5 research outputs found

    Bioetička pitanja u vezi sa sigurnoŔću lijekova kod vulnerabilnih skupina

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    U cilju procjene stavova studenata medicine u odnosu na sudjelovanje vulnerabilnih subjekata u kliničkim ispitivanjima, proveli smo studiju presjeka (N = 174, studenti dodiplomskih studija Medicinskog fakulteta, Univerziteta u Beogradu). Studija presjeka provedena je tijekom jednog dana, na slučajno odabranim uzorcima studenata 3. godine (95/493 studenata) i 6. godine (79/510 studenata). Ukupno je odgovoreno na 83 % postavljenih pitanja. Rezultati studije pokazali su da studenti naÅ”eg fakulteta uglavnom nisu voljni sudjelovati kao dobrovoljci u kliničkim ispitivanjima, niti raditi u nehigijenskim romskim naseljima. Studenti su naglasili važnost dobivanja pristanka i djeteta i roditelja za sudjelovanje u kliničkom ispitivanju. Kada su u pitanju ispitivanja novih lijekova na populaciji starijih dementnih bolesnika, većina ispitanika smatra da informirani pristanak treba biti sličan pristanku za bilo koju drugu populaciju. U zaključku, tekući medicinski kurikulum treba biti viÅ”e usmjeren na procjenu sigurnosti lijekova u vulnerabilnim skupinama. Posebno je potrebno unaprijediti rad s pripadnicima marginaliziranih skupina (npr. dodatna edukacija, posjeti nehigijenskim romskim naseljima i zajednički projekti)

    Uticaj suŔe na fizioloŔke odgovore biljaka kukuruza dobijenih iz semena različite starosti

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    Drought is one of the main consequences of climate change that negatively affects plant growth and development, which in turn leads to a reduction in yield. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of the physiological responses to the drought stress of maize plants (population IP3722), obtained from seeds of different ages (originating from 2012. and 2016) and different previous experience (the seeds formed in 2012. were more exposed to drought than in 2016.). Two populations responded to drought treatment by a significant decrease of shoot fresh and dry weight, this was followed with decrease leaf area and transpiration rate. Drought treatments enabled induction and differentiation of chemical signals of drought (abscisic acid-ABA and xylem pH) and hydraulic signals (leaf water potential), and monitoring of their activity on stomatal conductance. The data showed that hydraulic signals have the same impact on stomatal reactions in the D2012 and D2016 treatments. They also indicated that the chemical signal of ABA works toward stomatal closure, but that the effect depends on whether it originates from the leaf or the root. Leaf-originating ABA had more effect on the closure of D2012 stomata, while root-originating ABA and pH was more active in the D2016.SuÅ”a nastaje kao posledica klimatskih promena, koja negativno utiče na rast i razvoj biljaka, a to dovodi do smanjenja prinosa. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se istraži efekat suÅ”e na fizioloÅ”ke reakcije biljaka kukuruza (IP3722), koje su dobijene iz semena različite starosti (regenerisano 2012. i 2016.) i različitih prethodnih iskustava (semena koja su formirana 2012. su bila u većoj meri izložena suÅ”i nego ona iz 2016.). SuÅ”a je kod oba uzorka dovela do smanjenja sveže i suve mase nadzemnog dela biljke, Å”to je bilo praćeno opadanjem lisne povrÅ”ine i stomatalne provodljivosti. Tretmanom suÅ”e su indukovani hemijski signali (ABA i pH) i hidraulički signal (vodni potencijal), koji su uticali na provodljivost stoma. Podaci su pokazali da hidraulički signal ima podjednak udeo na zatvaranje stoma u tretmanu D2012 i D2016. Takođe, ABA kao hemijski signal dovodi do zatvaranja stoma, ali ovaj efekat zavisi od toga da li ABA potiče iz korena ili lista. ABA poreklom iz lista je imala značajniji doprinos u zatvaranju stoma kod D2012, dok ABA poreklom iz korena i pH kod tretmana D2016

    Synthesis, characterization and cytotoxicity of a palladium(II) complex of 3-[(2-hydroxybenzylidene)amino]-2-thioxoimidazolidin-4-one

