28 research outputs found

    Should we Alienate Ourselves from “Parental Alienation”?

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    U znanstvenim i stručnim psihologijskim, psihijatrijskim i pravnim krugovima diljem svijeta vodi se rasprava o uporabi koncepta roditeljskog otuđenja. U Hrvatskoj znanstvenoj i stručnoj literaturi prevladavaju tekstovi u kojima se „otuđenje“ promatra kao na znanosti utemeljen konstrukt. Ono što nedostaje su tekstovi koji propitkuju znanstvenu utemeljenost „otuđenja“ i problematiziraju moguće posljedice upotrebe takvog, u ovom trenutku još uvijek, nedovoljno jasno definiranog i operacionaliziranog koncepta, na dobrobit naših korisnika. U ovom radu iznesene su poteškoće s ovim konceptom i stavljene u kontekst prakse temeljene na dokazima te su prikazane potencijalne štetne posljedice upotrebe „otuđenja“ u radu sa ženama žrtvama nasilja i korištenja „otuđenja“ kao još jedne strategije prisile i kontrole nad žrtvama.In recent years, there have been discussions within the scientific and professional communities in the fields of psychology, psychiatry and law about the application of the concept of parental alienation. The Croatian scientific and professional literature is dominated by texts in which “parental alienation” is seen as a science-based construct. What is missing are texts that question the scientific soundness of “parental alienation” and examine the possible consequences of using the concept that has still neither been sufficiently defined nor operationalized in the best interest of our patients. This paper presents a number of difficulties related to this concept in the context of evidence-based practice and describes potentially adverse consequences of using “parental alienation” in working with women victims of violence and the application of “parental alienation” as yet another strategy of coercion and control over victims

    Social Networks, Depression and Anxiety

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    Društvene mreže su virtualni prostori koji služe za međusobno povezivanje korisnika kojih je trenutno u svijetu preko 3,8 milijarde. Broj korisnika kao i broj različitih društvenih mreža je u stalnom porastu što ukazuje da je tehnologijom posredovana svakodnevica postala sastavni dio života u 21. stoljeću. Nedvojbeno je da postoje brojne prednosti napretka tehnologije, no otvara se pitanje pridonosi li nužno uporaba društvenih mreža dobrobiti i kvaliteti života svakog pojedinca. Zadnjih desetak godina sve je veći broj istraživanja koja nastoje razjasniti vezu između korištenja društvenih mreža i psihičkog zdravlja. U kontekstu društvenih mreža najviše se ispituje subjektivna procjena količine vremena provedenog na društvenim mrežama te na koji je način to vrijeme provedeno (aktivna/pasivna uporaba). U kontekstu psihičkog zdravlja najistraživaniji konstrukti su anksioznost i depresivnost, dok se samopoštovanje, strah od propuštanja, socijalna usporedba, usamljenost pokazuju medijatorima/moderatorima povezanosti društvenih mreža i psihičkog zdravlja. Međutim, iznimno je važno staviti dosadašnja istraživanja u kontekst pandemije COVID-19. Ovaj pregledni rad donosi glavne nalaze u ovom području s jasnim zaključkom kako je potrebno još kvalitetnih longitudinalnih i eksperimentalnih studija koje će dati odgovor na pitanje o smjeru tog odnosa kao i o potencijalnim zaštitnim odnosno rizičnim faktorima, naročito u kontekstu promjene važnosti društvenih mreža za održavanje socijalnih kontakata.Social networks are virtual spaces currently connecting over 3.8 billion users worldwide. The number of users and the number of different social networks is constantly growing, which indicates that technology-mediated daily life has become an integral part of life in the 21st century. It is indubitable that there are many advantages to technological progress, but the question remains whether the use of social networks necessarily contributes to the wellbeing and quality of life of every individual. Over the last decade, a growing number of studies have attempted to clarify the connection between the use of social networks and mental health. In the context of social networks, the most-studied factor is the subjective assessment of time spent on social networks and the type of social network use in those periods (active/passive use). In the context of mental health, the anxiety and depression have been most extensively studied, while self-esteem, fear of missing out, social comparison, and loneliness have shown themselves to be mediators/moderators in the association between social networks and mental health. However, it is extremely important to place existing research in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. This review article presents the main findings in this field with the clear conclusion that further longitudinal and experimental studies are required to clarify the causal direction of this relationship and the potential protective and risk factors, especially in the context of the alterations in the importance of social networks in maintaining social contacts during the pandemic

