715 research outputs found

    Wiedereingliederung in den Arbeitsmarkt im Rahmen beruflicher Rehabilitation : Maßnahmeteilnahme, Beschäftigungschancen und Arbeitslosigkeitsrisiko (Reintegration into the labour market within the framework of occupational rehabilitation : Participation in measures, prospects for employment and the risk of unemployment)

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    "Employment plays an important role within the context of social inclusion. Vocational rehabilitation for people with disabilities is supporting the restoring of labour market inclusion and to ensure it in the long run. But the effects of vocational rehabilitation on labour market integration for people with disabilities are relatively unknown. Contrary to evaluation in the field of medical rehabilitation there is only marginal research here. That applies to participation in measurements or appraisal of the rehabilitants as well as occupational integration after measurements. This article aims to fill in the blank. A survey of the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) is used that covers data on vocational rehabilitants with disabilities, who completed a measurement within the German Federal Employment Agency in the year 2006. Thereby the article is focusing on three main measurement groups: 'orientation and training', 'further training and qualification' and 'job creation measures'. The probability of participating on one of these measures is depending on several factors: Age, schooling, vocational education and cumulated unemployment duration as well as regional employment situation. The cumulate duration of illness and the point in time when the disability occurred are also important. Due to their disability the participants appraise their personal benefit differently, regarding on occupational capability or strategies to cope with their disability: Further training and qualification are rated positively, orientation and training are valued more reluctantly and job creation measures were rated lowest. Six months after the measurement the risk of unemployment is higher for those with no school leaving certificate or longer periods of unemployment duration. Besides this, regional aspects play a significant role. Gainful employment is depending on the point in time when disability occurred: rehabilitants whose disability occurred in younger adulthood have a higher chance to be in employment than those with congenital diseases. Living in urban regions and having been employed at least once before rehabilitation also helps getting employed again." (Authors' abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))Rehabilitanden, berufliche Rehabilitation - Erfolgskontrolle, berufliche Reintegration, Arbeitsmarktchancen, Arbeitslosigkeit - Risiko, arbeitsmarktpolitische Maßnahme

    Tracking defect-induced ferromagnetism in GaN:Gd

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    We report on the magnetic properties of GaN:Gd layers grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). A poor reproducibility with respect to the magnetic properties is found in these samples. Our results show strong indications that defects with a concentration of the order of 10^19 cm^-3 might play an important role for the magnetic properties. Positron annihilation spectroscopy does not support the suggested connection between the ferromagnetism and the Ga vacancy in GaN:Gd. Oxygen co-doping of GaN:Gd promotes ferromagnetism at room temperature and points to a role of oxygen for mediating ferromagnetic interactions in Gd doped GaN

    Wiedereingliederung in den Arbeitsmarkt im Rahmen beruflicher Rehabilitation: Maßnahmeteilnahme, Beschäftigungschancen und Arbeitslosigkeitsrisiko

