2 research outputs found

    Generalization of Individual Differences in Second Language Learning

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    This commentary is based on the analyses of the participants’ responses provided in written form while filling the questionnaires. The purpose of the study was to identify and analyze factors in individuals’ experiences about second language acquisition.  The study was conducted through a research questionnaire. The questions were designed for particular outcomes needed for the research. The research was to find motivational, social, and demographic factors in learning second language. The research participants were the successful users of second language. The paper also discussed the different influences from society, and profession which are a support to learn second language or sometimes these influences work as hindrance. Questionnaire also dealt with the usefulness of language books and effectiveness of language teachers. The project involves 4 participants who filled in the answers. 50% of them have provided very short answers but the ideas are understandable and interpretable, the rest gave detailed responses which remained more supportive for the analyses. Over all it was to obtain a general view about the above mentioned influential factors which may result positive or negative during the process of second language acquisition.

    Social Identity and Uncertainty: A Study of Responsible Societal Factors for Growing Extremism

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    The study aims to investigate the issue of growing extremism with reference to the wider theme of societal factors as a reason for this growing menace. Society is responsible for developing particular behaviours amongst dwellers. Their attitudes are shaped up by multiple influencing factors around; it may be political, economic, or it may be merely an influence supported by culture. This study explores the said factors within two dimensions; 1. the effects of cultural and social identity on human behaviour; and 2. the influence of uncertainty on growing extremism and crimes. Quantitative data was collected from a highly educated segment of society from all over Pakistan. To obtain the data, a Likert scale was administered amongst research participants; who are working as educational leaders, teachers, scholars and tertiary level students. The findings of the research are thought-provoking and setting a direction to work forward and to dig up more