27 research outputs found

    Phosphorus–arsenic interactions in variable-charge soils in relation to arsenic mobility and bioavailability

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    Phosphorus (P) influences arsenic (As) mobility and bioavailability which depends on the charge components of soil. The objective of this study was to examine P–As interaction in variable-charge allophanic soils in relation to P-induced As mobilization and bioavailability. In this work, the effect of P on arsenate [As(V)] adsorption and desorption was examined using a number of allophanic and non-allophanic soils which vary in their anion adsorption capacity. The effect of P on As uptake by Indian mustard (Brassica juncea L.) plants was examined using a solution culture, and a soil plant growth experiment involving two As-spiked allophanic and non-allophanic soils which vary in their anion adsorption capacity, and a field As-contaminated sheep dip soil. Arsenate adsorption increased with an increase in the anion adsorption capacity of soils. The addition of P resulted in an increase in As desorption, and the effect was more pronounced in the case of allophanic soil. In the case of both As-spiked soils and field contaminated sheep-dip soil, application of P increased the desorption of As, thereby increasing its bioavailability. The effect of P on As uptake was more pronounced in the high anion adsorbing allophanic than low adsorbing non-allophanic soil. In the case of solution culture, As phytoavailability decreased with increasing concentration of P which is attributed to the competition of P for As uptake by roots. While increasing P concentration in solution decreased the uptake of As, it facilitated the translocation of As from root to shoot. The net effect of P on As phytoavailability in soils depends on the extent of P-induced As mobilization in soils and P-induced competition for As uptake by roots. The P-induced mobilization of As could be employed in the phytoremediation of As-contaminated sites. However, care must be taken to minimize the leaching of As mobilized through the P-induced desorption, thereby resulting in groundwater and off site contamination

    Comparative sorption and mobility of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) species in a range of soils: implications to bioavailability

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    The sorption of chromium (Cr) species to soil has become the focus of research as it dictates the bioavailability and also the magnitude of toxicity of Cr. The sorption of two environmentally important Cr species [Cr(III) and Cr(VI)] was examined using batch sorption, and the data were fitted to Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption isotherms. The effects of soil properties such as pH, CEC, organic matter (OM), clay, water-extractable SO4 2– and PO4 3–, surface charge, and different iron (Fe) fractions of 12 different Australian representative soils on the sorption, and mobility of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) were examined. The amount of sorption as shown by K f was higher for Cr(III) than Cr(VI) in all tested soils. Further, the amount of Cr(III) sorbed increased with an increase in pH, CEC, clay, and OM of soils. Conversely, the chemical properties of soil such as positive charge and Fe (crystalline) had a noticeable influence on the sorption of Cr(VI). Desorption of Cr(VI) occurred rapidly and was greater than desorption of Cr(III) in soils. The mobility of Cr species as estimated by the retardation factor was higher for Cr(VI) than for Cr(III) in all tested soils. These results concurred with the results from leaching experiments which showed higher leaching of Cr(VI) than Cr(III) in both acidic and alkaline soils indicating the higher mobility of Cr(VI) in a wide range of soils. This study demonstrated that Cr(VI) is more mobile and will be bioavailable in soils regardless of soil properties and if not remediated may eventually pose a severe threat to biota

    Potential of novel bacterial consortium for the remediation of chromium contamination

