14 research outputs found

    Tribute to the history of horticultural and plant production education in the Šibenik region 1920 – 1939

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    U vremenskom razdoblju između dva svjetska rata na području Šibenskog kotara stanovništvu je jedna od temeljnih gospodarskih grana bila poljoprivreda. Puk je hranu proizvodio najvećim dijelom za vlastite potrebe. Na ovom području najrazvijenije je bilo vinogradarstvo i vinarstvo te ratarstvo. Urbana i mjestimično vangradska poljoprivreda bila je temeljena na uzgoju povrtnih i ukrasnih kultura. Njihova promocija i razvoj najviše supoticani kroz poljoprivredno školstvo i poljoprivredne izložbe te kroz srodne grane voćarstva i bilinogojstva. Kotarske su vlasti na različite načine potpo- magale edukaciju poljoprivrednog stanovništva. Korištenjem i analizom arhivskih podataka te znanstvene literature daje se prilog poznavanju i razvoju agrarne edukacije Šibenskog kotara u razdoblju 1920. – 1939. godine.In the period between the two world wars, agriculture was one of the basic economic branches for the population of the Šibenik region. People produced food mostly for their own needs. Viticulture, viniculture and farming were the most developed in this area. Urban and partly out-of-town agriculture relied on growing vegetable and decorative cultures. Their promotion and development were mostly based on agricultural education and exhibitions, as well as on the related branches of fruit growing and plant production. Local authorities supported the agricultural education of population in diverse ways. By using and analysing archival data and scientific literature, a contribution is given to knowing and developing the agrarian education of the Šibenik region in the period 1920–1939

    Exploring the Possibilities of the Application of Spanish Broom and its Products in the Territory of Central Dalmatia

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    Brnistra (Spartium junceum L.) raste u zemljama Sredozemlja samo na područjima pored mora i na otocima. Brnistra se u Hrvatskoj danas koristi uglavnom kao ukrasna biljka, za suzbijanje erozije te u pčelarstvu. Početkom 20. stoljeća povećava se interes za brnistrom kao sirovinom. Intenzivnija proizvodnja u Hrvatskoj započinje 1919. godine za potrebe u tekstilnoj industriji. Godine 1967. prestaje se s njenom organiziranom proizvodnjom zbog pojave sintetičkih vlakana, koja su bila puno jeftinija. Postoje potencijali za proizvodnju mirisnih vodica, parfema, sapuna, aromatskih krema itd. Prije razvoja tržišta brnistre potrebno je educirati stanovništvo o biljci i gospodarenju njome. Inovativnost i originalnost trebali bi biti glavni faktori u brendiranju proizvoda od brnistre, uz istovremeno poštivanje njene povijesti i tradicije. Temeljem anketnog istraživanja učenika i studenata tijekom 2014. godine dobio se uvid o osrednjem znanju o mogućnostima uporabe brnistre (u ekosustavu za očuvanje bioraznolikosti, kao tekstilne sirovine, za dobivanje eteričnih ulja, kao ukrasnog bilja na degradiranim ruralnim krajobrazima i vrtovima) na području gradova Splita i Šibenika.Spanish broom (Spartium junceum L.) is native to the Mediterranean countries, exclusively in the littoral zone and on the islands. It is currently used in Croatia as an ornamental plant, for the prevention of erosion and in beekeeping. The beginning of the 20th century saw an increase in the demand for Spanish broom as raw material. An intensified production of Spanish broom commenced in 1919 aiming to meet the requirements of textile industry. In 1967 the organised production of Spanish broom ceased, due to the appearance of synthetic fibres that were considerably more affordable. There is big potential for the production of perfume essences, perfumes, soaps and aromatic ointments, to name just a few. Prior to the development of Spanish broom market, it is important to raise public awareness of the importance of this plant and its management. Innovativeness and originality need to be the principal factors in the product branding of Spanish broom, whilst simultaneously respecting its history and tradition. The survey research conducted by pupils and students throughout 2014 provided an insight into mediocre knowledge and awareness of the potential use of Spanish broom in the cities of Split and Šibenik


