63 research outputs found

    Informe sobre l’estat de salut a Sallent

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    Salut pública; Estat de salut; PoblacióSalud pública; Estado de salud; PoblaciónPublic health; Health status; PopulationEl document que es presenta a continuació mostra l’estat de salut, i els factors que la determinen, de la població de Sallent. L’objectiu d’aquest informe és analitzar la situació de salut, i els seus determinants, d’aquest municipi per detectar les principals necessitats i possibilitats de millora al municipi en termes de salut, des de la perspectiva de la promoció de la salut en la intervenció comunitària

    Effectiveness of a supervised physical activity programme on physical activity adherence in patients with cardiovascular risk factors

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    Introduction Physical activity referral schemes (PARS) in primary care centres increase the level of physical activity (PA) in the general population. However, few studies assess PA adherence after interventions. This study aimed at: (i) to assess PA adherence after a six-month PARS, and at 12-months (after six months of a follow-up period without intervention), (ii) and to assess the impact of PARS on health-related quality of life (HRQL) in patients with cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF). Materials and methods A six-month PARS decrease the number of inactive patients and improves PA level and HRQL. Improvements in physical functioning, social functioning, and emotional component were retained up to one year. PARS appear to be an adequate treatment to improve the health of patients with CVRF. El 75% de los pacientes (n = 242; 62,6 ± 8,5 años; 75% mujeres) completaron el PPAFS (asistencia media del 84,1%). Los PPAFS aumentan el nivel de AF y mejoran la CVRS (p < 0,01). A los 12 meses, el número de pacientes físicamente inactivos sigue siendo inferior a los datos basales, el nivel de AF disminuye pero se mantienen los efectos positivos en la CVRS, especialmente en la funcionalidad social (26,4), la funcionalidad física (18,2) y el componente emocional (18,3) (p < 0,01). Longitudinal design. A total of 323 patients with ≥2 CVRF, in contemplative stage of change, from 27 primary care centres in Catalonia, were referred during 2010–2011 to a six-month PARS (three sessions/week of 60 min of moderate-intensity PA (MPA)). PA level and HRQL were analysed at baseline, at six-months, and at 12-months follow-up measurement, with the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (short version), and the SF-12, respectively. Results Out of the total number of patients (323), 75% (n = 242; 62.6 ± 8.5 years; 75% women) completed the PARS, with a mean attendance of 84.1%. A six-month PARS increased PA level, especially MPA and improved HRQL (p < 0.01). At 12-months, the number of physically inactive patients remained lower than baseline; MPA level decreased, and the positive effects on HRQL were retained, especially in social functioning (26.4), physical functioning (18.2), and emotional component (18.3) (p < 0.01). Out of the total number of patients (323), 75% (n = 242; 62.6 ± 8.5 years; 75% women) completed the PARS, with a mean attendance of 84.1%. A six-month PARS increased PA level, especially MPA and improved HRQL (p < 0.01). At 12-months, the number of physically inactive patients remained lower than baseline; MPA level decreased, and the positive effects on HRQL were retained, especially in social functioning (26.4), physical functioning (18.2), and emotional component (18.3) (p < 0.01). Conclusions A six-month PARS decrease the number of inactive patients and improves PA level and HRQL. Improvements in physical functioning, social functioning, and emotional component were retained up to one year. PARS appear to be an adequate treatment to improve the health of patients with CVRF

    Cannabinoids induce functional Tregs by promoting tolerogenic DCs via autophagy and metabolic reprograming

