141 research outputs found

    Ga-As laser in the treatment of adult periodontitis

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    Procjenjivan je protuupalni učinak pulsnog galij arsenid lasera u terapiji adultnog parodontitisa uz pomoć laboratorijskog testa količine izlućenog gingivnog eksudata. Obrađeno je 15 pacijenata oba spola u dobi izĀ­među 25 i 39 godina. Nakon izvrÅ”ene kiretaže i obasjavanja laserom koĀ­ličina gingivnog eksudata do tridesetog dana smanjuje se brže u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu (p < 0,01). Nakon tridesetog dana razlika u količini gingivnog eksudata viÅ”e nije vjerodostojna.Besides a review of the recent results in the field of soft laser application in stomatology, this paper presents a gallium-arsenic laser which was used as an extra therapy in the adult periodontosis. Successfulness of the applied therapy was evaluated on the basis of the laboratory finĀ­dings on the secreted gingivic exudate quantum in a time-unit (gingivic liquid and blood). The results show that the remendy process of catarrh was in the begining faster on the LAS sextant (p < 0,01), but the final results, after thirty daysā€™period, were not significantly different. We believe that biostimulative effects of laser in the adult periodonĀ­tosis therapy is of short duration, and in a longer period of time these effects have not proved to be better than the curettage

    Ivica Anić

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    In memoriam: Professor Zoran Azinović: 1944 ā€“ 2008

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    Prof.dr.sc. Zoran Azinović, izvanredni profesor kolegija Endodoncije, restaurativne stomatologije i karijesologije, viÅ”i znanstveni savjetnik StomatoloÅ”kog fakulteta u Zagrebu, specijalist dentalne i oralne patologije s parodontologijom te primarius StomatoloÅ”ke klinike KBC-a u Zagrebu, rođen je u Konjicu 25. kolovoza 1944. Dugačka rečenica, mnoÅ”tvo podataka, a možda je najvažniji taj da je tada počeo jedan život. Život koji je rastao, stasao, ostavio trag i na tom se putu ugasio kao Å”to su se ugasili i svi prije, kao Å”to će se ugasiti i svi poslije njega. Da, ugasio se prerano. Gospodin Zoran Azinović, osebujan čovjek, vedre naravi, uvijek spreman pomoći, učitelj i mentor mnogobrojnih studenata StomatoloÅ”kog fakulteta u Zagrebu. Nakon Å”to je diplomirao godine 1968. na tom istom fakultetu, 1970. počeo je svoju nastavnu, stručnu i znanstvenu karijeru kao sveučiliÅ”ni asistent na Zavodu za dentalnu patologiju. Specijalistički ispit obranio je 1977., a akademski stupanj magistra medicinskih znanosti iz područja stomatologije stekao je 1981. Bavio se istraživanjem učinkovitosti jetkanja cakline i jedan je od pionira na tom području u naÅ”oj zemlji. I mnoge je studente zainteresirao i usmjerio u istraživanja tog područja, a među prvima je kod nas radio i SEM istraživanja promjena na tvrdim zubnim tkivima. U to doba trebalo je uložiti veliki trud i znanje u takvu vrstu rada. Uz znanstveni i nastavni rad, prof. dr.sc. Zoran Azinović unaprijedio je struku. Primarius je postao deset godina nakon obranjenog specijalističkog ispita 1977. i svoje je najbolje godine dao pacijentima KBC-a koji su to znali cijeniti. Njegovi su ga pacijenti voljeli i cijenili i uvijek su tražili samo njega. Na vratima bi sestri tiho rekli: ā€žJa sam od prof. Azinovića, recite mu da sam tuā€œ. Nastavljajući znanstveni rad, doktorat iz istog područja, ali ovaj put o utjecaju fluorida na caklinu, obranio je 1989., a sljedeće je godine stekao zvanje docenta. Izvanredni profesor postao je 1999. i na toj dužnosti bio je do prerane smrti godine 2008.Professor Zoran Azinović, DMD, PhD, Associate Professor of Endodontics, restorative dentistry and cariesology, Senior scientific consultant at the University of Zagreb School of Dental medicine, specialist in dental and oral pathology and periodontology, dentist-in-Chief at the Zagreb Clinical hospital center Dental clinic was born in Konjic in Bosnia and Herzegovina on August 25th, 1944. That was a long sentence, containing a lot of information ā€“ the most important of which might be the beginning of a life. A life that matured and left a mark. Then its light extinguished, like all the others before it, and all those that shall follow. Yes, he left us too soon. Mr. Zoran Azinović was a special man, always willing to help, teacher and mentor to many students at the University Dental School here in Zagreb. After graduating in 1968 he began his academic, scientific and teaching career at the same instution in 1970, at the Dental pathology department. He qualified as a specialist in 1977, and defended his Masterā€™s degree thesis in Dental sciences in 1981. His researched was focused on the efficacity of enamel etching and was one of the pioneers of this technique in this country. He also encouraged many students to concentrate on that area in their work, and was one of the first in the country to conduct SEM research on changes in the hard tissue of the tooth. At the time, it was necessary to invest great effort and knowledge into such work. Professor Zoran Azinović, DMD, PhD improved our profession. He was named doctor-in-Chief at the CHC Dental clinic ten years after qualifying as a specialist in 1977, and gave his best years to his patients there, and they valued his time. His patients loved him and appreciated him, and always requested him, personally. They would quietly knock at the door and tell the nurse: ā€œIā€™m with Professor Azinović. Please tell him Iā€™m hereā€. Furthering his scientific work, he earned a PhD in the same area in 1989, this time studying the effect of Fluoride on enamel. The following year he became Adjunct Professor. He became an Associate professor in 1999, and maintained that position until his untimely death in 2008