    Psychosocial Adjustment to Sex Reassignment Surgery: a Qualitative Examination and Personal Experiences of Six Transsexual Persons in Croatia

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    In Croatia, transgender individuals face numerous social and medical obstacles throughout the process of transition. The aim of this study was to depict the factors contributing to the psychosocial adjustment of six transsexual individuals living in Croatia following sex reassignment surgery (SRS). A combination of quantitative and qualitative self-report methods was used. Due to the specificity of the sample, the data were collected online. Standardized questionnaires were used to assess mental health and quality of life alongside a series of open-ended questions divided into 4 themes: the decision-making process regarding SRS; social and medical support during the SRS process; experience of discrimination and stigmatizing behaviors; psychosocial adjustment after SRS. Despite the unfavorable circumstances in Croatian society, participants demonstrated stable mental, social, and professional functioning, as well as a relative resilience to minority stress. Results also reveal the role of pretransition factors such as high socioeconomic status, good premorbid functioning, and high motivation for SRS in successful psychosocial adjustment. During and after transition, participants reported experiencing good social support and satisfaction with the surgical treatment and outcomes. Any difficulties reported by participants are related to either sexual relationships or internalized transphobia. The results also demonstrate the potentially protective role that a lengthier process of transition plays in countries such as Croatia


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    Background: Many research has indicated that, during the COVID-19 pandemic, health care workers are under greatly increased pressure and at increased risk for the development of mental health problems. Furthermore, previous research has indicated that psychiatrists are exposed to a number of unique stressors that may increase their risk for poor mental health. The aims of the present study were to assess the level of COVID-19 related concerns, psychological distress and life satisfaction among psychiatrists and other physicians during the first period of the pandemic and to examine whether individual differences in COVID-19 concerns, psychological flexibility, psychological resilience and coping behaviors account for differences in mental health indicators. Subjects and methods: The sample consisted of N=725 physicians, among whom 22.8% were psychiatrists. This study was conducted online during the first lockdown in Croatia and collected data regarding COVID-19 related concerns, coping behaviors and mental health indicators (Psychological Distress and Life Satisfaction). Results: Physicians of other specialties had higher scores on a measure of COVID-19 anxiety than psychiatrists (p=0.012). In addition, a number of differences in coping behaviors are evident. Specifically, psychiatrists were less likely than physicians of other specializations to believe that being informed about COVID-19 is an effective coping strategy (p=0.013), but more prone to using sedatives and drugs as a coping strategy (p=0.002; p=0.037). Conclusions: Psychiatrists are at special risk for substance abuse. Younger age, psychological inflexibility, low resilience and greater COVID-19 concerns might act as specific risk factors for distress. Our findings highlight the need for promoting a healthy lifestyle and psychological flexibility as universal protective factors

    Povezanost ispitne anksioznosti s perfekcionizmom

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    Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio utvrditi povezanost ispitne anksioznosti, pozitivnog i negativnog perfekcionizma te nekoliko mjera akademskog postignuća. Također su se željele provjeriti razlike u izraženosti ispitne anksioznosti između adaptivnih i neadaptivnih perfekcionista i neperfekcionista. U istraživanju je sudjelovao 331 student Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Sudionici su ispunili Upitnik ispitne anksioznosti (TAI; Spielberger, Gonzalez, Taylor, Algaze i Anton, 1978) i Ljestvicu pozitivnog i negativnog perfekcionizma (PNPS; Terry-Short, Owens, Slade i Dewey, 1995) te odgovorili na pitanja o akademskom postignuću (prosječna ocjena na studiju, prolaznost na ispitima, zadovoljstvo sobom kao studentom) i važnosti ocjene. Utvrđena je pozitivna povezanost ispitne anksioznosti s negativnim perfekcionizmom, dok s pozitivnim perfekcionizmom povezanost nije utvrđena. Pozitivan perfekcionizam nisko je pozitivno povezan s važnošću ocjene i zadovoljstvom sobom kao studentom, a negativan perfekcionizam nisko pozitivno povezan s važnošću ocjene te nisko negativno sa zadovoljstvom sobom kao studentom. Ispitna anksioznost je nisko negativno povezana sa svim ispitivanim mjerama akademskog postignuća što može upućivati na nepovoljne posljedice njene pojave na akademsko postignuće. Izraženost ispitne anksioznosti statistički je značajno viša kod neadaptivnih perfekcionista u odnosu na adaptivne perfekcioniste i neperfekcioniste između kojih razlika nije utvrđena

