231 research outputs found

    Risks and management of pregnancy in women with epilepsy: a review

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    Women with epilepsy (WWE) face certain challenges during their pregnancy. In the present article an effort has been made to review the information regarding the frequency of seizure in pregnancy, effects of epileptic seizure on fetus, complications during pregnancy and delivery, incidences of fetal congenital malformations and infant development. The article reviews these concerns with special emphasis on management of pregnancy. Recommendations concerning prenatal counselling, anti-epileptic drug management, breast feeding and contraception are also taken up in the later part of the article

    Autofocusing and self-healing of partially blocked circular Airy derivative beams

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    We numerically and experimentally study the autofocusing and self-healing of partially blocked circular Airy derivative beams (CADBs). The CADB consists of multiple rings, and partial blocking of CADB with different kinds is achieved by using symmetric and asymmetric binary amplitude masks, enabling blocking of inner/outer rings and sectorially. The CADB blocked with different types possesses the ability to autofocus, however, the required propagation distance for abrupt autofocusing vary with the amount and types of blocking. The abrupt autofocusing is quantified by a maximum k-value, and how fast it changes around the autofocusing distance (zafz_{af}). In particular, CADB blocked with inner rings (first/two/three) exhibits an abrupt autofocusing, as the k-value sharply increases [decreases] just before [after] zafz_{af}. The maximum k-value always occurs at zafz_{af}, which decreases as the number of blocked inner rings increases. For CADB blocked with outer rings, the k-value gradually changes around zafz_{af}, indicating a lack of abrupt autofocusing. The value of zafz_{af} increases with the number of blocked outer rings. This suggests that although outer rings contain low intensities, these play an important role in autofocusing. A sectorially blocked CADB possesses an abrupt autofocusing, and maximum k-value depends on the amount of blocking. The CADB blocked with different types possesses good self-healing abilities, where blocked parts reappear as a result of redistribution of intensity. The maximum self-healing occurs at zafz_{af}, where an overlap integral approaches a maximum value. Finally, we have compared ideal CADB and partially blocked CADB having the same radii, and found that an ideal CADB possesses better abrupt autofocusing. We have found a good agreement between the numerical simulations and experimental results.Comment: 16 pages, 20 figure

    A study of effects of anemia on maternal and perinatal outcomes

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    Background: The objective of the study was to evaluate the prevalence of anemia in antenatal women and to assess the effects of anemia on maternal and perinatal outcomes.Methods: A cross sectional observational study was conducted on 1000 random patients admitted in the labour room.Results: Anemia was found in 687 patients (68.7%) at the time of delivery. Nearly 321 (46.72%) had mild, 349 (50.80%) had moderate and 17 (2.47%) had severe anemia. About 72% subjects were from 20-30 years age group, 77.7% belonged to rural area, 87.8% were, booked cases. A total of 81% had received iron folic acid prophylaxis, 63.2%, belonged to lower socioeconomic class, 91.2% were educated upto primary school and 47.7% were primigravida There were significant differences in prematurity, birth weight and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy between anemic and non anemic groups. About 20.4% of anemic patients had complications like Intra uterine growth retardation (IUGR), gestational hypertension, preeclampsia, eclampsia. Nearly 91.30% IUGR were anemic and all patients with preeclampsia, eclampsia and hemolysis elevated liver enzymes, and low platelet count (HELLP) syndrome had anemia. Low appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, and respiration (APGAR) score and increased incidence of admission to Neonatal Intensive Care Unit was seen in babies born to anemic mothers.Conclusions: Maternal anaemia is associated with increased risks of postpartum haemorrhage, low birthweight, small-for-gestational age babies and perinatal death. While the best approach is prevention, a large number of women present with severe anaemia late in pregnancy. Since there is no clear guidance on how these women should be managed during labour and delivery, therefore, this issue needs to be addressed urgently
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