    Tlačna i posmična otpornost sveze kompozita i dentina

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    Transverse and. tensile resistance o f a dentin-bonded composite resin restoration was tested. The composite resins (Fluorocore, Coradent and Coracore) were retained routinely by a dentin adhesive (Syntac) on dentin samples. The specimens were mounted on a mechanical testing device, and each o f the 23 specimens was loaded perpendicularly to its long axis. The transverse force was applied at a crosshead speed o f 0.5 mm/min until failure occurred. The next 22 specimens were loaded in parallel with their long axis in the same conditions. All the three materials showed a satisfactory compressive shear bond strength, but transverse resistance was inadequate and restorative pins had to be used.Ispitivana je mehanička otpornost triju kompozitnih materijala i sveze dentinskoga adheziva Syntaca s dentinom. Kompozitne smole (Fluorocore, Coradent i Coracore) rabljene su za izradbu nadgradnje na korijenskom dentinu pretkutnjaka. Kompozitne nadogradnje (22) tlačene su okomito i paralelno (23) s uzdužnom osi zuba dok nije puknula nadgradnja, sveza ili dentin. Sva tri materijala pokazala su klinički dovoljnu tlačnu, ali ne i posmičnu otpornost. Za opsežnije kompozitne nadgradnje vitalnih zuba potrebno je uporabiti i parapulpalne kolčiće

    Root Canal Sealing Ability of Four Different Obturation Techniques

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    U radu je na 46 ekstrahiranih jednokorijenskih zuba ispitivana mogućnost brtvljenja apeksnog otvora četirima različitim tehnikama punjenja. Korijenski kanali uzoraka instrumentirani su ā€œstep backā€ tehnikom. Prije punjenja zaostatni sloj nije uklanjan. Uzorci su punjeni: tehnikom jedne gutaperke; tehnikom lateralne kondenzacije; tehnikom vertikalne kondenzacije; kombiniranom tehnikom. Kanali su punjeni gutaperkom uz dodatak tvorničkog preparata Diaket. Kvaliteta brtvljenja procjenjivana je na temelju prodora 1 %-tne vodene otopine metilenskog modrila između punjenja i stijenke korijenskog kanala. Najmanji prodor boje zabilježen je kod tehnike lateralne kondenzacije (0,93 mm SD 0,80). Prodor boje kod vertikalne kondenzacije iznosio je 1,79 mm (SD 1,01), kod tehnike jedne gutaperke 1,93 mm (SD 1,38), i kod kombinirane tehnike 1,97 mm (SD 0,89). Statistički vjerodostojna razlika zabilježena je između tehnika lateralne kondenzacije i kombinirane tehnike (p<0,05).The apical sealing ability of the standard lateral condensation technique, vertical condensation technique, single gutta-percha technique and combined technique was measured and compared. Root canals of 40 single-rooted teeth were instrumented using the step back technique. Six additional teeth were used as controls. The apical leakage was measured using a stereomicroscope after submerging the root apices in a 1% methylene blue water solution. The best result was obtained with the lateral condensation technique (0.93Ā±0.80 mm), followed by the vertical condensation technique (1.79Ā±1.02 mm) and single gutta-percha cone (I.93Ā±1.38 mm). The poorest result was obtained with the combined obturation technique (1.97Ā±0.80 mm). The difference between the lateral condensation obturation technique and combined technique was statistically significant (p<0.05)