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    The polydentate ligand 3-[(2-hydroxybenzylidene)amino]-2-thioxoimidazolidin-4-one was synthesized in the intermolecular cyclocondensation reaction of 2-hydroxybenzaldehyde thiosemicarbazone and ethyl chloroacetate. A novel palladium(II) complex was obtained from cis-[Pd(DMSO)(2)Cl-2] by nucleophilic substitution of both DMSO ligands with the iminic nitrogen and the thiolactamic sulfur from the ligand. The structures of the compounds were characterized based on their spectral data. The cytotoxic activities of the ligand and the palladium(II) complex were studied on the tumor cell lines: human colon carcinoma HCT-116 and SW-480 cells using the MTT viability test. The results showed that the investigated palladium(II) complex had a significantly greater cytotoxic effect compared to that of the ligand

    The usage of silicon fertilisation in order to mitigate the oxidative stress and to improve the resilience of barley subjected to drought

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    Drought causes huge agricultural and economic losses worldwide. Silicon (Si) is considered abeneficial element for plants. It mitigates stress caused by salinity, drought, and high and low temperaturesby promoting antioxidant production. However, the underlying mechanisms are still notelucidated. We investigated Si fertilisation effect on photosynthetic parameters, trichome number,leaf optical properties, as well as profiles of amino acids and polyphenols in barley exposed towater shortage. Silicon was applied in three growth stages: (i) before the flag leaf emergence;(ii) prior to the grain filling phase; (iii) at the grain filling phase start. Drought negatively impactsphotochemical efficiency, stomatal conductance, photosynthetic pigment content, and leaf reflectiveand transmissive properties. Si application between flag leaf emergence and grain fillinghad the strongest effect on light reflectance. Among all analyzed phenolics, saponarin was themost abundant in all samples, irrespective of water regime and Si supply. Caffeoyl ester was theonly hydroxycinnamic acid showing significant accumulation with the latest applied Si comparedto no added Si upon drought. The major amino acids in barley leaves were glutamate, glutamine,aspartate, asparagine, and serine. Aspartate content was the highest in leaves exposed to droughtwithout Si addition, while lysine was the most accumulated in the leaves supplemented by Si atthe grain filling phase start. Proline was 2.5 times more abundant in the leaves exposed to droughtregardless of Si treatment. Taken together, although Si did not mitigate drought stress effects, itseffect was dependent on the barley growth phase prior to supplementation.Book of Abstracts / 4th International Conference on Plant Biology [and] 23rd SPPS Meeting, 6-8 October 2022, Belgrad

    Analiza odnosa visine biljke i dužine metlice u NS-kolekciji linija opraŔivača sirka za zrno

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    Development of experimental hybrids of grain sorghum requires the selection of ā€žper seā€œ superior parental components of certain agronomic traits. The aim of the research was to determine whether the ratio between plant height (M1) and panicle length (M2) is stable in different R lines of grain sorghum within the collection of NS cultivars, and if the highest values are typical for shorter or taller genotypes. Lower M2/M1 ratio was confirmed in taller genotypes, while plant height and panicle length variation was 14.9%. The tested population established a solid foundation for obtaining new, interesting genetic recombinations for plant architecture change.Pri stvaranju eksperimentalnih hibrida sirka za zrno odgovarajućih performansi bitan je izbor roditeljskih komponenti koje su za odabrane agronomske osobine superiorne ā€žper seā€œ. Cilj rada je da se odredi da li je odnos visine biljke (M1) i dužine metlice (M2) stabilan kod različitih R linija sirka za zrno u NS-kolekciji i da li su najviÅ”e vrednosti ovog odnosa karakteristične za niže ili za viÅ”e genotipove. Utvrđeno je da viÅ”i genotipovi imaju manje vrednosti odnosa M2/M1, kao i da odnos vrednosti visine biljke i dužine metlice varira 14,9%. Ispitivana populacija predstavlja dobar osnov za dobijanje novih interesantnih genskih rekombinacija za promene arhitekture biljke