9 research outputs found

    <i>Komagataella phaffii</i> Cue5 Piggybacks on Lipid Droplets for Its Vacuolar Degradation during Stationary Phase Lipophagy

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    Recently, we developed Komagataella phaffii (formerly Pichia pastoris) as a model for lipophagy, the selective autophagy of lipid droplets (LDs). We found that lipophagy pathways induced by acute nitrogen (N) starvation and in stationary (S) phase have different molecular mechanisms. Moreover, both types of lipophagy are independent of Atg11, the scaffold protein that interacts with most autophagic receptors and, therefore, is essential for most types of selective autophagy in yeast. Since yeast aggrephagy, the selective autophagy of ubiquitinated protein aggregates, is also independent of Atg11 and utilizes the ubiquitin-binding receptor, Cue5, we studied the relationship of K. phaffii Cue5 with differentially induced LDs and lipophagy. While there was no relationship of Cue5 with LDs and lipophagy under N-starvation conditions, Cue5 accumulated on LDs in S-phase and degraded together with LDs via S-phase lipophagy. The accumulation of Cue5 on LDs and its degradation by S-phase lipophagy strongly depended on the ubiquitin-binding CUE domain and Prl1, the positive regulator of lipophagy 1. However, unlike Prl1, which is required for S-phase lipophagy, Cue5 was dispensable for it suggesting that Cue5 is rather a new substrate of this pathway. We propose that a similar mechanism (Prl1-dependent accumulation on LDs) might be employed by Prl1 to recruit another ubiquitin-binding protein that is essential for S-phase lipophagy

    Data on autophagy markers and anti-candida cytokines expression in mice in response to vaginal infection of Candida albicans

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    The data presented here are related to the research article entitled “Knockout of autophagy gene, ATG5 in mice vaginal cells abrogates cytokine response and pathogen clearance during vaginal infection of Candida albicans” (Shroff et al., 2018) [1]. The cited research article describes the role of autophagy in host immune response against C. albicans infection of mice vagina. In this data report wild-type C57BL/6 mice were infected intravaginally with C. albicans. Vaginal cells were analyzed for the expression of autophagy marker genes LC3 & ATG5 and lysosome marker LAMP1 at the transcript and protein level. Vaginal lavages were also obtained from these infected mice. The levels of pro-inflammatory and T-helper cell related cytokines were determined in these lavages. Keywords: Autophagy markers, ATG5, Vaginal infection, Candida albicans, Cytokine

    Hemoglobin Expression in Nonerythroid Cells: Novel or Ubiquitous?

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    Hemoglobin (Hb) is a major protein involved in transport of oxygen (O2). Red blood cells (RBCs) contain maximum amount of Hb and because of their unique structure and plasticity they transport O2 to various tissues of the body at an optimal concentration. Recently, it has been reported that, apart from RBCs, Hb is also expressed by nonerythroid cells such as epithelial cells of different origin. The cells expressing Hb are from the tissues where maintenance of O2 homeostasis is of paramount importance. Hb expression has been observed in the epithelial cells from human tissues including lungs, neurons, retina, and endometrium. Our group has recently demonstrated that Hb is expressed by the cervicovaginal epithelial cells. We further showed that, apart from maintaining O2 homeostasis, Hb and the peptides derived from it play an indispensable role in the protection of vaginal epithelium by exhibiting antimicrobial activity. In this review, we discuss the significance of Hb expression in vaginal epithelial cells and its role in the recognition of pathogens thereby reducing the risk and/or severity of inflammation and/or infections and the possible mechanism by which Hb exhibits antimicrobial and antioxidative functions


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    Establishing core outcome domains in pediatric kidney disease: report of the Standardized Outcomes in Nephrology—Children and Adolescents (SONG-KIDS) consensus workshops

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    Trials in children with chronic kidney disease do not consistently report outcomes that are critically important to patients and caregivers. This can diminish the relevance and reliability of evidence for decision making, limiting the implementation of results into practice and policy. As part of the Standardized Outcomes in Nephrology—Children and Adolescents (SONG-Kids) initiative, we convened 2 consensus workshops in San Diego, California (7 patients, 24 caregivers, 43 health professionals) and Melbourne, Australia (7 patients, 23 caregivers, 49 health professionals). This report summarizes the discussions on the identification and implementation of the SONG-Kids core outcomes set. Four themes were identified; survival and life participation are common high priority goals, capturing the whole child and family, ensuring broad relevance across the patient journey, and requiring feasible and valid measures. Stakeholders supported the inclusion of mortality, infection, life participation, and kidney function as the core outcomes domains for children with chronic kidney disease

    Establishing core outcome domains in pediatric kidney disease: report of the Standardized Outcomes in Nephrology—Children and Adolescents (SONG-KIDS) consensus workshops

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