    Three-Rooted Maxillary First Premolars: Five Clinical Cases

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    Prvi gornji trokorijeni pretkutnjaci ne pojavljuju se često, ali njihovu pojavnost moramo imati na umu pri endodontskom tretmanu gornjih pretkutnjaka. Ulazi u bukalne korijenske kanale obično nisu dobro vidljivi, pa unatoč dobrom poznavanju anatomije, kliničkom iskustvu i radiografskoj snimci jedan od bukalnih kanala ostaje neobrađen. Incidencija prvih gornjih pretkutnjaka s tri odvojena korijena, tri kanala i tri apeksna otvora je između 4-6%. U radu je prikazano 5 endodontskih liječenja prvih maksilarnih pretkutnjaka s 3 korijenska kanala. Prvi slučaj je liječenje zbog protetske indikacije gdje su odmah uočena i tretirana sva 3 kanala, Å”to je radiografski dokumentirano. Preostala 4 slučaja su retretmani jer prijaÅ”nja liječenja nisu bila uspjeÅ”na zbog neprepoznavanja i netretiranja trećega kanala. Učinjeni retretmani radiografski su kontrolirani.Three-rooted maxillary first premolars do not occur usually, but their possibility always has to be considered. The buccal orifices of the root canals are not clearly visible. In spite of a good knowledge of tooth anatomy, clinical experience, and X-rays, the third canal is often overlooked. The incidence of maxillary first premolars with three roots, three canals and three foramina is about 4-6%. In this article 5 clinical endodontic cases of first maxillary premolars with three canals are presented. The first case presents endodontic treatment of the first right maxillary premolar for a prosthetic reason. All three canals were recognized and treated as documented by radiographs. The remaining cases were retreatment of the first maxillary premolars where third canals had remained unrecognized during previous endodontic procedures, resulting in failure of treatment. Retreatments were performed and results documented by radiographs

    Marginal Dye Microleakage in the Class V Composite Fillings Pre-treated by Different Dentin Bonding Agents

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    U radu se je na kompozitnim ispunima V. razreda ispitivalo brtvljenje postignuto različitim adhezijskim sustavima. Na bukalnim i palatinalnim stijenkama 12 ekstrahiranih intaktnih trećih molara napravljeni su kaviteti V. razreda. Ukupno 24 kaviteta podijeljeno je u četiri skupine. Prva je skupina prije unosa kompozita tretirana GlumaĀ® 2000 adhezivom. Kaviteti druge skupine tretirani su Syntac adhezivom, treće skupine s Compoglass adhezivom, a zadnja je skupina bila kontrola. Uzorci su nakon polimerizacije ispuna termociklirani i uronjeni u vodootpornu tintu. Nakon kratkotrajne demineralizacije, ispuni su izvađeni iz mekanoga zubnog tkiva i rezultat je očitan mikroskopom te fo tografiran. Najmanji ukupni prodor boje očitan je kod Syntac (0,27 mm, SD 0,18) adheziva. Prodor boje kod Compoglassa adheziva iznosio je prosječno 0,77 mm (SD 0,30), kod GlumeĀ® 2000 0,85 mm (SD 0,25), a kod kontrolne skupine 0,88 mm (SD 0,38). Statistički vjerodostojna razlika zabilježena je između Syntaca i svih ostalih skupina.The aim of this study was to evaluate the variation in microleakage of Class V composite restorations pre-treated with three different dentin bonding agents. The 24 cavities were randomly divided into four groups. The cavity walls of the first group were covered by Gluma Ā® 2000, the walls of the second group were covered by Syntac and the third group by Compoglass adhesive. The fourth group was a control group. The marginal microleakage was examined by extension o f dye ink penetration under a light microscope. After partial demineralisation of the samples, the composite fillings were extracted from the cavities. The lowest dye penetration was found in cavities covered by Syntac (0.27 mm, SD 0.18) followed by Compoglass 0.77 mm, (SD 0.30). GlumaĀ® 2000 showed dye penetration of 0.85 mm (SD 0.25), and f i nally the control group showed dye penetration o f 0.88 mm (SD 0.38). Prof.dr.sc. Ivica Anić Only Syntac showed statistically significant less dye penetration com- Zavod za bolesti zubi pared to the other experimental groups including the control

