204 research outputs found

    Direito à diversidade e ao patrimônio cultural: trajetórias, práticas e fazeres num contexto fronteiriço e de cidade média

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    Anais do V Encontro de Iniciação Científica e I Encontro Anual de Iniciação ao Desenvolvimento Tecnológico e Inovação – EICTI 2016 - 05 e 07 de outubro de 2016 – Sessão Ciências Sociais AplicadasO direito à cultura, à diversidade cultural e ao patrimônio cultural é considerado como direito fundamental pela constituição brasileira (BRASIL, 1988), sendo fundamental para os processos sempre em curso de elaboração e atualização de identidades culturais (SANTOS, 1993). Ainda que o Brasil acumule uma trajetória considerável no que tange a identificação e preservação do patrimônio cultural (BRASIL, 2011; CASTRIOTA, 2009) essa trajetória se distribui de maneira desigual no território brasileiro. O que podemos perceber claramente que acontece em Foz do Iguaçu, a ausência de bens culturais que estão localizados e preservados, há uma lei que ainda não foi aprovada tratando deste tema, mas ela está tramitando há quase vinte anos no cenário politico iguaçuense. Nesta pesquisa queremos contribuir na consolidação de uma política local de preservação do patrimônio, utilizando dos conhecimentos da população existente desde o começo do município para destacar o que poderemos considerar um patrimônio cultural de Foz do Iguaçu, e assim localiza-los na cidade e fomentar a sua preservação

    Post-tsunami primary Scedosporium apiospermum osteomyelitis of the knee in an immunocompetent patient

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    SummaryScedosporium apiospermum is a filamentous fungus present in soil and polluted waters that may cause infection by direct inoculation. Osteomyelitis represents a challenge both for diagnosis and treatment. We report a case of post-tsunami primary S. apiospermum osteomyelitis of the knee in an immunocompetent patient

    Em Busca do Patrimônio Histórico Arquitetônico de Foz do Iguaçu

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado ao Instituto Latino-Americano de Tecnologia, Infraestrutura e Território da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, como requisito parcial à obtenção do título de Bacharel em Arquitetura e Urbanismo. Orientador: Prof. Dr. Eduardo de Oliveira EliasO presente trabalho de conclusão de curso para arquitetura e urbanismo, tem por tema o patrimônio histórico, com o foco em bens edificados que possam estar localizados dentro do território do município de Foz do Iguaçu. A primeira etapa trata sobre a justificativa da realização desta pesquisa, os documentos utilizados como referencia, a metodologia de trabalho, o inicio do levantamento de dados históricos, a identificação dos locais e alguns resultados obtidos. Mostraram-se conceitos chave para o entendimento da pesquisa tais como o significado de patrimônio histórico, memória, história, tombamento, termos esses amplamente utilizados para este tema. Chegando a história da cidade, com seu inicio e os acontecimentos que a tornaram uma cidade grande e basicamente turística, e com o panorama da situação em relação à situação de tombamento e patrimônios histórico-culturais do município. Na segunda fase, tem inicio a identificação do que poderia se tornar um bem histórico-cultural e o mapeamento destes possíveis bens. Após um relato sobre a importância da proteção e da conservação, com os métodos utilizados para isso e a situação atual, será apresentado os resultados alcançados durante as pesquisas com os possíveis bens edificados que poderiam ser considerados patrimônios municipal e que necessitam de proteção legal.This present work of conclusion of course for architecture and urbanism, its has as theme the historical heritage, focusing on built goods that are located in the territory of the municipality of Foz do Iguaçu. The first step was about of historical collection, the identification of the sites and some results obtained. The relations with the knowledge of historical heritage, memory, history, tipping, terms these are widely used for this theme. The history of the city when its start and the events that made this place a large city and a tourists place. and an overview of the historical-cultural heritage situation of the municipality. In the second phase, the identification of what can be well-being. After an account of the importance of protection and conservation, with the methods used for this and the current situation about restoration, the results achieved during the researches with the potential built goods that are the well be the municipal patrimony and it needs for legal protectio

    The interplay between T helper cells and brain barriers in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis

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    : The blood-brain barrier (BBB) and the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier (BCSFB) represent two complex structures protecting the central nervous system (CNS) against potentially harmful agents and circulating immune cells. The immunosurveillance of the CNS is governed by immune cells that constantly patrol the BCSFB, whereas during neuroinflammatory disorders, both BBB and BCSFB undergo morphological and functional alterations, promoting leukocyte intravascular adhesion and transmigration from the blood circulation into the CNS. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the prototype of neuroinflammatory disorders in which peripheral T helper (Th) lymphocytes, particularly Th1 and Th17 cells, infiltrate the CNS and contribute to demyelination and neurodegeneration. Th1 and Th17 cells are considered key players in the pathogenesis of MS and its animal model, experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis. They can actively interact with CNS borders by complex adhesion mechanisms and secretion of a variety of molecules contributing to barrier dysfunction. In this review, we describe the molecular basis involved in the interactions between Th cells and CNS barriers and discuss the emerging roles of dura mater and arachnoid layer as neuroimmune interfaces contributing to the development of CNS inflammatory diseases

    La ricostruzione della balista di Vitruvio

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    Viene riportato il lavoro svolto durante le esercitazioni del primo anno dell’insegnamento Laboratorio di storia dell’ingegneria meccanica, tenuto presso la Facoltà di Ingegneria dell’Università di Bologna. La descrizione della balista di Vitruvio offre un esempio di progettazione modulare basato sul valore del diametro degli elementi elastici. La lettura critica del testo a noi pervenuto porta ad esaminare i disegni del Valturio, quelli di Fra Giocondo e le conclusioni del Barbaro, anche in relazione alle macchine scolpite sulla colonna Traiana. La funzione che interpola i dati di Vitruvio garantisce che macchine di diversa taglia, sollecitate nello stesso modo, a parità di alzo, abbiano la stessa gittata e quindi che il proietto abbia uguale velocità iniziale. Si trova anche che la palla da lanciare può essere usata come calibro per i fori per i quali passa la matassa elastica. Si tenta una argomentata ricostruzione della macchina, basandosi su calcoli, prove sui materiali e disegni. La struttura della macchina viene confrontata con quella di recenti ricostruzioni rintracciate in rete ed in letteratura. Si passa quindi allo “studio”, al disegno del complessivo e ai disegni costruttivi. In attesa della costruzione reale … si simulano le prove di lancio

    Low ozone concentrations differentially affect the structural and functional features of non-activated and activated fibroblasts in vitro

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    Oxygen-ozone (O2-O3) therapy is increasingly applied as a complementary/adjuvant treatment for several diseases; however, the biological mechanisms accounting for the efficacy of low O3 concentrations need further investigations to understand the possibly multiple effects on the different cell types. In this work, we focused our attention on fibroblasts as ubiquitous connective cells playing roles in the body architecture, in the homeostasis of tissue-resident cells, and in many physiological and pathological processes. Using an established human fibroblast cell line as an in vitro model, we adopted a multimodal approach to explore a panel of cell structural and functional features, combining light and electron microscopy, Western blot analysis, real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction, and multiplex assays for cytokines. The administration of O2-O3 gas mixtures induced multiple effects on fibroblasts, depending on their activation state: in non-activated fibroblasts, O3 stimulated proliferation, formation of cell surface protrusions, antioxidant response, and IL-6 and TGF-β1 secretion, while in LPS-activated fibroblasts, O3 stimulated only antioxidant response and cytokines secretion. Therefore, the low O3 concentrations used in this study induced activation-like responses in non-activated fibroblasts, whereas in already activated fibroblasts, the cell protective capability was potentiated

    NEARCHOS. Networked Archaeological Open Science: Advances in Archaeology Through Field Analytics and Scientific Community Sharing

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    The full release and circulation of excavation results often takes decades, thus slowing down progress in archaeology to a degree not in keeping with other scientific fields. The nonconformity of released data for digital processing also requires vast and costly data input and adaptation. Archaeology should face the cognitive challenges posed by digital environments, changing in scope and rhythm. We advocate the adoption of a synergy between recording techniques, field analytics, and a collaborative approach to create a new epistemological perspective, one in which research questions are constantly redefined through real-time, collaborative analysis of data as they are collected and/or searched for in an excavation. Since new questions are defined in science discourse after previous results have been disseminated and discussed within the scientific community, sharing evidence in remote with colleagues, both in the process of field collection and subsequent study, will be a key innovative feature, allowing a complex and real-time distant interaction with the scholarly community and leading to more rapid improvements in research agendas and queries

    Ricostruzione della balista imperiale Romana - un piacevole viaggio fra fantasia, storia, tecnologia e … progettazione.

