17 research outputs found


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    Objective: Debonding of orthodontic braces could lead to enamel fracture and moderate discomfort for the patients. This study was conducted toexamine whether eucalyptus oil and eucalyptol were effective in decreasing the shear bond strength and facilitate the debonding of metallic bracketsbonded with bisphenol A-glycidyl methacrylate (bis-GMA) adhesive resin.Methods: Thirty upper premolar teeth were randomly divided into the following three groups: Group 1 (75% eucalyptus oil), Group 2 (100%eucalyptol), and Group 3 (aquades; controls). Gemini brackets (3M Unitek, Monrovia) were bonded to the teeth using Transbond XT (3M Unitek,Monrovia). The areas around the brackets were lubricated with 75% eucalyptus oil, 100% eucalyptol, and aquades for 10 min before debonding.Results: A significant difference in shear bond strength between Group 2 and the control group was noted (p<0.05).Conclusion: The findings of this study indicated that eucalyptol can decrease the shear bond strength of bis-GMA-based adhesive resin after 10 minof application

    Efek pemakaian bisphosphonate pada pergerakan gigi ortodonti

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    Pergerakan gigi penjangkaran yang tidak diinginkan atau relaps gigi-geligi paska perawatan ortodonti, merupakan salah satu efek samping yang tidak diharapkan. Berbagai alat mekanik ortodonti telah digunakan guna mencegah hilangnya penjangkaran, baik alat ekstra oral dan intra oral. Namun, pada penggunaan alat-alat ini masih dijumpai kehilangan penjangkaran dan menimbulkan efek-efek samping seperti resorpsi akar, lesi white spot, karies, gingivitis dan sebagainya.Selain alat mekanik, agen farmakologi juga potensial untuk menyediakan penjangkaran. Agen farmakologi terbaru yang dapat menghambat pergerakan gigi ortodonti adalah Bisphosphonate. Penulis melakukan studi literatur ini guna mengetahui lebih jauh tentang senyawa Bisphosphonate dan efek farmakodinamik serta farmakokinetiknya sehingga mungkin dapat dijadikan sebagai agen farmakologi guna menghambat pergerakan gigi ortodonti. Hasil penelusuran pada berbagai pustaka menunjukkan bahwa Bisphosphosphonate dapat menghambat pergerakan gigi ortodonti. Temuan ini membuka peluang penggunaan Bisphosphonate guna menambah sifat penjangkaran pada perawatan ortodonsi. Namun perlu penelitian lebih lanjut, agar senyawa ini dapat digunakan secara klinik untuk menghambat pergerakan gigi ortodonti. ABSTRACT: Effect of bisphosphonate administrations on orthodontic tooth movement. Undesirable movement of anchorage tooth or dental relapse of the moved tooth to its initial position after orthodontic treatment are the some unexpected side effects. Various mechanical appliances have been used to prevent anchorage loss, both extra oral and intra oral appliance. However, even with the use of all of these appliances, anchorage loss and other unexpected side effects such as root resorption, white spot lesion, caries, gingivitis, etc were still can be found. Besides mechanical appliances, pharmacological agent also has potential to provide anchorage. The most recent pharmacological agent that can prevent orthodontic tooth movement is Bisphosphonate. The author conduct this literature study in order to have further understanding about bisphosphonate and its pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics effects as pharmacological agent to hamper orthodontic tooth movements. Literature studies from numerous references show that Bisphosphonate can prevent orthodontic tooth movement.This finding opens the opportunity of Bisphosphonate administration in order to increase anchorage properties during orthodontic treatment. However, the use of Bisphosphonate clinically to prevent orthodontic tooth movement still require further research


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    The purpose of this study is to examine vertical dimensional changes after orthodontic treatment involving the extractions of maxillary and mandibular first premolar. Records of 33 patients consecutively selected consist of 30 females and 3 males, with class I malrelation of 14 subjects, class II malrelation of 19 subjects. 19 subjects were treated with Edgewise technique and 14 subjects were treated with Begg technique. Mean chronologic age was 20.33 years, with the range between 16 and 30 years old. The vertical dimensional changes were measured by three angular and eight linier parameters of pretreatment and posttreatment lateral cephalometric radiographs. The measurements were analyzed for statistical difference by paired t test. There was statistically significant difference in SNMP, FMPA, anterior face height, lower anterior face height, upper anterior dental height, lower anterior dental height, upper posterior dental height, lower posterior dental height. But there was no statistically difference in Y-axis, upper anterior face height and posterior face height