    Temperature Changes Inside the Molar Pulp Chamber and on the Enamel and Root Surfaces Induced by the CO2 Laser Beam, in vitro: Preliminary report

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    Ispitivan je učinak CO2 laserske zrake snage 2 i 3W na promjenu temperature unutar pulpne komorice, na bukalnoj plohi krune i na srednjoj trećini mezijalnog korijena donjih molara. Mjerenja su vrÅ”ena infracrvenom termokamerom, a rezultati su obrađeni kompjutorskim programom. Istim postupkom praćen je i toplinski tijek u jedinici vremena preko povrÅ”ine molara i unutar vidljivog dijela pulpne komorice. Maksimalna povećanja temperature unutar komorice zabilježena su 10 sekundi nakon prestanka rada lasera (x = 7,34Ā°C za 2W i x = 7,97Ā° za 3W).The thermal effects of continuous wave CO2 laser irradiation on human molars, in vitro, were investigated. Internal and external temperature changes and temperature distribution over external crown and root surfaces were monitored by thermovision camera and the data were analyzed by computerized thermal image processing system. Laser irradiation of the cavity bottom Class I preparation by 2 and 3 W results due to the first 10 seconds after laser action were stopped in an maximal elevation o f intrapulpal temperature of 7.34Ā°C and 7.97Ā°C respectively

    Toplinski učinak C 0 2 lasera na tvrda zubna tkiva i amalgamske ispune Ivica

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    Effects of temperature changes on extracted human teeth, amalgam surface and during ablation of cervical caries produced by C02 laser irradiation were examined. On extracted molars, the bottom of occlusal class I preparations were with output power of 3 W for 5 and 10 s. Temperature elevations recorded at crosssection surface of the holes of 3 mm in diameter, previously prepared on buccal surface toward pulp chamber, were between + 7.3Ā°C and temperatures which were beyond the calibration range (>50Ā°C) of the thermovision device. On non-polished amalgam class 11 restorations, laser power of 1 W for 3 s, measured at impact points, produced immediately after lasing a maximal rise in temperature higher than 50Ā°C (>+15Ā°C), beyond the camera calibration range. The same temperature rise was recorded after ablation of cervical caries with laser power of 2 W for 5 s.U radu je ispitivan temperaturni učinak C02 lasera na zubno tkivo i amalgam. Dno okluzijskog kaviteta I. razreda kod 40 trajnih zdravih molara obasjano je s 3W kroz 5 i 10 sekundi. Promjene temperature mjerene su bukalnoj caklini, povrÅ”ini korijena i, indirektno, u pranoj pulpnoj komorici. Nakon obasjavanja, u pulpnoj komorici temperatura je porasla za najmanje +7.5Ā°C do viÅ”e od 20Ā°C. Nakon obasjavanja troploÅ”noga amalgamskog ispuna na molarima snagom od 1W kroz 3 s, na ciljanu mjestu temperatura je porasla za viÅ”e od 15-20PC. Samo 0,5 sekundi kasnije, temperatura je bila poviÅ”ena za +5.7Ā°C. Isti porast temperature izmjeren je i nakon fotoablacije cerviksnog karijesa na ekstrahiranim očnjacima, ali je hlađenje bilo znatno sporije
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