5 research outputs found
Demographic characteristics according to endoscopic BE and pathological BE in the training cohort<sup>*</sup>.
<p><sup>*</sup>Data shown are mean (SD) for continuous variables and number (percentage) for categorical variables</p>†<p>P for trend test.</p
The coefficients, weights and odds ratios of selected predictors for BE.
<p><sup>*</sup>n/a: not applicable.</p
Summary of the predictors for BE in the external validation cohort<sup>*</sup>.
<p><sup>*</sup>Data shown are mean (SD) for continuous variables and number (percentage) for categorical variables.</p
ROC curve for a) endoscopically visible CLE of any length independent of histology (AUC: 0.61), b) segment containing IM≥2 cm (AUC: 0.64) in the external validation cohort (N = 477).
<p>ROCs curve were developed using the risk scores which are calculated by the weights of different predictors. The weights were developed based on the coefficients of predictors in the backward logistic regression model in the training cohort.</p
ROC curve for a) endoscopically visible CLE of any length independent of histology (AUC: 0.72), b) segment containing IM≥2 cm (AUC: 0.81) in the training cohort (N = 1603).
<p>ROCs curve were developed using the risk scores which are calculated using the weights of different predictors. The weights were developed based on the coefficients of predictors in the backward logistic regression model in the training cohort.</p