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     Objective: The prevalence of enamel demineralization among patients after orthodontic treatment is about 50%, which begins with the formation of white spot lesions. The presence of these lesions causes esthetic problems. The aim of this study was to quantify the color changes in post-debonding white spot lesions after microabrasion technique with fluoride and casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP) application.Materials and Methods: This study used 42 first premolar teeth that had been extracted, then were soaked for 96 h in a demineralization solution (pH 4, 37°C) to form an artificial white spot lesions. Samples were randomly divided into three treatment groups (n=14): (A) Microabrasion technique only; (B) microabrasion technique with 10% CPP-ACP paste application; and (C) microabrasion technique with 1.23% APF gel application. All groups were assigned to pH cycling for 10 days. The color change was determined using spectrophotometer at 3 different time points, which were measured before and after production of the artificial white spot lesions, and after the artificial white spot lesions were treated.Results: This study showed that there was a significant difference in the color of the artificial white spot lesions after microabrasion technique with CPP-ACP application.Conclusion: Microabrasion technique with CPP-ACP application was giving better result in changing the color of white spot lesions than only microabrasion technique and microabrasion technique with fluoride application


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    Children development stage is determined by physical growth. The sequence of growing process is usually constant, however, the age at which children can reach a certain sequence varies individually. Determining skeletal maturation by evaluating carpal bone and cervical vertebrae is very helpful in conducting orthodontic diagnosis and in planning proper treatment. Such evaluation enables to estimate the time of growing process to accelerate or decelerate. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the stage of carpal bone and cervical vertebrae maturation in orthodontic patients at the age of 9 to 18. Samples were 83 cephalograms and hand wrist x-ray from 52 girls and 31 boys. The result of this study showed that the stage of carpal bone and cervical vertebrae maturation in girls and boys in the same age group varies greatly. Girls at the age of 11 to 12 demonstrated highest variation in the stage of maturation. In the same age group of sample, all stages of the maturation indicator were found, such as epiphysis is as wide as diaphysis, the capping of epiphysis, as well as variation in epiphysis fusion. These kinds of variations also occurred in the cervical vertebrae maturation stage, where it varies from cervical vertebrae stage 2 to 6. On the other hand, boys showed highest variation at the age of 13 to 14. This study suggests that there was a matching pattern between carpal bone and cervical vertebrae maturation


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    Objective: Inflammation is one of the most common complications observed when using orthodontic miniscrews. Chlorhexidine mouthwash can beused to prevent and reduce the degree of inflammation, but long-term use of this solution may lead to some side effects. This study sought to evaluatethe peri-miniscrew antibacterial effect of 1% chitosan, a biomaterial with antibacterial properties, relative to 0.2% chlorhexidine mouthwash.Methods: A randomized, double-blind clinical trial was conducted at the Dental Teaching Hospital and Oral Biology Research Laboratory at theUniversity of Indonesia from February to June 2019. Thirty subjects (25 females and five males) were randomly assigned to rinse with 1% chitosan(n=10), 0.2% chlorhexidine digluconate (n=10), and Aquadest (n=10) in addition to their usual oral hygiene procedure for 4 days. Peri-miniscrewclinical inflammation signs were recorded and peri-miniscrew plaque collected before and after 4 days of rinsing. The total bacterial and red-complexbacteria count in plaque samples were evaluated by a real-time polymerase chain reaction.Results: Chitosan and chlorhexidine showed antibacterial activity, reducing total bacterial count around orthodontic miniscrews (p<0.05). Theantibacterial activity of chitosan on total bacteria was not significantly different from that of chlorhexidine (p≥0.05). Regarding the antibacterialactivity of chitosan on red-complex bacteria, the best result seen was a 58% bacteria count reduction in Tannerella denticola.Conclusion: Chitosan has potential antibacterial activity and could be used in mouthwash to maintain peri-miniscrew hygiene