    Rules of Attraction: Attraction Assessment of Individuals with Personality Disorders

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    Ovim istraživanjem željelo se ispitati na koji se način procjenjuje privlačnost osoba koje imaju simptome poremećaja ličnosti te čine li to muškarci drugačije nego žene. Ispitivanje je provedeno na punoljetnim heteroseksualnim osobama. Istraživana je privlačnost osoba sa simptomima histrionskog, graničnog, opsesivno-kompulzivnog, ovisnog i shizotipnog poremećaja ličnosti. Sudionici su pročitali opise osoba s navedenim poremećajima i dali procjene o percepciji sviđanja odgovarajući na pet pitanja o svakoj opisanoj osobi koja se odnose na stupanj sviđanja i spremnosti ulaska u bliske odnose s opisanim osobama. Podatci su prikupljeni online metodom snježne grude. Pokazalo se da muškarci sustavno daju veće procjene na svakom pitanju. Muškarci najprivlačnijima procjenjuju žene s graničnim i ovisnim poremećajem ličnosti. Kao prijateljicu i dugoročnu partnericu najprikladnijima procjenjuju žene s ovisnim poremećajem ličnosti. Najviše su voljni ući u kratkoročnu vezu sa ženama koje imaju granični i histrionski poremećaj ličnosti. Žene najprivlačnijima procjenjuju muškarce s graničnim i ovisnim poremećajem ličnosti i njih najradije biraju za dugoročne partnere. Za prijatelje odabiru muškarce s ovisnim poremećajem ličnosti, a u kratkoročnu su se vezu najspremnije upustiti s muškarcima s graničnim poremećajem ličnosti.The aim of this study was to determine how attractiveness of persons with symptoms of personality disorders is assessed and whether there are differences between men and women. The study was conducted on adult heterosexual individuals. We investigated attractiveness of persons with the symptoms of histrionic, borderline, obsessive-compulsive, dependent and schizotypal personality disorders. Participants were given descriptions of persons with the above stated disorders and estimated their perceived likableness by answering five questions relating to a degree of liking and willingness to enter into close relationships with each person described. Data were collected online using the snowball method. It was found that men systematically assigned higher scores to each question. Women with borderline and dependent personality disorders were assessed by men as most attractive and women with dependent personality disorder as most suitable for friendship or long-term partnership. Men were most willing to enter into a short-term relationship with women with borderline and histrionic personality disorders. Women were most attracted to men with borderline and dependent personality disorders and preferred to choose them for long-term partnerships. Women chose men with dependent personality disorder for friends and were most willing to enter into a short-term relationship with men with borderline personality disorder

    Prediktori straha od negativne evaluacije izgleda među rekreativnim bodybuilderima

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    This study aimed to determine the contribution of gender, age, intensity of exercise, perfectionism, perfectionistic self-presentation and eating attitudes in the explanation dimensions of social physique anxiety (SPA) in a sample of 345 male and female gym exercisers. The results of this study indicate that the implemented model explains 21.3 % (p < .001) of the variance in Dissatisfaction with appearance and 48.4 % (p < .001) of the variance in Worry about appearance. Significant predictors of Dissatisfaction with appearance are intensity of exercise, discrepancy and eating attitudes, while significant predictors of Worry about appearance are gender, intensity of exercise, discrepancy, avoiding displays of imperfection and eating attitudes. In other words, recreational levels of exercise, negative perfectionism and negative attitudes towards food are strong predictors of social physique anxiety, while the tendency to hide our imperfections and female gender are only relevant when it comes toWorry about appearance.Cilj je istraživanja bio utvrditi koliko spol, dob, ozbiljnost vježbanja, perfekcionizam, perfekcionistička samoprezentacija te stavovi prema hranjenju doprinose objašnjenju dimenzija straha od negativne evaluacije izgleda na uzorku od 345 muških i ženskih sudionika koji vježbaju u teretani. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da testirani model objašnjava 21.3 % (p < .001) varijance Nezadovoljstva izgledom i 48.4 % (p < .001) varijance Brige o izgledu. Značajni su prediktori Nezadovoljstva izgledom ozbiljnost vježbanja u teretani te Diskrepancija i stavovi prema hranjenju, dok su značajni prediktori Brige o izgledu spol, ozbiljnost vježbanja u teretani, Diskrepancija, nepokazivanje nesavršenosti i stavovi prema hranjenju. Drugim riječima, rekreativne razine vježbanja, neadaptivni perfekcionizam i negativni stavovi prema hranjenju snažni su prediktori straha od negativne evaluacije izgleda, dok su sklonost izbjegavanju pokazivanja vlastite nesavršenosti i ženski spol relevantni samo za Brigu o izgledu

