7 research outputs found

    Impact of reducing sitting time in women with fibromyalgia and obesity: a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Sitting time has negative effects on health, increasing the risk of obesity, osteoporosis, diabetes, and cancer. Thus, primary health care education interventions aimed to reduce sitting time and sedentary behavior could have beneficial effects on people’s health and wellbeing. The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of an intervention based on reducing sitting time to decrease cardiometabolic risk on a sample of women diagnosed with fibromyalgia and moderate obesity. Methods: Randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness of an intervention to decrease cardiometabolic risk in 84 participants. Sedentary behavior was monitored using an accelerometer before and at 3-month follow-up. Results: Compared with the control group, body mass index decreased, and the number of steps taken increased, in the intervention group 3 months after the intervention. No significant differences were found in the rest of the variables measured. Conclusion: The intervention group decreased sitting time after the intervention. Group activities and support from primary care may be useful to improve treatment adherence

    Identificación en aguas recreativas de bacterias patógenas en amebas de vida libre, que actúan como nicho ecológico, mediante técnicas de biología molecular.

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    Las amebas de vida libre (AVL) son protozoos que se encuentran ampliamente distribuidos en la naturaleza, siendo algunas de ellas patógenos oportunistas. Existe una interacción en el medio ambiente entre AVL y bacterias, siendo estas su sustrato alimenticio, aunque se ha demostrado la capacidad de algunas especies para sobrevivir en el interior de la ameba1. Este hecho supone que bacterias consideradas patógenas para el ser humano, permanezcan protegidas en el interior de las amebas cuya forma quística es altamente resistente y cuando las condiciones que hacían adverso el medio desaparecen, sean liberadas persistiendo en lugares como torres de refrigeración, piscinas, fuentes ornamentales, lo que supone un riesgo para la salud pública1-2. Se estudió la presencia de bacterias patóge

    La escala CIBISA: herramienta para la autoevaluación del aprendizaje práctico de estudiantes de enfermería

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    Objetivo principal: Elaborar y validar un cuestionario para medir el aprendizaje de los cuidados enfermeros durante las prácticas en el grado de enfermería. Metodología: Elaboración de la escala inicial de 45 ítems, pilotaje de la herramienta con alumnado de la Universidad de Zaragoza y Universidad del País Vasco, mediante análisis de la fiabilidad y de estructura. Posterior consulta a expertos para validación de contenido. Resultados principales: El resultado del pilotaje reportó que el global de la herramienta presentaba buena fiabilidad (alfa=0,888), con una estructura unidimensional que explica el 66% de la varianza. El grupo de expertos confirmó la estructura unidimensional de la escala, y propuso la eliminación de 17 ítems por considerarlos redundantes. Conclusión principal: La herramienta presentada resulta útil para la evaluación del aprendizaje del alumnado. Resultaría necesario ampliar el estudio con muestras de otras universidades, e incluir herramientas que aporten validez convergente o divergente. Objective: Development and validation of a questionnaire to measure the learning of nursing care during Nurse Degree clinical practices. Methods: Elaboration of a 45-item initial scale, pilot study with students from University of Zaragoza and University of Pais Vasco, through reliability and structural analysis. Content validation through experts consulting. Results: Pilot-study result a good reliability (alpha=0,888) in the global tool, with a unidimensional structure accounting for variance 66%. The expert panel confirmed that unidimensional structure for the scale, and considered 17 items redundant, proposing its elimination. Conclusions: Presented tool is useful for students learning assessment. It would be necessary to Include samples from other universities and tools that provide convergent and divergent validity in further studies

    Intervención enfermera para controlar la transmisibilidad cruzada de microorganismos multirresistentes en un servicio de hospitalización urológico.