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    "Erwerbsarbeit ist einer der wichtigsten Aspekte gesellschaftlicher Teilhabe. Berufliche Rehabilitation dient dazu, diese Teilhabe (wieder-) herzustellen und auf Dauer zu sichern. Über die arbeitsmarktintegrative Wirkung dieser Teilhabeleistungen ist allerdings wenig bekannt. Im Gegensatz zum Bereich der medizinischen Rehabilitation ist das Feld der beruflichen Rehabilitation weniger intensiv beforscht. So liegen bisher kaum Erkenntnisse zu Maßnahmeteilnahmen von Rehabilitanden, deren Bewertung durch die Teilnehmer sowie zu Verbleibsmustern nach Ende der Maßnahme vor. In diese Lücke zielt der vorliegende Bericht. Datengrundlage ist eine IAB-Befragung von Rehabilitanden, die im Jahr 2006 eine Maßnahme bei der Bundesagentur für Arbeit abgeschlossen haben. Der Fokus dieses Forschungsberichtes liegt auf den drei wichtigsten Hauptmaßnahmegruppen, die die Befragten durchlaufen haben: Orientierungs- und Trainingsmaßnahmen, Weiterbildungs- und Qualifizierungsmaßnahmen und Beschäftigung schaffende Maßnahmen. Die Wahrscheinlichkeit an einer dieser Maßnahmegruppen teil zu nehmen, wird von verschiedenen Faktoren bestimmt. Vor allem das Alter, die schulischen und beruflichen Bildungsabschlüsse, die kumulierte Arbeitslosigkeitserfahrung, aber auch die Lage auf dem regionalen Arbeitsmarkt beeinflussen den Zugang zu einzelnen Maßnahmegruppen. Die kumulierte Dauer der Krankheitszeiten aber auch das Alter, in dem die Behinderung eingetreten ist, spielen interessanterweise keine Rolle. Die Teilnehmer an den drei wichtigsten Maßnahmegruppen schätzen ihren individuellen Nutzen für ihre berufliche Leistungsfähigkeit oder das Coping mit der Erkrankung sehr unterschiedlich ein. Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen schneiden dabei am positivsten ab, Orientierungs- und Trainingsmaßnahmen werden insgesamt etwas zu- rückhaltender bewertet, deutlich schlechtere Einschätzungen finden sich bei Beschäftigung schaffenden Maßnahmen. Sechs Monate nach Ende der Maßnahme zeigt sich, dass das Risiko arbeitslos zu sein für Personen steigt, die keinen Schulabschluss oder aber einen Förderschulabschluss erworben haben. Gleiches gilt für längere kumulierte Arbeitslosigkeitserfahrung oder bei Rehabilitanden, die in ländlichen Regionen wohnen. Die Erwerbschancen werden u.a. vom Zeitpunkt des Auftretens der Behinderung beeinflusst: Rehabilitanden, deren Behinderung im jungen Erwachsenenalter aufgetreten ist, haben bessere Erwerbschancen als diejenigen mit angeborenen Behinderungen. Auch mindestens eine sozialversicherungspflichtige Beschäftigung vor der Rehabilitation sowie das Wohnen in städtisch geprägten Regionen steigern die Erwerbschancen." (Autorenabstract)"Employment plays an important role within the context of social inclusion. Vocational rehabilitation for people with disabilities is supporting the restoring of labour market inclusion and to ensure it in the long run. But the effects of vocational rehabilitation on labour market integration for people with disabilities are relatively unknown. Contrary to evaluation in the field of medical rehabilitation there is only marginal research here. That applies to participation in measurements or appraisal of the rehabilitants as well as occupational integration after measurements. This article aims to fill in the blank. A survey of the Institute for Employment Research (IAB) is used that covers data on vocational rehabilitants with disabilities, who completed a measurement within the German Federal Employment Agency in the year 2006. Thereby the article is focusing on three main measurement groups: 'orientation and training', 'further training and qualification' and 'job creation measures'. The probability of participating on one of these measures is depending on several factors: Age, schooling, vocational education and cumulated unemployment duration as well as regional employment situation. The cumulate duration of illness and the point in time when the disability occurred have no effect. Due to their disability the participants appraise their personal benefit differently, regarding on occupational capability or strategies to cope with their disability: Further training and qualification are rated positively, orientation and training are valued more reluctantly and job creation measures were rated lowest. Six months after the measurement the risk of unemployment is higher for those with no school leaving certificate or longer periods of unemployment duration. Besides this, regional aspects play a significant role. Gainful employment is depending on the point in time when disability occurred: rehabilitants whose disability occurred in younger adulthood have a higher chance to be in employment than those with congenital diseases. Living in urban regions and having been employed at least once before rehabilitation also helps getting employed again." (author's absract

    Re-Assessing Green Building Performance: A Post Occupancy Evaluation of 22 GSA Buildings

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    2nd report on the performance of GSA's sustainably designed buildings. The purpose of this study was to provide an overview of measured whole building performance as it compares to GSA and industry baselines. The PNNL research team found the data analysis illuminated strengths and weaknesses of individual buildings as well as the portfolio of buildings. This section includes summary data, observations that cross multiple performance metrics, discussion of lessons learned from this research, and opportunities for future research. The summary of annual data for each of the performance metrics is provided in Table 25. The data represent 1 year of measurements and are not associated with any specific design features or strategies. Where available, multiple years of data were examined and there were minimal significant differences between the years. Individually focused post occupancy evaluation (POEs) would allow for more detailed analysis of the buildings. Examining building performance over multiple years could potentially offer a useful diagnostic tool for identifying building operations that are in need of operational changes. Investigating what the connection is between the building performance and the design intent would offer potential design guidance and possible insight into building operation strategies. The 'aggregate operating cost' metric used in this study represents the costs that were available for developing a comparative industry baseline for office buildings. The costs include water utilities, energy utilities, general maintenance, grounds maintenance, waste and recycling, and janitorial costs. Three of the buildings that cost more than the baseline in Figure 45 have higher maintenance costs than the baseline, and one has higher energy costs. Given the volume of data collected and analyzed for this study, the inevitable request is for a simple answer with respect to sustainably designed building performance. As previously stated, compiling the individual building values into single metrics is not statistically valid given the small number of buildings, but it has been done to provide a cursory view of this portfolio of sustainably designed buildings. For all metrics except recycling cost per rentable square foot and CBE survey response rate, the averaged building performance was better than the baseline for the GSA buildings in this study