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    The generation of functional regulatory T cells (Tregs) is essential to keep tissue homeostasis and restore healthy immune responses in many biological and inflammatory contexts. Cannabinoids have been pointed out as potential therapeutic tools for several diseases. Dendritic cells (DCs) express the endocannabinoid system, including the cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2. However, how cannabinoids might regulate functional properties of DCs is not completely understood. We uncover that the triggering of cannabinoid receptors promote human tolerogenic DCs that are able to prime functional FOXP3+ Tregs in the context of different inflammatory diseases. Mechanistically, cannabinoids imprint tolerogenicity in human DCs by inhibiting NF-κB, MAPK and mTOR signalling pathways while inducing AMPK and functional autophagy flux via CB1- and PPARα-mediated activation, which drives metabolic rewiring towards increased mitochondrial activity and oxidative phosphorylation. Cannabinoids exhibit in vivo protective and anti-inflammatory effects in LPS-induced sepsis and also promote the generation of FOXP3+ Tregs. In addition, immediate anaphylactic reactions are decreased in peanut allergic mice and the generation of allergen-specific FOXP3+ Tregs are promoted, demonstrating that these immunomodulatory effects take place in both type 1- and type 2-mediated inflammatory diseases. Our findings might open new avenues for novel cannabinoid-based interventions in different inflammatory and immune-mediated diseases

    Effects of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and other eicosanoid pathway modifiers on antiviral and allergic responses: EAACI task force on eicosanoids consensus report in times of COVID-19

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    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and other eicosanoid pathway modifiers are among the most ubiquitously used medications in the general population. Their broad anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, and analgesic effects are applied against symptoms of respiratory infections, including SARS-CoV-2, as well as in other acute and chronic inflammatory diseases that often coexist with allergy and asthma. However, the current pandemic of COVID-19 also revealed the gaps in our understanding of their mechanism of action, selectivity, and interactions not only during viral infections and inflammation, but also in asthma exacerbations, uncontrolled allergic inflammation, and NSAIDs-exacerbated respiratory disease (NERD). In this context, the consensus report summarizes currently available knowledge, novel discoveries, and controversies regarding the use of NSAIDs in COVID-19, and the role of NSAIDs in asthma and viral asthma exacerbations. We also describe here novel mechanisms of action of leukotriene receptor antagonists (LTRAs), outline how to predict responses to LTRA therapy and discuss a potential role of LTRA therapy in COVID-19 treatment. Moreover, we discuss interactions of novel T2 biologicals and other eicosanoid pathway modifiers on the horizon, such as prostaglandin D2 antagonists and cannabinoids, with eicosanoid pathways, in context of viral infections and exacerbations of asthma and allergic diseases. Finally, we identify and summarize the major knowledge gaps and unmet needs in current eicosanoid research

    Cumplimiento de la dieta mediterránea y nivel de actividad física de los usuarios de la web PAFES (Plan de Actividad Física, Deporte y Salud)

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    Background: The Physical Activity Plan Sport and Health web site (www.pafes.cat) allows users to assess the level of adherence to the Mediterranean Diet (MD) and level of physical activity (PA) by two interactive questionnaires: the MD questionnaire adapted from the study Prevention with Mediterranean Diet (Predimed) and the abbreviated version of the International Physical Activity questionnaire (IPAQ).Methods: A descriptive analysis was performed on the results of both questionnaires during the period 2009 to 2010.Results: Of the 1376 questionnaires analyzed on adherence to the MD, 12.5% of users have a high compliance, 67.2% moderate, and 20.3% low. Almost all (95.8%) used olive oil as the main added fat, 82.2% and 78.4% reported a low intake of butter and derivatives, and sugary drinks, respectively, and 70.9% referred to an adequate intake of vegetables. On the negative side, 82.3% reported a low intake of legumes, 71.6% a high intake of red meat, 67.6% and 25% lower intake of fruit and nuts, respectively. As regards PA, of the 1221 questionnaires analyzed, 79.4% of the population met the PA health recommendations, 36.5% at a high level, and 42.9% moderate.Conclusions: Web questionnaires can be a useful tool in the promotion and dissemination of both habits. As a suggestion for improvement, we propose the inclusion of demographic variables to determine the profile of users who completed the questionnaires.Introducción: La web del PAFES permite a los usuarios evaluar el nivel de adhesión a la dieta mediterránea y el nivel de actividad física (AF) mediante dos cuestionarios interactivos: el cuestionario de dieta mediterránea adaptado del estudio “Prevención con dieta mediterránea” (Predimed) y la versión abreviada del Cuestionario Internacional de Actividad Física (IPAQ).Material y métodos: Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de los resultados obtenidos de ambos cuestionarios durante el periodo 2009-2010.Resultados: De los 1.376 cuestionarios analizados sobre adhesión a la dieta mediterránea, el 12,5% de los usuarios tiene un cumplimiento alto; el 67,2%, moderado y el 20,3%, bajo. El 95,8% utiliza aceite de oliva como principal grasa de adición, el 82,2 y el 78,4% declaran un consumo bajo de mantequilla y derivados y de bebidas azucaradas respectivamente, y el 70,9% refiere un consumo adecuado de verduras. Como aspectos negativos, el 82,3% declara un consumo bajo de legumbres; el 71,6%, un consumo alto de carne roja, y el 67,6 y el 25% un consumo bajo de fruta y frutos secos respectivamente. Respecto a la AF, de los 1.221 cuestionarios analizados, el 79,4% de la población cumple con las recomendaciones de AF saludable, el 36,5% en un nivel alto y el 42,9% en un nivel moderado.Conclusiones: Los cuestionarios vía web pueden ser una herramienta útil en la promoción y la difusión de ambos hábitos saludables. Como propuesta de mejora, se plantea la inclusión de variables sociodemográficas para conocer el perfil de los usuarios que responden a los cuestionarios

