16 research outputs found

    What makes joint assessment procedures attractive to the innovative industry: successes, challenges, and proposed improvements

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    Regulatory harmonization and convergence have been identified as the key driver in promoting efficient evaluation of medicines, reducing workload, and supporting earlier access to medicines on the African continent. There has been great progress to date in enhancing regulatory harmonization and convergence on the African continent via the Regional Economic Communities (RECs) and with the establishment of the Africa Medicines Agency (AMA). In this article, the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations (IFPMA) Africa Regulatory Network (ARN) presents its perspective based on the available literature review and results from a survey conducted with innovative biopharmaceutical companies to gather experiences using regional joint assessment procedures (JAPs) in Africa, such as the East African Community Medicines Regulatory Harmonization (EAC-MRH), the West African Medicines Regulatory Harmonization (WA-MRH), and the Southern African Development Community Medicines Regulatory Harmonization (SADC-MRH) initiative through the ZAZIBONA Collaborative Procedure for Medicines Registration (ZaZiBoNa), and provides best practices in this evolving landscape. The article also assesses other collaborative registration pathways available to facilitating registration of pharmaceutical products in African countries, such as WHO Collaborative Registration Procedures (CRP), Swissmedic’s Marketing Authorisation for Global Health Products (MAGHP) and EU Medicines for All (EU-M4ALL). Benefits and challenges of each of the existing pathways are discussed in this article. Main benefits include building more expert capacity and improved collaboration amongst experts, as well as shorter review timelines in some cases. Key challenges include the lack of predictability in the adherence to procedural timelines as defined per guidelines, lengthy timeline to achieve national marketing authorization following joint assessment, the lack of dedicated personnel, administrative issues during the submission process as well as additional country-specific requirements on top of JAP-specific requirements. Our recommendations for improvements include harmonization of requirements across countries and regions and with international standards, appropriate resource allocation for JAP activities to ensure adherence to timelines, use of JAPs throughout the entire product lifecycle and all product categories, adequate use of digital technologies, and improved communication and transparency with applicants. These improvements will allow industry to better plan their filing strategies for the region which will lead to overall improved usability of the JAPs in Africa and enable faster patient access

    Prognostic ability of the German version of the STarT Back tool: analysis of 12-month follow-up data from a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Stratified care is an up-to-date treatment approach suggested for patients with back pain in several guidelines. A comprehensively studied stratification instrument is the STarT Back Tool (SBT). It was developed to stratify patients with back pain into three subgroups, according to their risk of persistent disabling symptoms. The primary aim was to analyse the disability differences in patients with back pain 12 months after inclusion according to the subgroups determined at baseline using the German version of the SBT (STarT-G). Moreover, the potential to improve prognosis for disability by adding further predictor variables, an analysis for differences in pain intensity according to the STarT-Classification, and discriminative ability were investigated. Methods: Data from the control group of a randomized controlled trial were analysed. Trial participants were members of a private medical insurance with a minimum age of 18 and indicated as having persistent back pain. Measurements were made for the risk of back pain chronification using the STarT-G, disability (as primary outcome) and back pain intensity with the Chronic Pain Grade Scale (CPGS), health-related quality of life with the SF-12, psychological distress with the Patient Health Questionnaire-4 (PHQ-4) and physical activity. Analysis of variance (ANOVA), multiple linear regression, and area under the curve (AUC) analysis were conducted. Results: The mean age of the 294 participants was 53.5 (SD 8.7) years, and 38% were female. The ANOVA for disability and pain showed significant differences (p < 0.01) among the risk groups at 12 months. Post hoc Tukey tests revealed significant differences among all three risk groups for every comparison for both outcomes. AUC for STarT-G’s ability to discriminate reference standard ‘cases’ for chronic pain status at 12 months was 0.79. A prognostic model including the STarT-Classification, the variables global health, and disability at baseline explained 45% of the variance in disability at 12 months. Conclusions: Disability differences in patients with back pain after a period of 12 months are in accordance with the subgroups determined using the STarT-G at baseline. Results should be confirmed in a study developed with the primary aim to investigate those differences

    A novel reverse transduction adenoviral array for the functional analysis of shRNA libraries