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    Objectives: White spot lesions after fixed orthodontic treatment will increase bacterial plaque formation due to increased enamel surface roughness. The aim of this study was to analyze the surface roughness of white spot lesions on enamel after a microabrasion technique, a microabrasion technique combined with calcium phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP) application, and a microabrasion technique combined with fluoride application.Methods: Artificially induced white spot lesions on the enamel surfaces of 42 maxillary first premolars were randomly assigned into one of three treatment groups (n=14): (a) A microabrasion technique, (b) a microabrasion technique combined with CPP-ACP application, and (c) a microabrasion technique combined with fluoride application. A Mitutoyo SJ-301 surface roughness tester was used to measure differences in surface roughness before and after treatment, and the after treatment measurements were compared among the three groups.Results: A significant difference in surface roughness was noted for the white spot lesions on enamel before and after treatment in all groups (p<0.05). A significant difference was also found when comparing the after treatment surface roughness in all groups.Conclusion: The combination of the microabrasion technique with CPP-ACP application significantly reduced enamel surface roughness when compared to microabrasion alone or the combination of microabrasion and fluoride application

    <p>Peran nance holding arch dalam perawatan ortodonti kasus maloklusi kelas I dengan overjet besar</p><p>The role of nance holding arch in orthodontic treatment of class I malocclusion case with large overjet</p>

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    ABSTRAK Pendahuluan: Gigi yang protrusif dan berjejal parah sangat mempengaruhi estetika wajah seseorang, oleh karena itu kondisi ini perlu diatasi secara ortodonti karena dapat mempengaruhi kepercayaan diri dan kualitas hidup seseorang terutama wanita. Selain kebutuhan ruang, perawatan ortodonti yang dilakukan haruslah juga memperhatikankontrol penjangkaran yang optimal. Tujuan laporan kasus ini menyampaikan penatalaksanaan perawatan ortodonti maloklusi kelas I dengan overjet besar Laporan kasus: Seorang pasien wanita usia 25 tahun datang ke Klinik Spesialis Ortodonti RSKGM FKG UI untuk mendapatkan perawatan ortodonti karena kondisi giginya yang sangat protusif. Secara klinis diketahui bahwa pasien memiliki maloklusi kelas I dengan overjet 10 mm. Perawatan ortodonti dilakukan menggunakan breket preadjusted sistem MBT slot.022 serta penjangkaran NHA. Simpulan: Hasil perawatan menunjukkan senyum pasien yang lebih estetik dengan inklinasi gigi anterior dan overjet yang terkoreksi dengan baik. NHA bermanfaat sebagai penambah penjangkaran pada kasus overjet besar yang membutuhkan penjangkaran maksimum, sehingga dapat dijadikan alternatif pilihan alat penambah penjangkaran dalam perawatan ortodonti cekat. Kata Kunci:  Protrusif, nance holding arch (NHA), overjet besar.     ABSTRACT Introduction: Protrusive teeth and severe congestion highly affect the face aesthetical aspects; therefore, this condition needs to be treated orthodontically because it can affect the self-confidence and quality of life, especially in women. In addition to space requirements, orthodontic treatment must also pay attention to optimal anchoring control. The purpose of this case report was to deliver the management of class I malocclusion orthodontic with a large overjet. Case report: A 25-years-old female patient came to the Orthodontic Specialist Clinics of University of Indonesia Dental Hospital to get orthodontic treatment because of very protrusive teeth. From the clinical examination, the patient has a class I malocclusion with a 10 mm overjet. Orthodontic treatment was performed using pre-adjusted brackets with MBT slot .022 system and NHA anchoring. Conclusion: The treatment result showed a more aesthetic smile of the patient with well corrected anterior tooth inclination and overjet. NHA is useful as an anchoring enhancer in large overjet cases which require maximum anchoring so that it can be used as an alternative anchor enhancement tool in fixed orthodontic treatment. Keywords: Protrusive, nance holding arch (NHA), large overjet

    Considerations before orthodontic camouflage treatment in skeletal class III malocclusion

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    Skeletal Class III malocclusions are caused by maxillary deficiency, mandibular protrusion, or a combination of the two. This patient, in this case, may have a sunken in face, strong chin appearance. Most persons with Class III malocclusions, which is a dentofacial deformity, show combinations of skeletal and dentoalveolar components. Orthodontic therapy is usually aimed at compensating for the underlying mild-moderate skeletal Class III discrepancy and patients with severe skeletal Class III discrepancies require a combination of orthodontic treatment and orthognathic surgery to correct the underlying skeletal pattern. By considering many factors, the orthodontic treatment can be done on mild to severe skeletal Class III. These factors are facial profile, dental relationship and skeletal pattern. Those factors should be considered a starting point in making a treatment decision. They give the limitation of orthodontic treatment in terms of whether the occlusion could be corrected, or whether the deformity could be camouflage

