33 research outputs found
Personal expirience of transsexuals with the process of gender transformation
Diplomová práce se věnuje tematice poruch pohlavní identity, konkrétně transsexualismu. Teoretická část vymezuje základní pojmy, které jsou zásadní k pochopení celé problematiky a které jsou užívány v rámci celé diplomové práce. Zahrnuje celkem pět kapitol, které se pojí s tématem transsexuality z hlediska psychologického i legislativního. V první kapitole je krátce vymezen termín transsexuality z pohledu různých odborníků a odborných publikací, část je věnována historii a etiologii transsexuality. Druhá kapitola pojednává o pohlavní identitě a faktorech, které mohou vývoj identity ovlivnit. Třetí kapitola se věnuje procesu přeměny pohlaví u transsexuálních jedinců od samého počátku léčby až po její ukončení. Čtvrtá kapitola pojednává o partnerství, sexualitě a adaptaci transsexuálních jedinců. Poslední pátá kapitola pohlíží na transsexualitu z hlediska legislativního, vymezuje zákony, které se věnují problematice transsexualismu. Empirická část je věnována realizovanému výzkumu zaměřenému na vlastní zkušenost s coming outem, procesem přeměny pohlaví, reakce okolí a partnerské vztahy. Výzkum je kvalitativního charakteru, byl realizován prostřednictvím polostrukturovaných rozhovorů s 8 ze 16 účastníků studie. Cílem výzkumu bylo zmapovat život transsexuálních jedinců, vlastní zkušenost s procesem...The diploma thesis deals with the issue of gender identity disorders, specifically transsexualism. The theoretical part defines the basic concepts that are essential for understanding the whole issue and which are used throughout the thesis. It includes a total of five chapters to the topic of transsexuality in terms of psychology and legislation. The first chapter briefly defines the term transsexuality from the perspective of various experts and professional publications, it is devoted to the history and etiology of transsexuality. The second chapter discusses gender identity and factors that may influence the development of identity. The third chapter deals with the process of gender transformation in transsexual subjects from the very beginning of treatment to its termination. The fourth chapter deals with partnership, sexuality and adaptation of transsexual individuals. The fifth chapter looks at transsexuality from the legislative point of view, defines the laws that deal with the issue of transsexualism. The empirical part is devoted to the realized research focused on own experience with coming out, process of gender transformation, environment reactions and partnership relations. The research is of a qualitative nature; it was conducted through semi-structured interviews with 8 of the 16...Katedra psychologieFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult
LIME: A New Membrane Raft-associated Adaptor Protein Involved in CD4 and CD8 Coreceptor Signaling
Lymphocyte membrane rafts contain molecules critical for immunoreceptor signaling. Here, we report identification of a new raft-associated adaptor protein LIME (Lck-interacting molecule) expressed predominantly in T lymphocytes. LIME becomes tyrosine phosphorylated after cross-linking of the CD4 or CD8 coreceptors. Phospho-LIME associates with the Src family kinase Lck and its negative regulator, Csk. Ectopic expression of LIME in Jurkat T cells results in an increase of Csk in lipid rafts, increased phosphorylation of Lck and higher Ca2+ response to CD3 stimulation. Thus, LIME appears to be involved in regulation of T cell activation by coreceptors
Non–T Cell Activation Linker (NTAL): A Transmembrane Adaptor Protein Involved in Immunoreceptor Signaling
A key molecule necessary for activation of T lymphocytes through their antigen-specific T cell receptor (TCR) is the transmembrane adaptor protein LAT (linker for activation of T cells). Upon TCR engagement, LAT becomes rapidly tyrosine phosphorylated and then serves as a scaffold organizing a multicomponent complex that is indispensable for induction of further downstream steps of the signaling cascade. Here we describe the identification and preliminary characterization of a novel transmembrane adaptor protein that is structurally and evolutionarily related to LAT and is expressed in B lymphocytes, natural killer (NK) cells, monocytes, and mast cells but not in resting T lymphocytes. This novel transmembrane adaptor protein, termed NTAL (non–T cell activation linker) is the product of a previously identified WBSCR5 gene of so far unknown function. NTAL becomes rapidly tyrosine-phosphorylated upon cross-linking of the B cell receptor (BCR) or of high-affinity Fcγ- and Fcɛ-receptors of myeloid cells and then associates with the cytoplasmic signaling molecules Grb2, Sos1, Gab1, and c-Cbl. NTAL expressed in the LAT-deficient T cell line J.CaM2.5 becomes tyrosine phosphorylated and rescues activation of Erk1/2 and minimal transient elevation of cytoplasmic calcium level upon TCR/CD3 cross-linking. Thus, NTAL appears to be a structural and possibly also functional homologue of LAT in non–T cells