    Allergoid–mannan conjugates reprogram monocytes into tolerogenic dendritic cells via epigenetic and metabolic rewiring

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    Allergoid–mannan conjugates are novel vaccines for allergen-specific immunotherapy being currently assayed in phase 2 clinical trials. Allergoid–mannan conjugates target dendritic cells (DCs) and generate functional forkhead box P3 (FOXP3)-positive Treg cells, but their capacity to reprogram monocyte differentiation remains unknown

    Facilitating community oriented primary health care: basic health indicators by small areas in Catalonia

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    Promoción de la salud; Salud comunitaria; Indicadores de saludPromoció de la salut; Salut comunitària; Indicadors de salutHealth promotion; Community health; Health status indicatorsLa salud depende mayoritariamente de factores externos al sistema sanitario, como los determinantes socioeconómicos. La acción intersectorial y la participación son elementos clave para una atención integral centrada en la persona y la comunidad. En Cataluña, la Estrategia Nacional de Atención Primaria y Comunitaria pretende reforzar la atención primaria para que sea el eje vertebrador del sistema sanitario y con fuerte orientación comunitaria. Para desplegar la orientación comunitaria es importante disponer de datos fiables y robustos para áreas pequeñas. Se seleccionaron, calcularon y presentaron 38 indicadores básicos para las 370 Áreas Báscias de Salud en Cataluña, según el modelo de los determinantes sociales: demográficos (4), socioeconómicos (3), morbilidad (9), mortalidad (6), estilos de vida (4), prácticas preventivas (1), recursos y uso de servicios sanitarios (9) y entorno físico (2). Estos indicadores permitirán a los/las profesionales realizar un informe de salud de forma ágil y sistemática.Health depends mostly on factors that lay outside the health system, such as socioeconomic determinants. Intersectorality and participation are key elements for an integrated care person and community centred. In Catalonia, the National Primary Health and Community Strategy aims to reinforce primary health care, so that it becomes the backbone of the health system and with a strong community orientation. To deploy a community oriented primary health care it is important to count with reliable and robust data by small areas. Thirty-eight basic indicators were selected for each of the 370 primary health care in Catalonia. Indicators were calculated and presented following the social determinants model: demographic (4), socioeconomic (3), morbidity (9), mortality (6), lifestyles (4), preventive practices (1), resources and use of health services (9) and physical environment (2). These indicators will allow health professionals to carry out local health assessments in a fast and systematic manner

    From trained immunity in allergy to trained immunity‐based allergen vaccines.