    A very mild phenotype in six individuals of a three-generation family with the novel HRAS variant c.176C > G p.(Ala59Gly): Emergence of a new HRAS-related RASopathy distinct from Costello syndrome

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    Costello syndrome is a clinically recognizable, severe neurodevelopmental disorder caused by heterozygous activating variants in HRAS. The vast majority of affected patients share recurring variants affecting HRAS codons 12 and 13 and a relatively uniform phenotype. Here, we report the unique and attenuated phenotype of six individuals of an extended family affected by the HRAS variant c.176C>T p.(Ala59Gly), which, to our knowledge, has never been reported as a germline variant in patients so far. HRAS Alanine 59 has been previously functionally investigated as an oncogenic hotspot and the p.Ala59Gly substitution was shown to impair intrinsic GTP hydrolysis. All six individuals we report share a phenotype of ectodermal anomalies and mild features suggestive of a RASopathy, reminiscent of patients with Noonan syndrome-like disorder with loose anagen hair. All six are of normal intelligence, none have a history of failure to thrive or malignancy, and they have no known cardiac or neurologic pathologies. Our report adds to the previous reports of patients with rare variants affecting amino acids located in the SWITCH II/G3 region of HRAS and suggests a consistent, attenuated phenotype distinct from classical Costello syndrome. We propose the definition of a new distinct HRAS-related RASopathy for patients carrying HRAS variants affecting codons 58, 59, 60

    Individual plumage and integument scoring of laying hens on commercial farms: correlation with severe feather pecking and prognosis by visual scoring on flock level

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    Various plumage and integument scoring methods are commonly used to deduce the occurrence of severe feather pecking and cannibalism in laying hens. The aim of our study was to provide evidence of correlations between the occurrence of severe feather pecking and our individual plumage scoring system used under practical conditions on commercial farms with non–beak-trimmed and beak-trimmed layers (study I). In second step, we aimed to verify whether the results of the elaborate individual scoring may be predicted with a visual scoring method based on the total body scores of groups of birds (study II). For study I we observed the pecking behavior and performed an individual plumage scoring at the beginning, in the middle, and at the end of a laying period on 8 commercial farms. For study II we performed both an individual and a visual plumage scoring on 49 flocks on 45 farms at the beginning of the laying period and on 43 flocks on 41 farms at the end of the laying period. Spearman's Rho revealed a correlation of the mean feather pecking rate with the total plumage score, the neck–back plumage score, and the total cannibalism score in all observation periods. A high feather pecking rate was correlated with severe plumage damage and the frequent occurrence of skin injuries. We conclude that both the total plumage score and the neck–back plumage score constitute a reliable indicator of the occurrence of severe feather pecking in the flocks assessed in this study. The results of study II suggest that the percental assessment of plumage damage on flock level in 3 categories (“visual score”) leads to a good prognosis of the actual, individually assessed plumage score. Therefore, the application (and documentation) of the visual score on a regular basis can provide a good evaluation of the development of the plumage condition of the flock. The visual score presented in this study is suggested as a suitable instrument for self-evaluation programs on farms

    Risk Factors for the Occurrence of Feather Pecking in Non-Beak-Trimmed Pullets and Laying Hens on Commercial Farms

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    Severe feather pecking (SFP) is a behavioral disorder, for which there are multifactorial reasons. Various aspects of pullet and laying-hen husbandry—including housing conditions, management, feeding, and genetics—must be considered, to prevent negative outcomes, such as severe plumage damage, skin injuries, and high mortality rates due to SFP. The aim of this study was to identify housing and management factors in the occurrence of feather pecking, so as to reduce the risk of this behavioral disorder in non-beak-trimmed laying hens on commercial farms with aviaries. Beak trimming may reduce the extent of plumage damage, but it does not prevent feather pecking and cannibalism. Thirty non-beak-trimmed flocks (16 in the first, and 14 in the second laying period) were investigated on 16 commercial farms in Germany. Each flock was visited twice during rearing, and three times during the laying period. During each visit, individual plumage and integument scoring were performed, and data were collected, regarding the housing and management conditions of the flocks. To analyze the influence of management and housing on the plumage condition of the rearing and laying flocks, models were calculated, using univariate multifactorial analysis. In the rearing period, high stocking density and poor litter quality were significant risk factors in plumage damage due to SFP. In the laying period, a lack of free range, poor litter quality, insufficient enrichment, and plumage damage during rearing were significant risk factors for the development of SFP. An individual risk analysis of pullet and layer farms is therefore strongly recommended, to prevent outbreaks of SFP and cannibalism, especially in non-beak-trimmed birds

