22 research outputs found


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    This study aims to describe the process and learning outcomes through the use of song creation Minangkabau in improving the ability to speak the child's mother. This research is conducted in TK Nurul Hidayah., Bukittinggi- West Sumatra in January until February 2017. The subjects were students group B were 17 children. This study uses research methods Action research, from comprising: a) planning, b) actions and observations, c) reflection. Conducted over 16 sessions that are divided into two cycles. Data was collected through tests, observations, interviews and documentation study. Data analysis techniques used in this research is the analysis of qualitative and quantitative data. Quantitative data analysis used to determine the percentage of children's ability to speak their mother tongue after the action. the results showed an increase in children after learning to use the song Minangkabau creations. pre-actions are performed to determine the percentage of children's mother tonge by 47, 43%, increased to 68.38% after the cycle for the First, and increased to 87, 50% after the second cycle. The ability to speak their mother tongue can be developed through the use of song creation Minangkabau, where the song creations Minangkabau can attract children to use their imagination so that he is able to express ideas. Minangkabau creations song is a fun activity for young children

    Efektivitas Kompres Aloe Vera dan Daun Kubis terhadap Breast Engorgement pada Ibu Nifas

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    The problem that often occurs in post-partum mothers after giving birth is the occurrence of breast swelling where there is a narrowing of the lactiferous ducts or the glands are not completely emptied or due to abnormalities in the nipples such as blisters or sinking nipples. Aloe vera gel compresses and cabbage leaves are useful to help reduce pain, swelling, and tenderness in wounds. This study aims to analyze aloe vera compresses and breast care compared to cabbage leaf compresses and breast care on breast swelling in postpartum mothers. This study used a quasi-experimental design with a pre-test post-test non-randomized control group design. The non-probability sampling technique is a consecutive sampling type. The research sample for each group was 15 respondents at one of the Central Lampung Health Centers in June-October 2020. The type of data analysis was the Mann-Whitney test. The results showed that the average swelling of the breasts before being given an aloe vera compress was 4.53 and the average after being given an aloe vera compress was 2.47. The mean breast swelling before compressing cabbage leaves was 5.00 and after compressing cabbage leaves was 3.60. Giving aloe vera compresses is effective in preventing breast swelling in postpartum mothers with a p-valu


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    ABSTRAK  Anemia selama kehamilan dapat menyebabkan pendaharahan pada persalinan, prematur, stillbirth, BBLR dan stunted, kematian perinatal, dan penyebab*kematian ibu tidak langsung. Selain disebabkan oleh malnutrisi, anemia juga berkaitan dengan paparan pestisida. Pengabdian bertujuan memberikan penyuluhan gizi dan pemeriksaan Hb pada ibu hamil yang bekerja pada pertanian hortikultura. Penyuluhan interaktif dilakukan secara berkelompok dan perorangan, mengikuti protokol kesehatan. Sebanyak 50 orang ibu hamil telah disuluh, bersama petugas kesehatan. Hasil penilaian menunjukkan peningkatan pengetahuan yang signifikan (p-value<0,01). Pengukuran kadar Hb dalam darah mendapatkan 22,58% ibu hamil menderita anemia, mengindikasikan malnutrisi selama masa kehamilan. Perlu kerja sama semua pihak dalam penanggulangan gizi masyarakat, selain peningkatan pelayanan kesehatan, khususnya program gizi, Kesehatan Ibu dan Anak (KIA), dan promosi kesehatan. Kata kunci: anemia, gizi, Hb, hortikultura, kehamilan ABSTRACT Anemia during pregnancy can cause bleeding in labor, preterm, stillbirth, LBW and stunted, perinatal mortality, and indirect causes of maternal death. Apart from being caused by malnutrition, anemia is also related to exposure to pesticides. This service aims to provide nutrition education and Hb examination to pregnant women who work in horticultural agriculture. Interactive outreach is conducted in groups and individually, following health protocols. A total of 50 pregnant women have been educated, along with health workers. The results of the assessment showed a significant increase in knowledge (p-value <0.01). Measurement of Hb levels in the blood found that 22.58% of pregnant women suffered from anemia, indicating malnutrition during pregnancy. Cooperation of all parties in overcoming community nutrition is needed and improving health services, particularly nutrition programs, Maternal and Child Health (KIA), and health promotion. Keywords: anemia, nutrition, Hb, horticulture, pregnanc

    Isolation and Characterization of Lactic Acid Bacteria Producing GABA from Indigenous West Sumatera Fermented Food

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    The purpose of this study was to isolate and characterize lactic acid bacteria (LAB) from indigenous West Sumatera fermented foods. The aim was to obtain LAB isolates that have the ability to produce γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and to characterize the highest GABA producing LAB. The indigenous West Sumatera fermented foods sampled were dadih (fermented buffalo milk), asam durian (fermented durian), tape singkong (fermented cassava) and ikan budu (fermented fish). The conventional method was used to isolate LAB, after which LAB were screened for γ-amino butyric acid (GABA) and GABA producing LAB characterized by biochemical tests. A total of 704 isolates were successfully isolated. Five hundred fifty two (552) isolates were identified as LAB and 103 isolates were confirmed as GABA producing LAB. The highest GABA producing LAB was DS15 and produced 49.365 mg/ml of GABA. DS18 produced the least GABA of 3.415 mg/ml. Biochemical assay of DS15 showed that the isolate could grow on the MRSA, undergoes aerobic respiration, do not use lactose, glucose, mannitol, arginine, aesculin, arabinose, raffinose, sorbitol, trehalase and xylose/melezitose. The isolate DS15 was also negative for arginine, nitrate reduction, catalase and oxidase tests. Based on the gram stain reaction, the isolate DS15 was a gram-positive bacterium and could be classified as Lactobacillus sp


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    Remaja antara 10-19 tahun serta&nbsp; belum kawin. Badan Kependudukan Keluarga Berencana Nasional (BKKBN) menjelaskan batasan remaja&nbsp; usia 10-24 tahun dan belum menikah (Kemenkes RI, 2016). Terdapat tiga risiko kesehatan reproduksi remaja (TRIAD KRR), yaitu Seksualitas (sex pranikah), HIV/AIDS dan Napza (penyalahgunaan obat-obatan terlarang). Kondisi saat ini sebagian dari remaja telah memasuki perilaku beresiko seperti menikah di usia dini, terlibat dalam perilaku seks pranikah, menggunakan Narkotika, Alkohol, Psikotropika dan Zat Adiktif lainnya (NAPZA), serta terinfeksi Human immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) dan Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Di era pandemi terjadi penurunan pelayanan program generasi berencana (GenRe) secara nasional. Keadaan ini dikhawatirkan berdampak terhadap terjadi Kehamilan Tidak Diinginkan (KTD) yang menyebabkan terjadinya peningkatan kasus pernikahan din


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    viii, 24 cm; 184 hlm

    Asuhan Kebidanan Masa Nifas

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    viii, 184 hlm.; 24 cm


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