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    Innate immune cells experience long lasting metabolic and epigenetic changes after an encounter with specific stimuli. This facilitates enhanced immune responses upon secondary exposition to both the same and unrelated pathogens, a process termed trained immunity. Trained immunity- based vaccines (TIbV) are vaccines able to induce innate immune memory, thus conferring heterologous protection against a broad range of pathogens. While trained immunity has been well documented in the con-text of infections and multiple immune- mediated diseases, the role of innate immune memory and its contribution to the initiation and maintenance of chronic allergic dis-eases remains poorly understood. Over the last years, different studies attempting to uncover the role of trained immunity in allergy have emerged. Exposition to en-vironmental factors impacting allergy development such as allergens or viruses in-duces the reprogramming of innate immune cells to acquire a more pro-inflammatory phenotype in the context of asthma or food allergy. Several studies have convincingly demonstrated that prevention of viral infections using TIbV contributes to reduce wheezing attacks in children, which represent a high- risk factor for asthma develop-ment later in life. Innate immune cells trained with specific stimuli might also acquire anti- inflammatory features and promote tolerance, which may have important impli-cations for chronic inflammatory diseases such as allergies. Recent findings showed that allergoid- mannan conjugates, which are next generation vaccines for allergen- specific immunotherapy (AIT), are able to reprogram monocytes into tolerogenic den-dritic cells by mechanisms depending on metabolic and epigenetic rewiring. A better understanding of the underlying mechanisms of trained immunity in allergy will pave the way for the design of novel trained immunity- based allergen vaccines as potential alternative strategies for the prevention and treatment of allergic diseases

    The cannabinoid WIN55212-2 restores rhinovirus-induced epithelial barrier disruption

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    Carta al Editor. Received: 19 September 2020 | Revised: 20 November 2020 | Accepted: 5 December 2020Sección Deptal. de Química Orgánica (Óptica y Optometría)Fac. de Óptica y OptometríaTRUEMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad de España (MINECO)Swiss National Science FoundationChristine Kühne‐Center for Allergy Research and Education (CK‐CARE) (Suiza)Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España)inpres

    Cannabinoid WIN55212-2 impairs peanut-allergic sensitization and promotes the generation of allergen-specific regulatory T cells

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    Background: Cannabinoids are lipid-derived mediators with anti-inflammatory prop-erties in different diseases. WIN55212-2, a non-selective synthetic cannabinoid, re-duces immediate anaphylactic reactions in a mouse model of peanut allergy, but its capacity to prevent peanut-allergic sensitization and the underlying mechanisms re-mains largely unknown. Objective: To investigate the capacity of WIN55212-2 to immunomodulate peanut- stimulated human dendritic cells (DCs) and peanut-allergic sensitization in mice. Methods: Surface markers and cytokines were quantified by flow cytometry, ELISA and qPCR in human monocyte-derived DCs (hmoDCs) and T-cell cocultures after stimulation with peanut alone or in the presence of WIN55212-2. Mice were epicuta-neously sensitized with peanut alone or peanut/WIN55212-2. After peanut challenge, drop in body temperature, haematocrit, clinical symptoms, peanut-specific antibodies in serum and FOXP3+ regulatory (Treg) cells in spleen and lymph nodes were quanti-fied. Splenocytes were stimulated in vitro with peanut to analyse allergen-specific T- cell responses. Results: WIN55212-2 reduced peanut-induced hmoDC activation and promoted the generation of CD4+CD127−CD25+FOXP3+ Treg cells, while reducing the induction of IL- 5- producing T cells. In vivo, WIN55212-2 impaired the peanut-induced migration of DCs to lymph nodes and their maturation. WIN55212-2 significantly reduced the induction of peanut-specific IgE and IgG1 antibodies in serum during epicutaneous peanut sensitization, reduced the clinical symptoms score upon peanut challenge and promoted the generation of allergen-specific FOXP3+ Treg cells. Conclusions: The synthetic cannabinoid WIN55212-2 interferes with peanut sensi-tization and promotes tolerogenic responses, which might well pave the way for the development of novel prophylactic and therapeutic strategies for peanut allergy