28 research outputs found

    Multidisciplinary approach to a patient with end-stage heart failure and colon adenocarcinoma — intra aortic balloon pump-supported tumor resection and bridge to heart transplantation

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    Non-cardiac, potentially curative surgeries in patients with chronic end-stage heart failure and significant arrhythmias are associated with very high risk of adverse events and mortality. A hemodynamic support in this clinical scenario is a novel and reasonable approach. Intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP), with its feasibility, long-term safety record, minimal invasiveness and availability, constitutes the best and valid option. As an example we present a case of an IABP supported colon adenocarcinoma resection in a patient with end stage heart failure.Niekardiologiczne, naprawcze zabiegi operacyjne u chorych w schyłkowej fazie niewydolności serca oraz z istotnymi zaburzeń rytmu serca są obarczone bardzo wysokim ryzykiem wystąpienia niepożądanych zdarzeń lub zgonu. W tej sytuacji wsparcie hemodynamiczne może być nowatorskim i uzasadnionym wyborem. Kontrapulsacja wewnątrzaortalna, metoda szeroko dostępna, mało inwazyjna i bezpieczna wydaje się być najbardziej interesującą opcją. Wobec powyższego prezentujemy przypadek implantacji kontrapulsacji wewnątrzaortalnej przed operacją resekcji gruczolakoraka okrężnicy u chorego w schyłkowej fazie niewydolnością serca

    The relationship between the spatial distribution of fish, zooplankton and other environmental parameters in the Solina reservoir, Poland

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    The hydroacoustic estimation of fish abundance and distribution in the Solina reservoir was related to other biological and hydrological parameters. The increase of fish abundance corresponded to increased levels of eutrophication expressed by Secchi-disc visibility and chlorophyll a concentration. A negative correlation between fish and zooplankton abundances was observed, with changes in the zooplankton population structure, caused by fish grazing. Vertical distribution of zooplankton and fish were affected by the thermocline. Maximal concentrations were observed in a well-illuminated surface layer at the highest temperature and oxygen concentration

    Influence of post-mortem muscle glycogen content on the quality of beef during aging

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    Introduction: Glycolic changes which occur post-mortem have an impact on the physical and sensory features of beef, which in turn determine the successive processes and influence such beef quality traits as colour, tenderness, and cooling loss. The aim of this study was evaluation of the post-mortem changes in bovine meat during aging, quantitative analysis of glycogen and lactic acid, as well as examination of their impact on technological and sensory quality of selected muscles from Holstein-Friesian × Limousin breed carcasses

    Beef tenderness improvement by dietary vitamin D3 supplementation in the last stage of fattening of cattle

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    Tenderness is the most important characteristic of meat, determining consumer approval. There are numerous methods of its improvement, although of diverse effectiveness. addition of vitamin D3 to the feed for a short period before slaughter (7–10 days) is one of the natural ways to enhance the tenderness. Vitamin D3 is responsible for Ca2+ mobilisation in serum and increase in activity of proteolytic enzymes belonging to calpains, which results in significant improvement of beef tenderness and reduction of ageing time. The use of vitamin D3 is an application tool determining tenderness improvement of beef with substantial reduction in processing costs. Moreover, shorter post mortem ageing process will exceed the retail display time, which will consequently reduce losses due to unsold meat being returned from shops to the manufacturers. Based on the results of studies conducted over the last 15 years, this paper presents the possibility and the effects of the use of vitamin D3 to improve beef tenderness

    Innovative Methods of Encapsulation and Enrichment of Cereal-Based Pasta Products with Biofunctional Compounds

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    Nowadays, cognizant consumers expect products that, in addition to fulfilling a nutritional role, exhibit health-promoting properties and contribute to overall well-being. They expect an increase in the nutritional value of the staple foods that they often consume, such as pasta, through the incorporation of bioactive compounds. Due to their susceptibility to photo- and thermolability, it is necessary to protect biocompounds against external factors. A modern approach to protecting bioactive compounds is microencapsulation. The aim of this article was to present various microencapsulation methods (including spray-drying, freeze-drying, liposomes, and others) and a review of research on the use of microencapsulated bioactive compounds in pasta. The discussed literature indicates that it is possible to use microencapsulated bioactive compounds, such as fatty acids or phenolic compounds, in this product. However, further research is necessary to develop the possibility of reducing the costs of such a procedure so that the benefits for consumers are greater than the disadvantages, which are an increase in food prices. There is also little research on the use of microencapsulated probiotics, vitamins, and minerals in pasta, which also represents an opportunity for development in this aspect

