heart and soul of social work education and social work profession.Fieldwork, which is also known as field instruction, field placement, field education, practicum or internship is therefore an integral component of social work education. The present article throws some light on Field Work Practicum in Social Work - its Role and Importance in Social Work Education and Training, Field Work Supervision, etc. Keywords: Field Work, Social Work Education, Supervisio

    A novel HoxB cluster protein expressed in the hindbrain and pharyngeal arches

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    We describe a novel zebrafish line that fluorescently tags a previously unknown protein, CT74a, allowing us to follow its endogenous expression in real time and at subcellular resolution in live embryos. Our results showed that CT74a-Citrine fusion protein is expressed in the developing pharyngeal arches, hindbrain, and fin buds in a pattern highly reminiscent of transcription factors belonging to anterior Hox gene families, including expression in a subset of neuronal nuclei. Consistent with this, splinkerette-PCR revealed that CT74a-Citrine's genomic integration is within the HoxB region, and 3′ RACE demonstrated that its downstream coding sequence has no recognizable homology. Thus, CT74a is a previously unknown protein located within the HoxB cluster adjacent to Hoxb4a and is expressed in a Hoxb4a-like pattern

    Comparative Study of Perforated RF MEMS Switch

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    AbstractMEMS are the Micro Electronic mechanical system or in general terms it is also known as Micro electronic mechanical switch. MEMS have classified in two types of switch that is series switch and shunt switch .The cantilever is a series type switch whereas the fixed- fixed beam is shunt type switch. Fixed- Fixed beam is the element that is fixed at both anchor ends. The electrostatic actuation process occurs on the switch due to which switch deflects from its original position. The stiction problem occurs in MEMS switches which have been reduced by the proposed design. The perforation is used to reduce the squeeze film damping by decreasing the mass of the switch. As the voltage increases the switch moves to downward z-direction .The displacement is produced in the switch as direction of movement is towards negative z-axis. When the beam contacts with electrode, pull in voltage is achieved. This paper explores the perforation and meander concept with Fixed -fixed switch, which increases the flexibility, low actuation voltage and switching speed. The various types of perforations provide discrete displacement corresponding to voltage. In this paper we represent the design and simulation of Fixed-Fixed switch using perforation of size 2μm-5μm. The electrostatic actuation mechanism is applied on the Fixed-fixed switch which has a serpentine meanders and perforation at different voltages. The switch is designed and simulated by using COMSOL®MULTIPHYSICS 4.3b software

    Tribo-Mechanical Characterization of Carbon Fiber-Reinforced Cyanate Ester Resins Modified With Fillers

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    High-performance polymer composites are being increasingly favored for structural applications. For this purpose, efforts are being focused on exploring the potential of high-performance thermoplastics and thermosets. Cyanate ester (CE) resin is a special thermoset that can be used at up to 400 °C without any considerable degradation; however, its tribological properties are not at the adequate level. Hence, it is needed to use this polymer in composite form with the fibrous/particulate reinforcement to impart better tribological properties and mechanical strength via a strong fiber–matrix interface. Carbon fiber/fabrics are at the forefront as reinforcement for specialty polymers. The tribological and tensile properties of cyanate ester (CE) composites-filled graphite, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), and MoS2 micron-sized fillers reinforced with carbon fibers (CF) are investigated experimentally in a block-on-ring setup at 100 N, for 10 h, and with a sliding distance of approximately 10,000 m, against a hardened polished 100Cr6 steel shaft and diamond-like-coated (DLC) 100Cr6 steel shaft. The tribological properties of the composites including the coefficient of friction and specific wear rate are enhanced especially with the incorporation of graphite fillers. The friction coefficient and wear rate of the graphite-based composite was decreased significantly at 5 wt.% of graphite concentration. Further, at the same concentration, the graphite-based composite showed superior tensile properties as compared to the reference system owing to better dispersion and adhesion between the fibers and matrix. Tensile tests are performed to characterize the fiber–matrix interfacial adhesion and other strength propertie

    Trajectory Correction Flight Control System using Pulsejeton an Artillery Rocket

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    A trajectory correction flight control system is small and durable, and consists of a lateralpulsejet ring mounted on the rocket body. The pulsejet ring consists of a finite number of individualpulsejets. Each pulsejet on the ring imparts a single, short-duration, large force to the rocket inthe plane normal to the rocket axis of symmetry. Lateral pulsejets are used by flight controlsystem to assist the rocket to follow a pre-specified (command) trajectory. The trajectory-trackingflight control system computes the position error by comparing the measured position of therocket with the pre-specified trajectory. In actual application, the position of the rocket couldbe measured using in-house inertial measurement unit (IMU) or by ground-based-tracking radarsystem located at the firing site. A study has been undertaken to explore the feasibility of reducingthe impact point dispersion of a routinely-used artillery rocket using lateral pulsejets coupledto a trajectory correction flight control system. Simulation studies have been conducted to arriveat tuning parameters, namely the tracking error window size, the required elapsed time betweenthe pulsejet firings and the angle of tolerance between the tracking error and the individualpulsejet force. Further, the robustness of the methodology wrt measurement noise has also beenevaluated.Defence Science Journal, 2008, 58(1), pp.15-33, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.58.162

    Distributed and Grid Computing: An Analytical Comparison

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    Abstract-CPU utilization is an important aspect of distributed and grid computing environment. The computing nodes can be overloaded, i.e., they can have more jobs than their capacity such that no more jobs can be associated to them and in that case, the load from the overloaded node can be shifted to other nodes those are under loaded(i.e. doing little work or sitting idle). For this, load balancing is required. In load balancing the workload is redistributed among the computing nodes of the system. This improves the job response time and CPU utilization. Dynamic load balancing schemes operate on the decisions that based on the current state of the system. They do not require the previous state of the system for making the load balancing decisions. In this paper, we present an analytical comparison of the various dynamic load balancing schemes in distributed and grid computing environment. This comparison depicts which scheme is better in distributed environment and which is better in grid environment on a particular quality metrics

    Role of Uroflowmetry in Children with Ano-Rectal Malformation in Anticipating Upper Urinary Tract Damage

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    Background: The lower urinary tract dysfunction (LUTD) has high incidence in children with ano- rectal malformation (ARM) which if left untreated leads to upper tract damage.Aim: To determine role of uroflowmetry in early diagnosis of LUTD in children with ARM.Methods: This prospective study included twenty consecutive patients of ARM and every patient underwent uroflowmetry at-least 6 weeks after definitive procedure.Results: The mean age of patients was 3.015±0.86 years. Of the twenty patients, there were 12 (60%) males and 8 (40%) females; 11 (55%) were high ARM, 4 (20%) were intermediate and 5(25%) were low ARM. Lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) was present in 8/20 (40%) patients but uroflowmetric abnormalities were present in 11/20 (55%) patients. Forty five percent (5/11) patients with abnormal uroflowmetry were asymptomatic and 25% (2/8) symptomatic patients had normal uroflowmetry. The incidence of uroflowmetric abnormalities was significantly higher in patients with spinal anomalies (p=0.03; χ2=4.1) and those with high ARM (p=0.004; χ2=8.1).Conclusion: Uroflowmetry is a noninvasive method that may help in early detection of neurovesical dysfunction in asymptomatic children and subsequent cystometric analysis in patients with uroflowmetric abnormalities can be done for early definitive diagnosis and prevention of upper urinary tract damage