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    This study was aimed to examine the efficiency of a novel bacterial consortium on the reduction of toxic hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] to non-toxic trivalent Cr [Cr(III)]. Six Cr(VI)-resistant bacteria (IS1-IS6) were isolated from a tannery waste disposal site at Mount Barker, South Australia, of which three viz., IS1, IS2 and IS3 were selected based on Cr(VI) reduction ability in minimal salt medium. The isolates were identified as Bacillus endophyticus (IS1), Microbacterium paraoxydans (IS2) and Bacillus simplex (IS3) by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. All three isolates were able to tolerate chromium (Cr(VI), 300–400 mg L−1), arsenic (As(V), 1,000 mg L−1), copper (Cu(II), 300–400 mg L−1) and lead (Pb(II), 1,000 mg L−1). The isolates were evaluated both as an individual and as a consortia for Cr(VI) reduction in minimal salt medium and storm water, both spiked with 100 mg Cr(VI) L−1. In both cases, the rate of Cr(VI) reduction was found to be significantly higher in the bacterial consortium inoculation (t ½ = 8.45 for minimal salt medium; 6.02 h for storm water), compared to inoculation with individual isolates (t ½ = 53.3–115.5 h for minimal salt medium; 8.77–9.76 h for storm water). The rate of Cr(VI) reduction in both minimal salt medium and storm water was found to be higher in bacterial consortium inoculation (IS1 + IS2 + IS3) than in individual isolate inoculation. This experiment demonstrated that bacterial consortium prepared by using B. endophyticus, M. paraoxydans and B. simplex was more effective in Cr(VI) detoxification than application of individual bacterium. This experiment also proved that a bacterial consortium was more effective in Cr(VI) detoxification than the application of individual bacterial strain

    Differential effect of biochar upon reduction-induced mobility and bioavailability of arsenate and chromate

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    Heavy metals such as chromium (Cr) and arsenic (As) occur in ionic form in soil, with chromate [Cr(VI)] and arsenate As(V) being the most pre-dominant forms. The application of biochar to Cr(VI) and As(V) spiked and field contaminated soils was evaluated on the reduction processes [(Cr(VI) to Cr(III)] and [As(V) to As(III))], and subsequent mobility and bioavailability of both As(V) and Cr(VI). The assays used in this study included leaching, soil microbial activity and XPS techniques. The reduction rate of As(V) was lower than that of Cr(VI) with and without biochar addition, however, supplementation with biochar enhanced the reduction process of As(V). Leaching experiments indicated Cr(VI) was more mobile than As(V). Addition of biochar reversed the effect by reducing the mobility of Cr and increasing that of As. The presence of Cr and As in both spiked and contaminated soils reduced microbial activity, but with the addition of biochar to these soils, the microbial activity increased in the Cr(VI) contaminated soils, while it was further decreased with As(V) contaminated soils. The addition of biochar was effective in mitigating Cr toxicity by reducing Cr(VI) to Cr(III). In contrast, the conversion process of As(V) to As(III) hastened by biochar was not favourable, as As(III) is more toxic in soils. Overall, the presence of functional groups on biochar promotes reduction by providing the electrons required for reduction processes to occur as determined by XPS data

    Effect of coal combustion products in reducing soluble phosphorus in soil. II, Leaching study

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    Phosphorus (P) management in agriculture is crucial for both environmental health and future availability of P resource. Application of P as fertilisers (organic or inorganic) often results in either P accumulation in soil or loss to water bodies, rendering them unavailable to crops. In this study, the mobility of inorganic (KH2PO4 (PP)) and organic (poultry manure (PM)) P sources, as affected by coal combustion products (CCPs: fly ash (FA) and fluidised bed combustion ash (FBC)) application to soils, was evaluated using column leaching experiments. The incubated samples were also characterised using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to understand their surface properties in relation to P adsorption and leaching. The results showed differential effects of CCPs to P treatments—in the case of PP, the CCPs decreased P leaching by 12.11 % (FA) and 20.56 % (FBC), whereas in the case of PM treatment, both CCPs increased P in leachates by 35.53 % (FA) and 18.44 % (FBC). The decrease in P leaching for PP-treated soil as affected by CCPs was attributed to high pH and Ca concentration. There was a negative relationship between the increase in CCP-induced pH and P leaching demonstrating that pH plays a crucial role in Pimmobilisation, transformation and leaching. The increase in P leaching for CCP-incubated–PM-treated soils was because of the mineralisation of organic P from PM. The surface chemistry from XRD and SEM results showed an increased surface area for CCPs incubatedsoil compared to the control and also showed the presence of Ca-rich minerals in CCPs such as ettringite, wollastonite and merwinite

    Concomitant reduction and immobilization of chromium in relation to its bioavailability in soils