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    Agroturistička ponuda u Hrvatskoj još je uvijek, s obzirom na mogućnosti, nedovoljno razvijena, ali trenutno zadovoljava potražnju domaćeg stanovništva. Hrvatska ima bogate kulturne, tradicijske i okolišne predispozicije za razvitak agroturizma, kao i dobru prometnu povezanost s urbanim središtima. Razvoju agroturizma u ruralnim područjima pogoduju i nove mjere razvojne politike Europske unije, koja razvoj agroturizma vidi kao sredstvo razvoja ruralnih područja. U radu se kroz analizu sekundarnih izvora nastoji analizirati dosadašnja iskustva u razvoju agroturizma u ruralnim područjima odabranih regija zemalja članica Europske unije te ocijeniti ulogu agroturizma u procesu razvoja ruralnih područja u Hrvatskoj. Također, u radu se istražuje agroturistička ponuda Hrvatske i na osnovi toga glavna ograničenja te mogućnosti budućeg razvoja.Agritourism offer in Croatia is still, given the possibility, underdeveloped, but currently meets the demand of the domestic population. Croatia has a rich cultural, traditional and environmental predisposition for the development of agrotourism, as well as transport links with urban centers. Development of agrotourism in rural areas is supported by new, favourable measures of the development policy of the European Union, that sees the development of agrotourism as a means of development of rural areas. This paper through the analysis of secondary sources tries to analyze past experiences in the development of agrotourism in rural areas of selected regions of the EU member states and based on them to assess the role of agrotourism in the development to rural areas in Croatia. Also, the paper explores the agritourism offers in Croatia and on that basis the main constraints and opportunities for future development


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    Novija biotehnološka dostignuća ušla su u sve segmente animalne proizvodnje, pa tako i u proces proizvodnje mlijeka. Interes uzgajivača je unaprijediti genetsku osnovu i tehnologiju kako bi što učinkovitije proizveli kvalitetno mlijeko i ostvarili primjeren profit. Primjenom biotehnologija otvaraju se mogućnosti pomoću kojih je moguće napraviti korak naprijed u selekciji, unaprijediti genetsku osnovu, te uz kvalitetna grla proizvesti mlijeko koje će po svome sadržaju i po kvaliteti odgovarati točno određenim zahtjevima u proizvodnji određenog tipa i vrste mliječnih proizvoda. Od biotehnoloških metoda koje se češće koriste su embrio transfer i seksirano sjeme kvalitetnih bikova. Metode se rabe u funkciji unapređenja uzgojnog programa kao i praktične selekcije (unapređenja) stada. U radu je opisana tehnologija embriotransfera, seksiranog sjemena te polimorfizama proteina mlijeka i njihov utjecaj na količinu mlijeka, mliječne masti i proteina kao i na sposobnost mlijeka za preradu.Recent biotechnology advances have entered into all segments of animal production, including the process of milk production. The breeders are interested into improving the genetic base and technology in order to produce quality milk more effectively and make a suitable profit. Applying biotechnology opens the opportunities with which it is possible to move forward in the selection process, to improve the genetic basis, and produce milk which will, due to its content and quality, match the specific requirements in the production of a certain types and sorts of dairy products. Biotechnological methods that are often used are embryo transfer and semen sexation of high-quality bulls. Methods are used in order to improve the breeding program, as well as the practical selection (promotion) of the herds. This paper describes the embryo transfer technology, semen sexation, as well as milk protein polymorphisms and their effect on milk yield, milk fat and protein, including the ability of milk processing

    Economic performance of production of Croatian cheese ripened in a lambskin sack (Sir iz mišine)

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    Cheeses matured in skin sack is traditionally produced in several Mediterranean countries, which in Croatia has been retained in the territory of Dalmatian hinterland. The characteristic of this cheese is its piquant flavour and aroma, as a consequence of ripening in anaerobic conditions in lamb skin. This type of cheese has been recognized and has its customers in the wider area of the Croatia, and it is an interesting touristic product. The major constraint is that the production of this type of cheese in Croatia has been reduced to sporadic production in several families that preserve the tradition of their ancestors and the produced quantities are insufficient to meet customers needs. In 2009, Dalmatian hinterland had 11 registered producers of this type of cheese, while there are currently only 2. A production and economic analysis was performed of the remaining producers in order to determine the production performance. Both family farms produce cheese from sheep milk, while the first farm owns 300 sheep and the second 500. The selling price of cheese reaches HRK 150 per kilo, which ensures the achievement of cost-effectiveness of production. The producers point out that all the produced quantity is sold to known customers through on-farm sales and the demand exceeds the supply. Such a product would arise extreme interest among tourists, while the basic prerequisite for that is increase of the annual production of cheese by increase of the number of producers, as well as their clustering and protection of the product by one of the quality marks at the EU level


