4 research outputs found

    Two moss species from Mt Durmitor new to the bryophyte flora of Montenegro

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    The present paper reports the first records of two moss species, Orthotrichum obtusifolium Brid. and Dicranoweisia cirrata (Hedw.) Lindb., in the flora of Montenegro. The mosses were found in the Tepacki kraj area on Mt Durmitor. Some morphological features, the ecological characteristics and the distribution of the species are given, along with photographs of diagnostic details and their threat status in the countries of SE Europe

    Quality and environmental management in military organizations

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    Leadership in organizations involves the use of a wide range of knowledge, skills and virtues. In military organizations, as non-profit organizations, the skill of a leader cannot be measured by gained profit if it is viewed by material profit. However, if training process is considered to be similar to production process, and training of personnel and reaching the level required by standards as the ultimate goal, that is a final product, from which the amount of gained profit would largely depend on in profitable organizations, then quality and environmental management systems play the key role. The paper will explain management and management systems, then quality management and requirements of the ISO 9000 series standards, customers and stakeholders of organization and their relationship with organization and environmental management system (EMS), which can serve as the basis for successful functioning of a military organization. Furthermore, the importance of preventive and corrective approach will be mentioned

    Chemical accidents and environmental impact assessment and forecast

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    Human impact on the environment is ever more conspicuous. Changes in the environment are evident year in year out. Ecologists emphasize that the situation has already become alarming and warn that entire areas are undergoing changes, and that human impact on the environment leads to climate change and ecosystem disorders, both locally and globally. This paper explains the concept of a chemical accident with potential consequences for humans and the environment, and the concept of ecological risk, as well as the ways of assessing and forecasting the impact of chemical accidents on the environment

    Two moss species from Mt Durmitor new to the bryophyte flora of Montenegro

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    The present paper reports the first records of two moss species, Orthotrichum obtusifolium Brid. and Dicranoweisia cirrata (Hedw.) Lindb., in the flora of Montenegro. The mosses were found in the Tepacki kraj area on Mt Durmitor. Some morphological features, the ecological characteristics and the distribution of the species are given, along with photographs of diagnostic details and their threat status in the countries of SE Europe