4 research outputs found
Enrichment for coding variants amongst autosomal SNPs stratified between South Asians and the 1000 Genome populations (3A) and for specific functional classes of SNPs amongst South Asians compared to Europeans (3B).
<p>Enrichment is calculated compared to null hypothesis; P values are provided in <b>Table S6 and Table S7 in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0102645#pone.0102645.s021" target="_blank">File S1</a></b>.</p
Enrichment for stratified genetic variants at genetic loci associated with respective phenotype in genome-wide association studies.
<p>Inset the correlation between the enrichment for stratified SNPs at known genetic loci, and enrichment of stratified variants for SNPs associated with respective phenotype in genome-wide association studies. Further details are provided in <b>Table S10 in <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0102645#pone.0102645.s021" target="_blank">File S1</a></b>.</p
Correlation between imputed and observed genotypes amongst South Asians, using phased or unphased genotypes from low coverage WGS, or using 1000 Genomes Project data.
<p>Results are shown as mean r<sup>2</sup> with genotypes observed from microarray data (<b>2A</b>) or high-coverage WGS (<b>2B</b>, WGS-28x).</p
Location of birth (1A) and principal components analysis (PCA, 1B) of the South Asians sequenced.
<p>The PCA plots shows results for all South Asians in the LOLIPOP study (SA - All, red circles), for South Asians sequenced (SA - NGS, black dots) and for HapMap2 populations.</p