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The identification of novel drug targets by assessing gene functions is most conveniently achieved by high-throughput loss-of-function RNA interference screening. There is a growing need to employ primary cells in such screenings, since they reflect the physiological situation more closely than transformed cell lines do. Highly miniaturized and parallelized approaches as exemplified by reverse transfection or transduction arrays meet these requirements, hence we verified the applicability of an adenoviral microarray for the elucidation of gene functions in primary cells.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here, we present microarrays of infectious adenoviruses encoding short hairpin RNA (shRNA) as a new tool for gene function analysis. As an example to demonstrate its application, we chose shRNAs directed against seven selected human protein kinases, and we have performed quantitative analysis of phenotypical responses in primary human umbilical vein cells (HUVEC). These microarrays enabled us to infect the target cells in a parallelized and miniaturized procedure without significant cross-contamination: Viruses were reversibly immobilized in spots in such a way that the seeded cells were confined to the area of the viral spots, thus simplifying the subsequent addressing of genetically modified cells for analysis. Computer-assisted image analysis of fluorescence images was applied to analyze the cellular response after shRNA expression. Both the expression level of knock-down target proteins as well as the functional output as measured by caspase 3 activity and DNA fractionation (TUNEL) were quantified.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We have developed an adenoviral microarray technique suitable for miniaturized and parallelized analysis of gene function. The practicability of this technique was demonstrated by the analysis of several kinases involved in the activation of programmed cell death, both in tumor cells and in primary cells.</p

    Discrete choice experiment to investigate preferences for incentives to promote antimicrobial research and development

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    Objectives: Without intervention, experts predict that antimicrobial resistance will rank among leading drivers of mortality by 2050. New drugs are desperately needed, but given the lengthy development timelines for antimicrobial research and development (R&D), existing economic incentives fail to support a robust pipeline of new products. This study aims to elicit the preferences of stakeholders for adequate antimicrobial R&D incentive programs. Methods: A discrete choice experiment was conducted in which stakeholders (representatives from small or medium and large pharmaceutical companies, academics, clinicians, and policy makers) were asked in 12 choice tasks to select their preferred incentive combinations among two hypothetical options, differing in five attributes: form of monetary incentive, total amount of monetary incentive, market exclusivity extensions, transferable exclusivity extensions vouchers, and priority review vouchers. A subgroup analysis comprising only participants from the pharmaceutical industry was also conducted. Results: A total of 50 stakeholders (including 24 from the pharmaceutical industry) completed the survey in full. Participants preferred longer transferable exclusivity extensions and larger amounts of monetary rewards. The levels that were perceived as having the highest utility were 1billionastotalamountofincentivesandtransferableexclusivityextensionfor18months.Thesubgroupanalysisprovidedsimilarfindings.Conclusion:Thisstudysuggeststhatsurveyparticipantsviewedtransferableexclusivityvouchersforan18−motermandhigher(1 billion as total amount of incentives and transferable exclusivity extension for 18 months. The subgroup analysis provided similar findings. Conclusion: This study suggests that survey participants viewed transferable exclusivity vouchers for an 18-mo term and higher (1 billion) monetary rewards as the preferred incentives to promote antimicrobial R&D. Further work is needed to design specific incentives and ensure they are implemented effectively

    German Cancer Consortium (DKTK) - a national consortium for translational cancer research

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    The German Cancer Consortium ('Deutsches Konsortium fĂŒr Translationale Krebsforschung', DKTK) is a long-term cancer consortium, bringing together the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Germany's largest life science research center, and the leading University Medical Center-based Comprehensive Cancer Centers (CCCs) at seven sites across Germany. DKTK was founded in 2012 following international peer review and has positioned itself since then as the leading network for translational cancer research in Germany. DKTK is long term funded by the German Ministry of Research and Education and the federal states of each DKTK partner site. DKTK acts at the interface between basic and clinical cancer research, one major focus being to generate suitable multisite cooperation structures and provide the basis for including higher numbers of patients and facilitate effective collaborative forward and reverse translational cancer research. The consortium addresses areas of high scientific and medical relevance and develops critical infrastructures, for example, for omics technologies, clinical and research big data exchange and analysis, imaging, and clinical grade drug manufacturing. Moreover, DKTK provides a very attractive environment for interdisciplinary and interinstitutional training and career development for clinician and medical scientists

    German Cancer Consortium (DKTK) – A national consortium for translational cancer research

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    The German Cancer Consortium (‘Deutsches Konsortium fĂŒr Translationale Krebsforschung’, DKTK) is a long‐term cancer consortium, bringing together the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Germany's largest life science research center, and the leading University Medical Center‐based Comprehensive Cancer Centers (CCCs) at seven sites across Germany. DKTK was founded in 2012 following international peer review and has positioned itself since then as the leading network for translational cancer research in Germany. DKTK is long term funded by the German Ministry of Research and Education and the federal states of each DKTK partner site. DKTK acts at the interface between basic and clinical cancer research, one major focus being to generate suitable multisite cooperation structures and provide the basis for including higher numbers of patients and facilitate effective collaborative forward and reverse translational cancer research. The consortium addresses areas of high scientific and medical relevance and develops critical infrastructures, for example, for omics technologies, clinical and research big data exchange and analysis, imaging, and clinical grade drug manufacturing. Moreover, DKTK provides a very attractive environment for interdisciplinary and interinstitutional training and career development for clinician and medical scientists