2 research outputs found

    Survey of k-Anonymity

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    Many organisations are releasing microdata everyday for business and research purposes. This data does not include explicit identiers of an individual like name or address but it does contain data like date of birth, pin code, sex, marital-status etc which when combined with other publicly released data like voter registration data can identify an individual. This joining attack can also be used to obtain sensitive information about an individual, thus, putting the privacy of an individual in grave danger.K-anonymization is a technique that prevents the above mentioned attacks by modifying the microdata which is released for business or research purposes. This is done by applying generalization and suppression techniques to the microdata. In this paper, k-anonymity is introduced and also some of the algorithms are studied which help in achieving k-anonymity

    Genetic dissection of thousand-seed weight in linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) using multi-locus genome-wide association study

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    Flaxseed/linseed is an important oilseed crop having applications in the food, nutraceutical, and paint industry. Seed weight is one of the most crucial determinants of seed yield in linseed. Here, quantitative trait nucleotides (QTNs) associated with thousand-seed weight (TSW) have been identified using multi-locus genome-wide association study (ML-GWAS). Field evaluation was carried out in five environments in multi-year-location trials. SNP genotyping information of the AM panel of 131 accessions comprising 68,925 SNPs was employed for ML-GWAS. From the six ML-GWAS methods employed, five methods helped identify a total of 84 unique significant QTNs for TSW. QTNs identified in ≥ 2 methods/environments were designated as stable QTNs. Accordingly, 30 stable QTNs have been identified for TSW accounting up to 38.65% trait variation. Alleles with positive effect on trait were analyzed for 12 strong QTNs with r2 ≥ 10.00%, which showed significant association of specific alleles with higher trait value in three or more environments. A total of 23 candidate genes have been identified for TSW, which included B3 domain-containing transcription factor, SUMO-activating enzyme, protein SCARECROW, shaggy-related protein kinase/BIN2, ANTIAUXIN-RESISTANT 3, RING-type E3 ubiquitin transferase E4, auxin response factors, WRKY transcription factor, and CBS domain-containing protein. In silico expression analysis of candidate genes was performed to validate their possible role in different stages of seed development process. The results from this study provide significant insight and elevate our understanding on genetic architecture of TSW trait in linseed