A quantitative assay to study the lipid selectivity of membrane-associated systems using solution NMR
The activity of membrane proteins and compounds that interact with the membrane is modulated by the surrounding lipid composition. However, there are no simple methods that determine the composition of these annular phospholipids in eukaryotic systems. Herein, we describe a simple methodology that enables the identification and quantification of the lipid composition around membrane-associated compounds using SMA-nanodiscs and routine
T. G. M. and his vision of Czech Republic in a world democracy community (chapters from Masaryk's philosophy of Czech history, democracy and policy)
HTF - Katedra filozofieHussite Theological FacultyHusitská teologická fakult
Foster Siblings in Eyes of Biological Children of Foster Parents
Katedra psychologiePedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio
Road Reconstruction of the U Břehu Street, Prague 15
katedra silničních stave
Personal expirience of transsexuals with the process of gender transformation
The diploma thesis deals with the issue of gender identity disorders, specifically transsexualism. The theoretical part defines the basic concepts that are essential for understanding the whole issue and which are used throughout the thesis. It includes a total of five chapters to the topic of transsexuality in terms of psychology and legislation. The first chapter briefly defines the term transsexuality from the perspective of various experts and professional publications, it is devoted to the history and etiology of transsexuality. The second chapter discusses gender identity and factors that may influence the development of identity. The third chapter deals with the process of gender transformation in transsexual subjects from the very beginning of treatment to its termination. The fourth chapter deals with partnership, sexuality and adaptation of transsexual individuals. The fifth chapter looks at transsexuality from the legislative point of view, defines the laws that deal with the issue of transsexualism. The empirical part is devoted to the realized research focused on own experience with coming out, process of gender transformation, environment reactions and partnership relations. The research is of a qualitative nature; it was conducted through semi-structured interviews with 8 of the 16..
Environmentally friendly forms of tourism as part of development assistance (focusing on the Czech villages in Romania's Banat)
Bakalářská práce se zabývá problematikou využití šetrných forem cestovního ruchu v rozvojové pomoci na příkladu české komunity v rumunském regionu Banát. Krajané z Čech, kteří v Rumunsku žijí již od počátku 19. století, si díky dlouhé izolaci uchovali tradiční způsob života, zároveň se však tamní české vesnice potýkají se sociálními a ekonomickými problémy, které ohrožují jejich další existenci. Situaci českých krajanů v rumunském Banátu se dlouhodobě věnuje projekt asistenční pomoci koordinovaný společností Člověk v tísni pod záštitou vlády ČR. Projekt se v posledních letech zaměřuje výhradně na rozvoj šetrné turistiky a podnikatelských příležitostí. Cílem práce je analyzovat projekt rozvoje agroturistiky v českých vesnicích, jeho jednotlivé výstupy, dopady cestovního ruchu na život české komunity a vyhodnotit destinaci pomocí SWOT analýzy.The bachelor thesis deals with the use of environmentally friendly forms of tourism in development aid on the example of the Czech community in the Romanian region of Banat. Compatriots from Bohemia, who lived in Romania since the beginning of the 19th century, due to long isolation have preserved a traditional way of life, but nowadays Czech villages are facing to social and economic problems that threat their existence. Situation of Czech compatriots in Banat has long focused project assistance, coordinated by People in Need Foundation under the auspices of the Czech Government. During recent years the project has been focusing exclusively on sustainable tourism development and business opportunities. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to analyze the agro-tourism project in Czech villages, its outputs, impacts of tourism on the lives of the Czech community and to evaluate the destination using SWOT analysis