2 research outputs found

    Impact of (intestinal) LAL deficiency on lipid metabolism and macrophage infiltration

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    Objective: To date, the only enzyme known to be responsible for the hydrolysis of cholesteryl esters and triacylglycerols in the lysosome at acidic pH is lysosomal acid lipase (LAL). Lipid malabsorption in the small intestine (SI), accompanied by macrophage infiltration, is one of the most common pathological features of LAL deficiency. However, the exact role of LAL in intestinal lipid metabolism is still unknown. Methods: We collected three parts of the SI (duodenum, jejunum, ileum) from mice with a global (LAL KO) or intestine-specific deletion of LAL (iLAL KO) and corresponding controls. Results: We observed infiltration of lipid-associated macrophages into the lamina propria, where neutral lipids accumulate massively in the SI of LAL KO mice. In addition, LAL KO mice absorb less dietary lipids but have accelerated basolateral lipid uptake, secrete fewer chylomicrons, and have increased fecal lipid loss. Inflammatory markers and genes involved in lipid metabolism were overexpressed in the duodenum of old but not in younger LAL KO mice. Despite the significant reduction of LAL activity in enterocytes of enterocyte-specific (iLAL) KO mice, villous morphology, intestinal lipid concentrations, expression of lipid transporters and inflammatory genes, as well as lipoprotein secretion were comparable to control mice. Conclusions: We conclude that loss of LAL only in enterocytes is insufficient to cause lipid deposition in the SI, suggesting that infiltrating macrophages are the key players in this process

    Genetic deletion of MMP12 ameliorates cardiometabolic disease by improving insulin sensitivity, systemic inflammation, and atherosclerotic features in mice

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    Abstract Background Matrix metalloproteinase 12 (MMP12) is a macrophage-secreted protein that is massively upregulated as a pro-inflammatory factor in metabolic and vascular tissues of mice and humans suffering from cardiometabolic diseases (CMDs). However, the molecular mechanisms explaining the contributions of MMP12 to CMDs are still unclear. Methods We investigated the impact of MMP12 deficiency on CMDs in a mouse model that mimics human disease by simultaneously developing adipose tissue inflammation, insulin resistance, and atherosclerosis. To this end, we generated and characterized low-density lipoprotein receptor (Ldlr)/Mmp12-double knockout (DKO) mice fed a high-fat sucrose- and cholesterol-enriched diet for 16–20 weeks. Results DKO mice showed lower cholesterol and plasma glucose concentrations and improved insulin sensitivity compared with LdlrKO mice. Untargeted proteomic analyses of epididymal white adipose tissue revealed that inflammation- and fibrosis-related pathways were downregulated in DKO mice. In addition, genetic deletion of MMP12 led to alterations in immune cell composition and a reduction in plasma monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 in peripheral blood which indicated decreased low-grade systemic inflammation. Aortic en face analyses and staining of aortic valve sections demonstrated reduced atherosclerotic plaque size and collagen content, which was paralleled by an improved relaxation pattern and endothelial function of the aortic rings and more elastic aortic sections in DKO compared to LdlrKO mice. Shotgun proteomics revealed upregulation of anti-inflammatory and atheroprotective markers in the aortas of DKO mice, further supporting our data. In humans, MMP12 serum concentrations were only weakly associated with clinical and laboratory indicators of CMDs. Conclusion We conclude that the genetic deletion of MMP12 ameliorates obesity-induced low-grade inflammation, white adipose tissue dysfunction, biomechanical properties of the aorta, and the development of atherosclerosis. Therefore, therapeutic strategies targeting MMP12 may represent a promising approach to combat CMDs