    The effect of varying gas headspace to meat ratio on the quality of pork loin stored in high O2 modified atmosphere

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    A comparison was made of the effect of different gas headspace to meat ratio on quality of pork loin (m. longissimus thoracis et lumborum) obtained from crossbred pigs (Polish Landrance x Duroc, n = 6) as a function of cold storage. Samples were stored in modified atmosphere packs (80% O₂:20% CO₂) with gas headspace to meat ratios (G/M) of 3:1, 1:1 and 1:3. Physicochemical and microbiological parameters were monitored for up to 12 days. The results indicated that the best properties of meat were obtained when stored pork loins with the gas headspace to meat ratio of 1:1. G/M = 1:3 contributed to the increase in the growth of microorganisms and G/M = 3:1 and led to unfavorable changes in meat color. Finally, chemical properties of pork loins were unaffected (P > 0.05) by varying the gas headspace to meat ratio

    The impact of ozone on health-promoting, microbiological, and colour properties of Rubus ideaus raspberries

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    El presente estudio se propuso definir el impacto que la duración y la concentración de la ozonización tienen sobre determinadas propiedades químicas, físicas y microbiológicas de frambuesas rojas, Rubus ideaus, de la variedad polka. Con este objetivo, la fruta de la frambuesa fue expuesta a un chorro de ozono en concentraciones de 0,3 y 0,9 mg/L durante 60 y 120 minutos. El alcance del estudio permitió medir la acidez valorable, la concentración de sólidos solubles y los indicadores de las propiedades promotoras de la salud, que incluyen el contenido de compuestos fenólicos, flavonoides, antocianinas y vitamina C, así como el total de actividad antioxidante en los días 0, 4 y 8 de almacenamiento. La fruta sometida al tratamiento con ozono presentó niveles más elevados de compuestos fenólicos y de actividad antioxidante en comparación con los mostrados por las frambuesas no tratadas. Además, el uso de ozono ayudó a limitar el crecimiento de levadura y moho en la superficie de las frambuesas, constatándose que el tratamiento con una dosis de ozono de 0.9 mg/L durante 60 minutos fue el más eficiente.The purpose of the study was to define the impact of ozonisation duration and concentration on selected chemical, physical, and microbiological properties of Rubus ideaus red-fruited raspberries of the Polka variety. Raspberry fruit was exposed to a stream of ozone in concentration of 0.3 and 0.9 mg/L over a period of 60 and 120 min. The scope of the study covered the measurements of titratable acidity, soluble solids concentration, and such health-promoting indicators as content of phenol compounds, flavonoids, anthocyanins and vitamins C, total antioxidant activity (TAA) on 0, 4th, and 8th day of storage. The ozone treated fruit had higher level of phenol compounds and demonstrated higher TAA compared to untreated raspberries. The use of ozone made it possible to curb the development of yeast and moulds on the surface of raspberries, in which the dosage of 0.9 mg/L and treatment time of 60 min proved most efficient

    Impact of Ozonisation Time and Dose on Health Related and Microbiological Properties of Rapanui Tomatoes

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    The impact of ozone concentration and ozonisation time on the selected chemical, physical and microbiological properties of Rapanui tomatoes was investigated. Tomatoes were exposed to gaseous ozone at concentrations of 0.9 and 2.5 mg L−1 (c1, c2) for 30 and 120 min (t1, t2), and stored for up to 15 days at a temperature of 12 ± 1 °C. The following parameters were evaluated: titratable acidity, total soluble solids, total phenolic and flavonoid contents, lycopene, total carotenoids, vitamin C, total antioxidant activity, colour L* a* b* and firmness. Ozonated fruit had higher levels of total soluble solids and higher levels of titratable acidity during and after storage. Exposure of tomatoes to a cooling atmosphere, applying recommended ozonisation process parameters, efficiently inactivated microorganisms that are present on the surface and reduced fruit weight loss, while retaining their firmness and stable colour