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    Nel secondo anno, da quando è stato acceso il “Laboratorio di storia dell’ingegneria meccanica”, si prosegue il cammino iniziato nel Corso precedente, che ha portato alla ricostruzione virtuale della balista descritta da Vitruvio e ci si impegna in una ricostruzione della macchina da lancio dei romani dell’età imperiale. Si è così coinvolti in un piacevole viaggio, a cavallo fra fantasia interpretativa e costruttiva, ricerca storica e realtà tecnologica che, definita la “mission” della macchina, fa comprendere l’essenza del progetto. L’analisi accurata delle immagini presenti sulla colonna Traiana fornisce un terreno di discussione e di elaborazione di varie soluzioni costruttive che vengono esaminate e confrontate scoprendo anche inedite interpretazioni delle scene rappresentate. Il lavoro termina con lo “studio” della macchina, i disegni dei particolari e del complessivo. In attesa di una ri-costruzione reale della macchina se ne esegue una virtuale con tanto di lancio .. simulato

    LFA-1 Controls Th1 and Th17 Motility Behavior in the Inflamed Central Nervous System

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    Leukocyte trafficking is a key event during autoimmune and inflammatory responses. The subarachnoid space (SAS) and cerebrospinal fluid are major routes for the migration of encephalitogenic T cells into the central nervous system (CNS) during experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE), the animal model of multiple sclerosis, and are sites of T cell activation before the invasion of CNS parenchyma. In particular, autoreactive Th1 and Th17 cell trafficking and reactivation in the CNS are required for the pathogenesis of EAE. However, the molecular mechanisms controlling T cell dynamics during EAE are unclear. We used two-photon laser microscopy to show that autoreactive Th1 and Th17 cells display distinct motility behavior within the SAS in the spinal cords of mice immunized with the myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein peptide MOG(35-55). Th1 cells showed a strong directional bias at the disease peak, moving in a straight line and covering long distances, whereas Th17 cells exhibited more constrained motility. The dynamics of both Th1 and Th17 cells were strongly affected by blocking the integrin LFA-1, which interfered with the deformability and biomechanics of Th1 but not Th17 cells. The intrathecal injection of a blocking anti-LFA-1 antibody at the onset of disease significantly inhibited EAE progression and also strongly reduced neuro-inflammation in the immunized mice. Our results show that LFA-1 plays a pivotal role in T cell motility during EAE and suggest that interfering with the molecular mechanisms controlling T cell motility can help to reduce the pathogenic potential of autoreactive lymphocytes

    Mitochondrial Features of Mouse Myoblasts Are Finely Tuned by Low Doses of Ozone: The Evidence In Vitro

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    The mild oxidative stress induced by low doses of gaseous ozone (O3) activates the antioxidant cell response through the nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2), thus inducing beneficial effects without cell damage. Mitochondria are sensitive to mild oxidative stress and represent a susceptible O3 target. In this in vitro study, we investigated the mitochondrial response to low O3 doses in the immortalized, non-tumoral muscle C2C12 cells; a multimodal approach including fluorescence microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and biochemistry was used. Results demonstrated that mitochondrial features are finely tuned by low O3 doses. The O3 concentration of 10 μg maintained normal levels of mitochondria-associated Nrf2, promoted the mitochondrial increase of size and cristae extension, reduced cellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) and prevented cell death. Conversely, in 20 μg O3-treated cells, where the association of Nrf2 with the mitochondria drastically dropped, mitochondria underwent more significant swelling, and ROS and cell death increased. This study, therefore, adds original evidence for the involvement of Nrf2 in the dose-dependent response to low O3 concentrations not only as an Antioxidant Response Elements (ARE) gene activator but also as a regulatory/protective factor of mitochondrial function