    Social Physique Anxiety among Bodybuilders

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    The aim of the study was to determine whether there is a diffrence in social physique anxiety (SPA) in relation to gender, gravity of exercise, main goal of exercise and their interaction. A sample of 345 male and female gym exercisers completed social phisique anxiety inventory (SPAS) and anwsered questions about their exercise habits. Data was collected through online survey formed on Survey Monkey which was forwarded to participants through social networks and forums related to exercise. The results of this study indicate that higher level of both SPAS dimensions (Dissatisfaction with appearance and Worry about appearance) was reported by recreational athletes (compared to more serious recreational athletes and competitive athletes) and participants whose main goal of exercise is improving health (compared to participants whose main goal of exercise is developing muscle mass or increasing endurance and strenght), while in Worry about appearance dimension, females show higher scores

    The Subjective Quality of Life (SQOL) in Gastroenterological Patients

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    The aim of this study was to assess the subjective quality of life and to identify the psychosocial predictors of SQOL among patients with a variety of gastroenterological diseases. A convenience sample of 78 gastroenterological patients completed questionnaires measuring subjective quality of life, perceived social support, coping style, depression and anxiety. The mean level of SQOL was 73%. Participants with a low level of subjective well-being (< 50%) were more depressive (p < .001), had higher levels of both trait and state anxiety (p < .01), felt they received less social support from both friends and family (p < .01), and used avoidance as a coping strategy more often than patients with normal level of SQOL (p < .01). In three of the four domains measured by the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire – psychological, social and environmental - the subgroup of dissatisfied patients obtained significantly lower results, while in the domain of physical health the two subgroups did not differ. Multiple regression analysis showed the trait-anxiety to be the most important predictor for a subjective QOL. A group of patients remained within the normal range of subjective well-being expected by the homeostatic model, showing that gastroenterological disease alone does not result in homeostatic failure. Psychological variables, especially the anxiety level and perceived satisfaction with the environment, play a major role in maintaining a homeostatic balance. This finding demonstrates the importance and necessity of psychological support in treatment of physical illnesses

    How Perfectionism and Eating Disorder Symptoms Contribute to Searching Weight-Loss Information on the Internet?

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    Background and Objectives: Eating disorder (ED) symptoms are a growing problem and modern technologies introduced a new and unexplored potential risk factor for vulnerable individuals. It is fairly common for women to use the Internet in order to find information about various weight-loss methods, but it was further questioned whether perfectionism and eating disorder symptomatology could be linked to this behavior. Materials and Methods: Participants were 228 women (Mean age = 30.5; SD = 9.43) recruited via social media, who provided responses on measures of perfectionism, eating disorder symptoms, and a short check-list measuring the frequency of online searching about five topics (food, diet, exercise, body appearance, and eating disorders). Results: Hierarchical multiple regression analysis showed that the BMI and Discrepancy subscale of APS-R significantly predicted online searching, along with eating disorder symptomatology. Moreover, mediation analyses resulted in a significant indirect effect, but not a direct effect, indicating that eating disorder symptomatology fully mediated the relationship between BMI and online searching, as well as between maladaptive perfectionism and online searching. Conclusion: These findings shed light on a high BMI and maladaptive perfectionism as potential risk factors for eating disorder-related behavior on the Internet. More attention to online-seeking behavior among women symptomatic of ED is warranted, and websites containing such topics should include information about professional help for eating disorder-symptomatic individuals