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    Según el “Estudio de prevalencias de infecciones nosocomiales en España” de 2015, las localizaciones urológicas son la cuarta causa de infección hospitalaria, con una prevalencia del 19,72%.Con el fin de disminuir la incidencia de transmisionescruzadas,derivadas delcontacto con profesionalessanitariosy no sanitarios, pacientes, familiares y acompañantes, se propone una intervención enfermera basada en un programa de educación para la salud y dos seminarios de formación continuada. Se han elaborado seis herramientas, dirigidas a erradicar malas prácticas y actuaciones incorrectas, evaluadas a través de indicadores de proceso y de resultados. Tanto el programa educativo como la formación continuada se pueden implantar en otros servicios de hospitalización,con el correspondiente estudio de prevalencia de microorganimos multirresistentes, abriendo nuevas líneas de investigación. According to the “Study of Prevalence of Nosocomial Infections in Spain” 2015, urologic locations are the fourth leading cause of hospital infections, with a prevalence of 19.72%. In order to decrease the incidence of transmissions crusades, arising from the contact with health care and non-health care professionals, patients, family members and their companions, proposes a nurse intervention based on a program of education for health and two seminars of continuous training. Six tools have been developed, aimed at eradicating bad practices and improper practices, evaluated through indicators of process and results. Both the educational program such as continuous training, can be deployed to other hospitalization services with the corresponding study of prevalence of multiresistant microorganimos, opening new lines of research

    Ageism and nursing students, past or reality?: a systematic review

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    Objective: This systematic review aimed to summarise and update existing knowledge about ageism among nursing students through the following research question: what is the perception and attitudes of ageism among student nurses? Design: A systematic review of longitudinal and cross-sectional studies of ageism in nursing students was carried out. Data sources: The literature search was conducted in the scientific databases Pubmed and Scopus in February 2021. Review methods: After the screening process, 22 studies meeting the selection criteria were selected; 8 more were identified after manually searching the selected paper' reference lists. A total of 30 studies were included in the review. The JBI Critical Appraisal Checklists for Analytical Cross-Sectional studies and for Cohort Studies were used to appraise the articles' quality. Results: There was large variability in the manifestation of ageism among student nurses, as well as in the instruments used for assessment. Most of the articles analysed attitudes towards old age, the majority of which were positive. Being a female student, being on the final year of study and having regular contact or cohabitation with an older adult were three of the main determinants in the expression of positive attitudes towards the elderly. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that student nurses generally have positive attitudes towards old age, although ageist beliefs and discriminatory behaviours were identified and should be studied in greater depth. Training programs for future care professionals have a responsibility to educate from a non-stereotypical perspective based on current societal needs

    Clinical and epidemiological approach to delirium in an acute care unit: a cross-sectional study

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    During hospital admissions, the union of various factors, those related to acute pathology, dependency conditions, cognitive impairment, change of habitual environment, and others, can cause delirium. Acute delirium in the elderly (ADE) occurs in around a third of patients over 70 years of age. The syndrome generates serious complications that increase hospital morbidity and mortality and a high cost for the health administration. This study aimed to determine the clinical and epidemiological profile of ADE in an internal medicine unit. A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out using a convenience test. A total of 356 patients participated between September and November 2021. Sociodemographic variables, predisposing and precipitating factors of ADE, methods of action against ADE, and the impact on functional and cognitive deterioration were analyzed. A total of 35.1% of the patients developed ADE, mostly of the hyperactive type and of nocturnal appearance. ADE was mainly treated with psychoactive drugs and 22% required mechanical restraint, with non-pharmacological preventive strategies, support, and caregiver training being the main tools for controlling ADE during hospital admission

    An evaluation of undergraduate student nurses' gameful experience while playing an escape room game as part of a community health nursing course

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    Background: The integration of innovative strategies to teaching and learning in higher education, such as escape room games, can enhance the acquisition of key professional competencies including communication, teamwork and critical thinking. Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate undergraduate student nurses' gameful experience while playing an escape room game as part of a nursing course. Design: Cross-sectional descriptive study. Participants: A total of 126 third year student nurses enrolled in the “Community Health Nursing II” course. Method: The escape room game took place in a classroom at the Faculty of Health Ciences. The measures included the GAMEX scale in its Spanish version and a self-reported questionnaire to evaluate the student's outcome of scape room game immediately after the end of the activity. Results: The vast majority (99.21%) considered the escape room game to be an appropriate and an innovative teaching and learning strategy. The mean score for each of the GAMEX dimensions was over 3, with the exception of Absence of negative effects. Our results suggest that the students enjoyed playing the game (mean = 4.40; SD = 0.71), that escape room games should be integrated in nursing courses (mean = 4.54; SD = 0.74) and that playing the game increased their motivation for learning (mean = 3.06; SD = 1.09). Gender differences were observed in the GAMEX Dominance dimension (p < 0.005). Conclusion Gamification in general, and escape rooms in particular, have proven to be a valid tool for the acquisition of professional competencies in higher education