    <p>Perawatan ortodonti kamuflase pada maloklusi kelas III skeletal dengan gigitan terbuka anterior</p><p>Orthodontic camouflage of skeletal class III malocclusion with an anterior open-bite</p>

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    Pendahuluan: Perawatan ortodonti kamuflase adalah perawatan untuk menyamarkan diskrepansi skeletal dengan mengubah posisi dan angulasi gigi-gigi pada lengkung rahang. Perawatan tersebut merupakan perawatan yang dapat dipilih selain bedah ortognatik bagi kasus maloklusi skeletal kelas III pada pasien dewasa. Maloklusi skeletal kelas III sering pula disertai dengan keadaan lain seperti gigitan terbuka anterior yang menambah kompleksitas modalitas perawatan. Tujuan laporan kasus ini untuk menjelaskan pilihan modalitas perawatan pasien maloklusi skeletal kelas III secara kamuflase ortodonti. Laporan kasus: Pasien wanita usia 19 tahun 2 bulan datang ke klinik Ortodonti RSGM FKG UI dengan keluhan gigi atas depan tidak teratur dan gigi depan atas dan bawah tidak bertemu. Diagnosis menunjukkan pola skeletal kelas III dengan posisi maksila dan mandibula terhadap basis cranii retrognati (SNA 73°, SNB 74°, ANB -1°)  disertai dengan crowding sedang dan gigitan terbuka anterior. Tipe wajah pasien dolikofasial, simetris dan seimbang. Profil jaringan lunak dan skeletal cekung. Kasus ini dirawat dengan pendekatan ortodonti kamuflase tanpa pencabutan menggunakan piranti cekat standar Edgewise untuk mengoreksi crowding pada lengkung gigi atas dan bawah serta gigitan terbuka pada regio anterior. Perawatan ortodonti selesai dalam waktu 13 bulan dan crowding pada lengkung gigi atas dan bawah serta gigitan terbuka pada regio anterior telah terkoreksi. Simpulan: Perawatan ortodonti kamuflase pada maloklusi kelas III skeletal dengan gigitan terbuka anterior ringan merupakan pilihan perawatan yang cukup baik karena dapat mengoreksi maloklusi dengan kompensasi dentoalveolar sehingga diperoleh oklusi yang baik dan stabil. Hasil perawatan menunjukan hasil yang cukup baik dan dapat diterima oleh pasien. Kata kunci: Maloklusi skeletal kelas III, crowding, open-bite anterior, standar edgewise, ortodonti kamuflase.   ABSTRACT Introduction: Orthodontic camouflage is a treatment to disguise skeletal discrepancies by changing the teeth position and angulation in the jaw arch. This treatment is an option other than orthognathic surgery for skeletal class III malocclusion in adult patients. Skeletal class III malocclusion is often accompanied by other conditions such as an anterior open-bite which adds the complexity of the treatment modality. This case report was aimed to describe the choice of treatment modality for skeletal class III malocclusion patients by orthodontic camouflage. Case report: A female patient aged 19 years and two months came to the Orthodontic Clinics at the Faculty of Dentistry of University of Indonesia Dental Hospital (RSGM FKG UI) with complaints of irregular maxillary anterior teeth, and the maxillary and mandibular anterior teeth did not overlap. The diagnosis showed a skeletal class III pattern with the maxillary and mandibular position against the retrognathic cranii base (SNA 73°, SNB 74°, ANB -1°) accompanied by moderate crowding and anterior open-bite. The patient’s face type is dolichofacial, symmetrical and balanced, with the concave soft and skeletal tissue profiles. This case was treated with a non-extraction camouflage orthodontic approach using the standard edgewise fixed appliance to correct crowding in the maxillary and mandibular dental arches and open-bite in the anterior region. The orthodontic treatment was completed within 13 months, and crowding in the maxillary and mandibular dental arches and open-bite in the anterior region were corrected. Conclusion: Camouflage orthodontic treatment is a good treatment option for skeletal class III malocclusion with a mild anterior open-bite because it can correct malocclusion with dentoalveolar compensation to obtain a good and stable occlusion. The treatment results show good results and can be accepted well by the patient. Keywords: Skeletal class III malocclusion, crowding, anterior open-bite, standard edgewise, orthodontic camouflage