1 research outputs found
Mortality estimates of the four major Cichlid fishes of Umuoseriche Lake, Imo State, Nigeria
The mortality of the four major cichlid fishes of Urnuoseriche Lake is the subject of this paper. Mortality I as estimated by five techniques, vary amongst the cichlid fishes, viz, Tilapia carbrae, Tilapia mariac,
Tilapia zilli cend (hrornoditilapfa guntheri. The highest mortality rate was recorded for T mariac where the
total mortality (Z) was 2.06; and natural mortality (M) was 1.8949. This species was also the most highly
exploited species of fish with an exploitation ratio of0.566 (56.6%) and exploitation rate of 0.494. The least
exploited cichlid fish is (. gun/hen where an exploitation ratio of 0.43209%) and exploitation rate of 0.2225
was recorded. In C'. guntheni, total mortality was 0.726 and natural mortality was 0.413 1. In T zilli, total
mortality was 1.0547 wile exploitation ratio was 0.3674 (3 6.74%) and an exploitation rate was 0.2394. In T
cahrae. total mortality was 1.8662: exploitation ratio was 0.4786 with an exploitation rate of 0.4045. (7 page document