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    In this study, two carbon materials [chicken manure biochar (CMB) and black carbon (BC)] were investigated for their effects on the reduction of hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] in two spiked [600 mg Cr(VI) kg−1] and one tannery waste contaminated [454 mg Cr(VI) kg−1] soils. In spiked soils, both the rate and the maximum extent of reduction of Cr(VI) to trivalent Cr [Cr(III)] were higher in the sandy loam than clay soil, which is attributed to the difference in the extent of Cr(VI) adsorption between the soils. The highest rate of Cr(VI) reduction was observed in BC-amended sandy loam soil, where it reduced 452 mg kg−1 of Cr(VI), followed by clay soil (427 mg kg−1) and tannery soil (345 mg kg−1). X-ray photoelectron microscopy confirmed the presence of both Cr(VI) and Cr(III) species in BC within 24 h of addition of Cr(VI), which proved its high reduction capacity. The resultant Cr(III) species either adsorbs or precipitates in BC and CMB. The addition of carbon materials to the tannery soil was also effective in decreasing the phytotoxicity of Cr(VI) in mustard (Brassica juncea L.) plants. Therefore, it is concluded that the addition of carbon materials enhanced the reduction of Cr(VI) and the subsequent immobilization of Cr(III) in soils

    Greenhouse gas emission from wastewater irrigated soils

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    With increasing demand for world water supply, wastewater reuse is a great opportunity to meet the water need, especially for agricultural and industrial development. Wastewater originates from many sources and hence its composition differs from origin and treatment processes. Wastewater rich in organic matter acts as a soil conditioner, thereby enhancing soil health. Wastewater also acts as a source of nutrient input in agriculture whichin turn can reduce, or even eliminate the need for commercial fertilisers. However, wastewater usage in agriculture poses several threats like eutrophication, salinity, toxic chemicals (heavy metal(loids), pesticides), pathogen contamination, and most notably, nutrient leaching, and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission. These threats affect public health, soil and ground water resources, environment, crop quality, ecological, and property values. Biological degradation of the organic matter present in wastewater is considered one of the anthropogenic sources of major GHGs (carbon dioxide (CO,), nitrous oxide (N,O), and methane (CH4) , In this paper, an overview of various sources of wastewater, effects of wastewater application on GHG emission from soil, and the strategies to mitigate wastewater-induced GHG emission from soils is presented.

    Microbial transformation of trace elements in soils in relation to bioavailability and remediation

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    The term "trace elements" generally includes elements (both metals and metalloids) that occur in natural and perturbed environments in small amounts and that, when present in sufficient bioavailable concentrations, are toxic to living organisms (Adriano 2001). This group includes both biologically essential [e.g., cobalt (Co), copper (Cu), chromium (Cr), manganese (Mn), and zinc (Zn)] and nonessential [e.g., cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), and mercury (Hg)] elements. The essential elements (for plant, animal, or human nutrition) are required in low concentrations and hence are known as "micro nutrients." The nonessential elements are phytotoxic and/or zootoxic and are widely known as "toxic elements" (Adriano 2001). Both groups are toxic to plants, animals, and/or humans at exorbitant concentrations (Alloway 1990; Adriano 2001). Heavy metal(loid)s, which include elements with an atomic density greater than 6 g cm [with the exception of arsenic (As), boron (B), and selenium (Se)] are also considered to be trace elements

    Management of recycled water for sustainable production and environmental protection : a case study with Northern Adelaide Plains recycling scheme

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    In South Australia, 95,000 megalitres (ML) of municipal wastewater is collected and treated in metropolitan Adelaide. Approximately 50 % of this volume is treated at the Bolivar wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) to produce a high quality wastewater suitable for irrigation without health related restriction to vegetable and salad crops. Following treatment wastewater is piped to horticultural growers on the Northern Adelaide Plains through Virginia Pipeline Scheme (VPS). The establishment of the VPS is not only effective in reducing the amount of wastewater entering the Gulf St Vincent but also facilitates the recycling of otherwise waste water for irrigation purposes. The VPS is the largest recycled water scheme in Australia serving around 250 horticultural growers. This paper provides an overview of the scheme focusing on the level of wastewater treatment at Bolivar WWTP, the value of the treated water as a source of irrigation water, carbon and nutrients for crop growth, and the socio-economic and environmental implications of its use for irrigation.