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    Uzgoj i oplemenjivanje ruža javlja se već u starome vijeku, a prvi kultivari su zabilježeni početkom 16. stoljeća. Značajne ruže za ukrasnu hortikulturu mogu se podijeliti na; Stare vrtne ruže i moderne hibridne ruže, čiji će najvažniji predstavnici biti opisani u radu. U suvremenom uzgoju kao i u rasadničarskoj proizvodnji niz je uzgojno - ekoloških zahtjeva koje treba poštivati. Terenskim istraživanjem primjene ruža na javnim i privatnim lokalitetima zelenih površina grada Šibenika vidimo da se „budi“ interes za uporabom starinskih i modernih hibridnih ruža koje su bile zapostavljene. Na trima istraživanim lokalitetima zabilježeno je više od 70. 000 ruža kao starinske, stablašice, penjačice, polijante, tlo pokrivačice, engleske ruže i hibridne čajevke s više od 50 različitih kultivara sađenih pojedinačno, skupine i špalire. Adekvatne mjere njege i održavanja ruža na svim lokalitetima nisu u potpunosti ispunjene. Ruža je zahtjevna kultura, malo korištena na javnim zelenim površinama, a više na privatnim na području grada Šibenika.Raising and breeding roses appeared already in ancient times, and the first cultivars were recorded in the early 16th century. Significant roses for ornamental horticulture can be divided into; old garden roses and modern hybrid roses, whose most important representatives will be described in this paper. In modern farming as well as in nursery production series is breeding - environmental requirements that must be respected. Field research applying roses in public and private locations green areas of the city of Šibenik see that "wakes up" interest in the use of vintage and modern hybrid roses that have been neglected. In the three studied areas, there were more than 70 000 rose as ancient, stem, vines, polijante, ground cover,, English roses and hybrid čajevke with more than 50 different varieties planted individual, group and espalier. Adequate measures of care and maintenance of roses in all localities are not fully met. Rose is a demanding culture, little used in public green spaces, and more on the private area of Šibenik


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    Interesom studenata i djelatnika Veleučilišta pokrenuta je inicijativa za uređenjem studentskog vrta Veleučilišta „Marko Marulić“ u Kninu. Vrt ovakvog tipa bi trebao zadovoljiti reprezentativnu, boravišnu i edukativnu funkciju te omogućiti provedbu istraživanja. U radu se analizira: lokacija, klima, tlo, vegetacija te potrebe koje bi vrtni prostor trebao zadovoljiti. Prilikom istraživanja vrtnog tla ustanovljen je problem velike kamenitosti, zbijenosti i plitkoće profila. Popisana je travnjačka flora te su najzastu-pljenije višegodišnje vrste s oko 56%, kao hemikriptofiti s udjelom oko 47%. Kroz izradu ovog rada analiziran je i osmišljen vrtni prostor u skladu s podnebljem i potrebama studenata.Interest of the students and staff of the Polytechnic launched the initiative to organize the student garden Polytechnic "Marko Marulić" in Knin. The garden of this type should meet the representative, tourist and educational function and facilitate the implementation of the research. The paper analyzes: location, climate, soil, vegetation, and needs to garden space should meet. While research has established garden soil stoniness big problem, compaction and shallowness profile. The grassland flora has been listed and the most common are perennial species with about 56%, and hemicryptophytes with a share of about 47%. Through the creation of this work is analyzed and designed garden space in accordance with the climate and the needs of students


