10 research outputs found

    Soils and forest site types of the seed stands of common (Quercus robur) and sessile (Q. petraea) oaks in Poland

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the structure of forest site types and of soil types of oak seed stands in Poland. The study was comparatively conducted with reference to sessile (Quercus petraea) and common (Q. robur) oaks. As in Poland the seed stands are established only in stands characterized by favourable both growth parameters and timber quality, it was suspected that the results of the study would enable to indicate optimal sites and soil units for oak breeding in Poland. The study was conducted on the basis of data obtained from the SEMEN database (www.bnl.gov.pl) which were broadened by descriptions of the investigated seed stands found in the Forest Data Bank (www.bdl.lasy.gov.pl). For both oak species, the research was conducted with reference to the two types of seed stands: permanent (WDN) and temporary (GDN). In total, 531 stands of Quercus petraea and 2043 of Q. robur located across whole Poland were investigated in the study. It was found that optimal soils as well as forest site types overlap for both investigated oak species only for fresh broadleaved forest (Lśw). For other forest type sites distinct differences for the oak species were found. The optimum for common oak were expanded towards the wet sites (moist broadleaved forest – Lw, and riparian forest – Lł), while for sessile oak towards semi−fertile mixed broadleaved forest (LMśw). It is interesting that seed stands of both oak species overgrow not only fine−textured soils, but significant share of them (ca. 50% area of Q. petraea and 15% of Q. robur seed stands) occurs on sandy soils (Brunic Arenosols mainly). It proves that Brunic Arenosols constitute forest sites enabling production of broadleaved forests characterized by favourable growth parameters and high timber quality. However, it is possible unless the soil have been podzolized by conifers due to podzolized Brunic Arenosols were rarely represented in the oak seed stands and, if so, the stands were characterized by relatively low site index. It was also stated that on podzolized Brunic Arenosols of fresh mixed coniferous forest (BMśw) admixture of oak should enable reducing negatively impact of conifers on a soil

    Logistyka zwrotna jako ważny element funkcjonowania gospodarstw domowych w Polsce - ocena stanu faktycznego

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    In the era of growing consumerism, the generation of various types of waste has become a standard from which it is difficult to break free. This, combined with the ever faster shrinkage of natural resources, forces us to search for effective ways of recovering used and unwanted resources from Polish households. This state of affairs becomes a direction that determines activities for a large number of entities operating within various logistic chains. The changing market and legal environment forces producers, but also Polish farms to look for savings, which in turn translates into a more rational policy of these entities. In connection with the above, Polish families are also changing their approach to the issues related to the waste generated within them. Therefore, it seems reasonable to implement logistic strategies in Polish farms related to the optimal use of resources, including those that are no longer needed. The article examines the level of awareness in Polish households on issues related to waste recovery and the knowledge of basic issues related to the implementation of ecologistic concepts in households

    Ecologistics as an integral element of the sustainable development of farms in Poland

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    In the era of growing competitiveness and searching for ways to better use the available resources, their optimal use in Polish farms becomes the direction that determines their activities. The changing market and legal environment forces Polish farmers to look for new solutions. The law also dictates the methods of achieving the development of these entities. One of the basic trends indicated in the law is the development of all Polish entities based on the assumptions contained in the concept of sustainable development. Therefore, it seems reasonable to implement logistic and ecologistic strategies on Polish farms. The article presents the basic issues related to the implementation of ecologistic concepts in Polish farms and the factors determining their development. The article presents the current state of awareness in Polish farms related to the implementation of sustainable development in these entities based on logistic and ecologistic tools

    Technical aspects of checking the driver's working time

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    W artykule omówiono normy prawne regulujące czas pracy kierowców samochodów o nośności powyżej 3,5 tony oraz urządzenia stosowane do rejestracji czasu ich pracy. Okazuje się, że w praktyce regulacje te stwarzają dla kierowców wiele problemów. Powoduje to, że czasami podejmowane są próby omijania tych przepisów. W pracy przedstawiono przykłady działań związanych z tym procesem. Dotyczą one głównie ingerencji w pracę urządzeń rejestrujących parametry jazdy samochodem. Przykłady te dotyczą typowych działań podejmowanych w stosunku do tachometrów samochodowych. Należy podkreślić, że są one niezgodne z przepisami i podlegają stosownym karom. Nie mniej w praktyce zdarzają się dość często. Głównym celem pracy było przybliżenie zasad i unormowań obowiązujących w transporcie samochodowym oraz problemów technicznych związanych z ich stosowaniem.In the article, there are presented the discussion of the legal standards governing the working time for car drivers with a capacity of over 3.5 tones and the equipment used to record of their work time. In practice, these regulations pose many problems for drivers. This makes that sometimes attempts are made to avoid these rules. The paper presents examples of activities related to this process. These actions mainly concern the interference in the operation of recording equipment the limits of driving the car. These examples illustrate the typical activities undertaken with respect to car tachometers. It is important to point out that they are illegal and subject to appropriate penalties. It is important, that they are illegal and subject to appropriate penalties. Nevertheless, in practice there often occur. The aim of the article was to approximate the rules and regulations governing of car transport and the technical problems related to their use