    Demografie und Erwerbsbeteiligung

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    Inhalt: B Demografie und Erwerbsbeteiligung; B.I Einführung und Resümee; B.II Demografischer Wandel und Beschäftigung; B.III Frauenerwerbstätigkeit; B.IV Erwerbsbeteiligung Älterer; B.V Erwerbsbeteiligung im internationalen Vergleich; Literatur zu Kapitel

    Aufbau und Analyse des LTA-Rehaprozessdatenpanels: eine Prozessdatenbasis zur Untersuchung beruflicher Rehabilitation in Trägerschaft der Bundesagentur für Arbeit - Modul 1 des Projekts "Evaluation von Leistungen zur Teilhabe behinderter Menschen am Arbeitsleben"

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    Der Abschlussbericht zum Projekt "Evaluation von Leistungen zur Teilhabe behinderter Menschen am Arbeitsleben" (LTA) fasst die wichtigsten Arbeiten des Projektmoduls "Fortschreibung bzw. Neuaufbau des LTA-Reha-Prozessdatenpanels (LTA-RehaPro) und Analysen aus dem Prozessdatenpanel (Modul 1)" zusammen. Das Projekt wurde im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Arbeit und Soziales durchgeführt. Ziel des Projektmoduls war zum einen der Aufbau einer Prozessdatengrundlage auf Basis administrativer Daten aus den Geschäftsprozessen der Bundesagentur für Arbeit (BA). Zum anderen ist die so entstandene Datenbasis Grundlage für inhaltliche Analysen zum Rehabilitationsprozess. Der Fokus der Daten und der entsprechenden Analysen liegt auf Personen mit gesundheitlichen Einschränkungen und Behinderungen, die eine berufliche Rehabilitation in Kostenträgerschaft der BA anstreben oder absolvieren. Erst- und Wiedereingliederung werden getrennt voneinander betrachtet. Im Rahmen der Analysen wurde der Rehabilitationsprozess einerseits in seiner Gesamtheit betrachtet und andererseits wurden einzelne Prozessschritte untersucht. Im Bereich der beruflichen Ersteingliederung wird der Prozess vom Übergang von der Schule in die berufliche Rehabilitation, über die Teilnahme an Maßnahme(n) bis zum Arbeitsmarkteintritt betrachtet. Dies umfasst ein Prozessmonitoring für die berufliche Ersteingliederung, das auch in Zukunft weitergeführt werden soll. Daneben werden typische Erwerbsverläufe von Rehabilitanden und Rehabilitandinnen nach Ende der Schule identifiziert. Des Weiteren fokussiert eine Analyse über die generelle und spezifische Maßnahmewahl der jungen Personen nach Anerkennung sowie eine weitere Analyse im Besonderen die Personengruppe der psychisch Erkrankten. Für die Untersuchung der letztgenannten Personengruppe werden neben den LTA-RehaPro-Daten auch qualitative Interviews mit jungen Personen der beruflichen Ersteingliederung aus Modul 2 des LTA-Projekts herangezogen. Analog zum Bereich der Ersteingliederung wird auch für die Personen im Bereich der beruflichen Wiedereingliederung erstmalig ein Prozessmonitoring aufgebaut, das den Prozess im Gesamtüberblick betrachtet. Auch dieses Monitoring soll ebenfalls zukünftig weitergeführt werden. Weitere Fokusanalysen untersuchen den Anerkennungsprozess und die damit assoziierte Rolle des Erwerbsstatus, die Maßnahmezuweisung und die Arbeitsmarktübergänge. Insbesondere ihre Übergänge in den Arbeitsmarkt sind dabei differenziert betrachtet worden. So fokussieren einerseits Analysen den Eintritt in Beschäftigung und deren Nachhaltigkeit nach der Teilnahme an Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen. Andererseits identifizieren erste kontrafaktische Analysen Beschäftigungseffekte von Teilnehmenden und Nicht-Teilnehmenden an Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen im Rahmen von Reha (1) bzw. Personen mit und ohne Reha-Status nach Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen (2). Darüber hinaus wird auch der Beschäftigungseffekt von anerkannten und nicht-anerkannten Rehabilitanden und Rehabilitandinnen vergleichend betrachtet. Zu benennende Limitationen hinsichtlich der Daten und Analysen beziehen sich hauptsächlich auf die eingeschränkten Informationen zur gesundheitlichen Situation der Antragstellenden und der Rehabilitanden und Rehabilitandinnen und der daraus resultierenden individuellen beruflichen Möglichkeiten. Festzuhalten ist, dass die LTA-RehaPro-Daten als Vollerhebung von Personen in Kostenträgerschaft der BA, eine reiche und einzigartige Datenquelle zur Untersuchung beruflicher Rehabilitation darstellen. Zwar wird der Rehabilitationsprozess umfassend untersucht. Dennoch ist der Prozess noch nicht erschöpfend betrachtet und die hier durchgeführten Analysen bieten Raum für Anschlussforschung. So konnten erste Fragen beantwortet werden und neue gestellt werden. Die Forschung zum Rehabilitationsprozess soll deshalb auch über den Projektrahmen hinaus weitergeführt werden.The report associated with the project "evaluation of benefits for the labour market participation of people with disabilities (LTA)" financed by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs summarizes the most important results that were identified in the context of the project module "update and re-establishment of the LTA rehaprocess data panel (LTA-RehaPro) and analyses from the process data panel" (modul 1). The module aimed at constructing a process data panel that is based on administrative data coming from business routines of the German Federal Employment Agency (FEA). Furthermore, the data was used to analyse the rehabilitation process. Both data and analyses focus on persons with health limitations and disabilities aiming at or taking-up vocational rehabilitation in the financial responsibility of the FEA. Analyses distinguish young persons in first labour market integration from persons in labour market re-integration. The rehabilitation process is analysed as a whole, as well as in its separate process steps. In the context of young adults in their first labour market integration, studies mainly focus on the whole process from school, over vocational rehabilitation and participation in labour market measures to the transition into the labour market. Thus, within the project a process monitoring was conducted that is to be continued after the project. Furthermore, we identified typical labour market trajectories of rehabilitants after completing school. As a specific focus, the general and specific choice of labour market measures of young adults was analysed, as well as the particular conditions and specific needs of young adults with mental illness within the process of vocational rehabilitation. For the latter study results from the administrative LTA-RehaPro data were combined with findings from qualitative interviews of young adults from modul 2 of the LTA-project. Analogues to young adults, we established a process monitoring to examine the entire vocational rehabilitation process of adults in labour market re-integration that will be continued after the end of the project, as well. Focussing on specific process steps, further studies cover the acceptance process and the associated role of the labour market status, the general and specific allocation to labour market measures and the transition into the labour market. Particularly, the labour market transition was focussed in greater detail. On the one hand, one study considers the transition into employment, as well as the sustainability of employment for rehabilitants completing further training measures. On the other hand, first counterfactual analyses identify employment effects for participants and non-participants in further training measures within the context of vocational rehabilitation (1) and for participants in further training with and without a rehabilitation status (2). Furthermore, employment effects of accepted and non-accepted persons after applying for vocational rehabilitation are compared. The data and analyses are somehow limited in their scope. Thus, the main restriction regards limited health related data on accepted and non-accepted applicants for vocational rehabilitation. This is particularly relevant for health limitations regarding individual occupational opportunities. The LTA-RehaPro data - as a full sample of persons in the financial responsibility of the FEA - constitutes a rich and comprehensive data source in order to examine vocational rehabilitation. Though, the rehabilitation process is broadly analysed, there are still aspects that have not been dealt with exhaustively and that encourage follow-up research. First questions are answered, new ones are posed. Therefore, research is continued beyond the context of the LTA project

