189 research outputs found

    The Relationship between School Performance and Students’ Mentality towards School Tasks Accomplishment. Preliminary Study

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    AbstractIn the specialized literature the issue regarding mentality is analysed in correlation with attitudes. If attitudes regard the individual level, mentalities are characteristic of the community. An attitude may be interpreted as a dimension of personality, reflected in an individual's behaviour towards others, or certain situations. On these lines, the research aims at discussing the issue of the Romanian students’ mentality towards school tasks. The study is based on an cvasiexperimental research conducted on a lot of 200 subjects, students from “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galaţi, Romania. The results proves that, generally, students retrospect differently to school tasks: some lay stress on the involvement for successful educational outcomes, while others believe that success can be achieved in other ways as well

    Analysis of the Correlation between GDP and the Final Consumption

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    This paper presents the results of the researches performed by the author regarding the evolution of Gross Domestic Product. One of the main aspects of GDP analysis is the correlation with the final consumption, an important macroeconomic indicator. The evolution of the Gross Domestic Product is highly influenced by the evolution of the final consumption. To analyze the correlation, the paper proposes the use of the linear regression model, as one of the most appropriate instruments for such scientific approach. The regression model described in the article uses the GDP as resultant variable and the final consumption as factorial variable

    Factors which Determine the Level of Job Satisfaction for Kindergarten Teachers. Preliminary Study.

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    AbstractThe present research aims at pointing put the level of job satisfaction for kindergarten teachers (N=124). To this effect, we have attempted at identifying the relation between the job satisfaction level and residentship, teachers’ management position, as well as the following factors: wage and preferment; management and interpersonal relationships; organisation and communication. The results that we have obtained reveal significant differences in relation to residentship in what the kindergarten teachers’ job satisfaction are concerned, as well as significant differences with reference to the management position. The teachers from the rural area have a higher level of job satisfaction than the teachers in the urban area, although, by reference to the intensity rate, we can only speak of medium intensity


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    The article presents the fundamental aspects of the linear regression, as a toolbox which can be used in macroeconomic analyses. The article describes the estimation of the parameters, the statistical tests used, the homoscesasticity and heteroskedasticity. The use of econometrics instrument in macroeconomics is an important factor that guarantees the quality of the models, analyses, results and possible interpretation that can be drawn at this level

    Aspects regarding the analysis of inflation evolution

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    With this work, the authors are submitting the main theories, which led to the definition of the concept of “inflation”, pointing out the successive acceptations, which the economists – starting with classics, Adam Smith’s contemporaries – have granted, over the time, to this economical phenomenon. Thus, at a first phase, the term of inflation was connected to currency, later on to money while presently it is commonly used for describing prices. This change of paradigm seems to originate in a sequence of unhappy events, probably unavoidable

    Cooperation in the Development of Offshore Cross-border Deposits in the Arctic Circle

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    In order to exploit the Arctic Circle, one must carefully take into account the importance of the Arctic region, its unique characteristics and the nature of international relations in the area. The region is becoming increasingly important in national defence and trade strategies because it is melting. The region’s unique characteristics are determined by climate and the challenges posed by deep, offshore drilling. Conflicts and the instances of cooperation between Arctic neighbours have a considerable effect on the future exploitation of the Arctic. Overlapping claims are not helpful in attracting the huge investments needed for arctic drilling and cross-border offshore deposits cannot be sustainably exploited without the prior consent of the parties. This paper focuses on both the history of the extractive industry’s efforts to overcome the challenges of the Arctic Circle and on the timeline of cooperation in the development of offshore cross- border deposits

    The Population and the Labor Force Market

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    This paper analyzes the recent evolution of the population and labor resources in Romania. The occupied population, according to the SEC methodology, is the sole entity that indicates the human potential of the occupied labor force that can be used to determine the social productivity of labor as a ratio between the GDP and the occupied population

    Strengths and Dysfunctionalities of Formative Assessment: A Short Analysis from the Perspective of Romanian Education

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    Evaluation reflects the educationalists' interest in understanding and improving the techniques and instruments of school assessment. Postmodern didactics brings forth a fresh perspective on the evaluation act, which is analysed not only as the final act of the instruction process, but also as a process meant to permanently adjust teaching and learning acts. The aim of this paper is to underline the evolution of evaluation theory and practice in Romanian education, emphasising both its benefits and drawbacks. The paper uses the extant research in the literature as well as personal knowledge of the author about the factors that are related to the improvement of didactic evaluation. Most of the results of these studies lead to the conclusion that building a culture of evaluation is necessary, that formative evaluation should valorise a wide range of strategies and docimologic tools in order to attain an objective evaluation, and to be able to employ its outcomes in designing the teaching-learning undertaking

    Operational Risk Modelling and Capital Adequacy – are There any Rewards in Greater Complexity?

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    The paper applies the methodologies proposed by Basel Committee on Banking Supervision for assessing the capital requirements in the context of operational risk to a Romanian commercial bank. The basic indicator, standard and internal measurement approaches (IMA) have been used to asses the capital requirement levels needed to cover the operational risk. The IMA is implemented using the loss distribution methodology (LDA). The capital at risk is computed from the loss distribution that aggregates, using Monte-Carlo simulations, the frequency and loss size distributions, fitted to the empirical data, for each business line and event type pair. Even though IMA is more costly and difficult to implement, it has, in some circumstances, considerable rewards in terms of capital requirements.operational risk, basic indicator approach, standardized approach, internal measurement approach, loss distribution methodology, Monte-Carlo simulation

    Operational Risk Modeling

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    Losses resulting from operational risk events from a complex interaction between organizational factors, personal and market participants that do not fit a simple classification scheme. Taking into account past losses (ex. Barings, Daiwa, etc.) we can say that operational risk is a major financial losses in the banking sector, although until recently have been underestimated, considering that they are generally minor, note setting survival of a bank