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    Alepski bor (Pinus halepensis Mill.) se koristio u pošumljavanju krša šibenske regije od sredine 19. stoljeća, te se zbog toga ova vrsta često javlja u ranije zasnovanim parkovima. Upravo zbog poznatih dekorativnih karakteristika, te kulturološke vrijednosti, cilj rada je izvršiti inventarizaciju i predočiti estetsku ocjenu zelenih površina s alepskim borom. U tu svrhu provedena je taksonomska analiza vrsta na zelenim površinama s alepskim borom. Florističko i anketno istraživanje je provedeno tijekom 2013. godine na području grada Šibenika. S obzirom na tip habitusa po Erhardtu i sur., 2002. dominiraju grmolike forme i alohtone dendrološke svojte. Temeljem rezultata istraživanja vizualnog dojma „geštalta”, putem anketnog ispitivanja, zaključak je da ispitanici ugodno doživljavaju parkovne prostore s alepskim borom.Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis Mill.) has been used for the purpose of afforestation of karst throughout the Šibenik region since the mid-19th century, hence this species can frequently be found in previously established parks. Primarily due to its well-known decorative features and the cultural value, the aim of this work is to evaluate landscape, inventory and present the aesthetic evaluation of green areas with Aleppo pine. For this purpose taxonomic analysis of the species in the green areas with Aleppo pine was conducted. Floristic and survey study was conducted during 2013 in the city of Sibenik. Consequently a taxonomic analysis of green spaces covered by Aleppo pine has been conducted. Concerning the habitus type according to Erhardt et al., 2002, shrub-like growth forms and allochthonous dendrological species are predominant. Based on the results of research on the visual gestalt, as well as following a survey conducted, the conclusion has been reached that the respondents\u27 experience of park areas with Aleppo pine is extremely pleasant

    Biological, ecological and landscape characteristics of black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) used in green spaces of the city of Knin

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    Bagrem (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) je brzorastuće, listopadno drvo iz Sjeverne Amerike, a u Europu je uvezen početkom 17. stoljeća. Cijenjen je u pčelarstvu, drvnoj industriji, šumarstvu te je vrlo invazivna vrsta. Najrasprostranjeniji je u sjeveroistočnom dijelu Hrvatske. Vrsta posjeduje i dekorativne osobine pa se koristi i u ukrasnoj hortikulturi. Metodom promatranja tijekom travnja i svibnja 2016. godine na području grada Knina zamijećena je slaba zastupljenost ove vrste u vrtovima, okučnicama i zelenim površinama. U pogledu održavanja nužno je posvetiti više njege kako bi stabla dobila na većoj estetskoj vrijednosti, koja je sada na razini prosječnosti. Uviđa se i invazivno ponašanje vrste što se ogleda u zastupljenosti na određenim nepejsažnim površinama (slobodno rastuća vegetacija uz cestu, rubove šume, željezničku prugu itd.). Najgora aktivnost bagremove invazivnosti je potiskivanje autohtonih vrsta. Metodom anketnog ispitivanja ispitanici s područja grada Knina i okolice s vrlo dobrim ocjenama vrednuju atraktivnost, ugodnost i utjecaj bagrema na duševno zdravlje čovjeka. S nešto slabijim ocjenama vrednuju primjenu bagrema u gospodarstvu, krajobraznoj slikovitosti postojećim gradskim drvoredima (3,40-3,58). Više od 80 % ispitanika zna da je bagrem vrlo medonosna vrsta i da se koristi u drvnoj industriji.The black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) is a fast-growing deciduous tree originating from North America that was imported to Europe at the beginning of the 17th century. It is highly valued in beekeeping, wood industry, forestry and is a highly invasive species. It is most widespread in Northeast Croatia. The species has ornamental features and it is also used in ornamental horticulture. During April and May of 2016 in the territory of the city of Knin a low representation of this species was observed on gardens, yards and green areas. Concerning the maintenance, more care is needed to increase the aesthetic value of this tree species, as it currently ranks as mediocre. The invasiveness of the species also needs to be highlighted and it is reflected in its presence in specific non-landscape areas (freely growing vegetation by the road, forest edges, the railways, etc.). The worst activity of black locust invasiveness is suppression of autochthonous species. Using the survey method the respondents from the territory of the city of Knin and its outskirts evaluated the attractiveness, the agreeableness and the impact of black locust on human mental health with very good grades. They evaluated the use of black locust in economy, landscape picturesqueness and the existing city tree avenues and trees with slightly lower grades (3.40-3.58). Over 80 % of those surveyed are aware that black locust is a highly melliferous species and that it is also used in wood industr