    Perspektive der Leistungserbringer - Modul 4 des Projekts "Evaluation von Leistungen zur Teilhabe behinderter Menschen am Arbeitsleben - Abschlussbericht"

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    Der Abschlussbericht zum Projektmodul "Perspektive der Leistungserbringer" betrachtet den Prozess der beruflichen Rehabilitation aus Sicht der Leistungserbringer. Dabei wird ein gemischt-methodisches Forschungsdesign verwendet. Im Rahmen des Berichts werden die Leistungserbringer näher charakterisiert und interne sowie externe Organisationsprozesse dargestellt. Des Weiteren wird die Zusammenarbeit mit der Bundesagentur für Arbeit und mit den Betrieben näher beleuchtet. Schließlich werden aktuelle Herausforderungen der Leistungserbringer betrachtet und unterschiedliche Definitionen von Maßnahmeerfolg.The report "Perspectives of Rehabilitation Providers" looks at the organization of the process of occupational rehabilitation from the perspective of rehabilitation providers using a mixed-methods approach. It presents main characteristics of providers and the internal and external organization of the rehabilitation process. Furthermore, main aspects of the joint work of rehabilitation providers with the Federal Employment Agency and employers are discussed. Finally, main provider-specific challenges and approaches to define successful rehabilitation are provided