2 research outputs found

    Temporally and spatially regulated somatic mutagenesis in mice

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    In mice transgenesis through oocyte injection or DNA recombination in embryonal stem (ES) cells allows mutations to be introduced into the germline. However, the earliest phenotype of the introduced mutation can eclipse later effects. We show in mice that site-specific genomic recombination can be induced in a selected cell type, B lymphocytes, at a chosen time. This precision of somatic mutagenesis was accomplished by limiting expression of a Cre recombinase-estrogen receptor fusion protein to B lymphocytes by use of tissue-specific elements in the promoter of the transgene employed. The expressed fusion protein remained inactive until derepressed by systemic administration of an exogenous ligand for the estrogen receptor, 4-OH-tamoxifen. Upon derepression the Cre recombinase enzyme deleted specific DNA segments, flanked by loxP sites, in B lymphocytes only. The efficiency of recombination in cells expressing the fusion protein could be varied from low levels to >80%, depending on the dose of ligand administered. Our work presents a paradigm applicable to other uses of site-specific recombination in somatic mutagenesis where both temporal and spatial regulation are desired

    A Comparative Study of Genome-Wide Transcriptional Profiles of Primary Hepatocytes in Collagen Sandwich and Monolayer Cultures

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    Two commonly used culture systems in hepatic tissue engineering are the collagen sandwich (CS) and monolayers of cells. In this study, genome-wide gene expression profiles of primary hepatocytes were measured over an 8-day period for each cell culture system using Affymetrix GeneChips and compared via gene set enrichment analysis to elicit biologically meaningful information at the level of gene sets. Our results demonstrate that gene expression in hepatocytes in CS cultures steadily and comprehensively diverges from that in monolayer cultures. Gene sets up-regulated in CS cultures include several associated with liver metabolic and synthesis functions, such as metabolism of lipids, amino acids, carbohydrates, and alcohol, and synthesis of bile acids. Monooxygenases such as Cytochrome-P450 enzymes do not show any change between the culture systems after 1 day, but exhibit significant up-regulation in CS cultures after 3 days in comparison to hepatocyte monolayers. These data provide insights into the up- and down-regulation of several liver-critical gene sets and their subsequent effects on liver-specific functions. These results provide a baseline for further explorations into the systems biology of engineered liver mimics