14 research outputs found

    Nuovi dati sui complessi strutturali in elevato di Lugo di Grezzana (Verona)

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    SUMMARY - The Neolithic structural features at Lugo di Grezzana (Verona, Italy): new data - This paper reports new data from unpublished structural Neolithic complexes that implies the original existence of standing elements as part of roofed complexes at the Lugo di Grezzana site – dated from 5400-4900/4800 cal BC – namely from excavation areas XII-XVI. Fieldwork at the site carried on by a team led by Alberto Zardini exposed several dwelling complexes that show distinct size and characteristics. Three main types were detected so far: a. features with a square or rectangular plan delimitated by post-holes, whose surface ranges between 24 and 34 m² (fig. 2); b. features with same shape but larger size (ca. 90 m² in area XVI), possibly with an open side; c. features consisting of “comb-shaped” elongated platforms (fig. 1) whose artificial bulk are built up of sediments alternated with hearths on their surfaces. The different types of structural complexes show distinctive distribution patterns within the settlement and distinctive associations with other archaeological features, such as waste-pits, fire-pit, hearths, chipping areas, ecc. This pattern has been related to specific functional areas of the settlement

    Antichi pastori in Val di Sole (Trento, Italia): primo bilancio del progetto ALPES, 2010-2013

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    This paper is aimed at presenting the ALPES project (“Alpine Landscapes: Pastoralism and Environment of Val di Sole”), discussing its first results and identifying its perspectives. ALPES is an interdisciplinary research program for the study of traces of pastoral exploitation in the uplands. The fieldwork has been focused on a sample area of Val di Sole, namely Val Molinac and Val Poré, corresponding to the pastures of Ortisé and Menas (Mezzana, Trento, Italy), between ca. 2000 and 2700 m asl. Since 2010 archaeological field surveys and excavations have been carried out. Almost one hundred pastoral and non-pastoral structures (enclosures, huts, rock-shelters, etc.) have been recorded. From the excavation of one of the biggest sites – the MZ005S compound –, the first data about material culture and chronology have been collected. The preliminary results show the existence of an upland pastoral landscape, composed of different structures and features (paths, water canals, etc.) creating a palimpsest, whose main phase seems attributable to the sixteenth century AD. Questo contributo si propone di presentare il progetto ALPES (Alpine Land scapes: Pastoralism and Environment of Val di Sole), discuterne i primi risultati e individuarne i possibili sviluppi futuri. ALPES è un programma di ricerca interdisciplinare volto allo studio delle tracce dello sfruttamento pastorale negli ambienti d’alta quota. Le attività si sono concentrate in un’area campione della Val di Sole, le valli Molinac e Poré, corrispondenti ai pascoli delle località di Ortisé e Menas (Mezzana, Trento, Italia), tra ca. 2000 e 2700 m di quota. Iniziato nel 2010, il progetto ha visto lo svolgimento di ricognizioni e scavi archeologici, che hanno permesso la localizzazione di circa un centinaio di strutture pastorali e non (recinti, capanne, ripari…) e la raccolta dei primi dati relativi alla cultura materiale e alla cronologia da uno dei siti di maggiori dimensioni, il complesso MZ005S. I primi risultati mostrano l’esistenza di un vero e proprio paesaggio pastorale d’alta quota, costituito da strutture e infrastrutture (sentieri, canali…) che vanno a formare un articolato palinsesto, la cui fase principale di sfruttamento sembra risalire al XVI secolo AD