2 research outputs found

    Hranjiva vrijednost i fiziološki učinak hrane za štakore s dodatkom sirovih sjemenki lupine te sjemenki fermentiranih s pomoću kvasca Candida utilis

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    The growth and physiological responses of the rats to diet supplemented with raw and Candida utilis-fermented yellow and blue lupin seeds were determined. The diets containing soya bean meal, raw and fermented blue and yellow lupin were administered to eight rats in each diet group for four weeks. Yellow lupin seeds in the diets of rats improved significantly (p<0.05) feed intake, protein digestibility, body mass gain and protein efficiency ratio in comparison with blue lupin seeds. On the contrary, blue lupin seeds affected significantly (p<0.05) gastrointestinal fermentation processes in comparison with yellow lupin seeds. Fermentation of lupin seeds increased crude protein content and reduced phytate and oligosaccharide content. In the fermented products, a higher number of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts but reduced number of coliform bacteria was found. Fermentation by Candida utilis positively (p<0.05) aff ected protein digestibility of feed, body mass gain and protein efficiency ratio of rats, as well as the activity of some bacterial enzymes and cholesterol concentrations in the blood serum.U radu je ispitan utjecaj hranidbe štakora sjemenkama žute i plave lupine, sirovim ili fermentiranim s pomoću kvasca Candida utilis, na njihov rast i fiziološke promjene. Štakori su u grupama po osam jedinki hranjeni sojinom sačmom, te sirovim ili fermentiranim sjemenkama plave i žute lupine tijekom četiri tjedna. Sjemenke žute lupine znatno su povećale (p<0,05) unos hrane, probavljivost proteina i tjelesnu masu, te povećale omjer proteinske djelotvornosti u usporedbi sa sjemenkama plave lupine. Sjemenke su plave lupine pak bitno utjecale (p<0,05) na fermentacijske procese u gastrointestinalnom traktu, za razliku od žute lupine. Fermentacijom se u sjemenkama lupine povećao udjel sirovih proteina, a smanjio udjel fitata i oligosaharida. U fermentiranim je proizvodima pronađeno više bakterija mliječno-kiselog vrenja te kvasaca, a manje koliformnih bakterija. Fermentacija s pomoću kvasca Candida utilis pozitivno (p<0,05) je utjecala na probavljivost proteina, povećanje tjelesne mase i omjer proteinske djelotvornosti, koncentraciju kolesterola u krvi, te na aktivnost nekih bakterijskih enzima

    The Nutritional Value and Physiological Properties of Diets with Raw and Candida utilis-Fermented Lupin Seeds in Rats

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    The growth and physiological responses of the rats to diet supplemented with raw and Candida utilis-fermented yellow and blue lupin seeds were determined. The diets containing soya bean meal, raw and fermented blue and yellow lupin were administered to eight rats in each diet group for four weeks. Yellow lupin seeds in the diets of rats improved significantly (p<0.05) feed intake, protein digestibility, body mass gain and protein efficiency ratio in comparison with blue lupin seeds. On the contrary, blue lupin seeds affected significantly (p<0.05) gastrointestinal fermentation processes in comparison with yellow lupin seeds. Fermentation of lupin seeds increased crude protein content and reduced phytate and oligosaccharide content. In the fermented products, a higher number of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts but reduced number of coliform bacteria was found. Fermentation by Candida utilis positively (p<0.05) aff ected protein digestibility of feed, body mass gain and protein efficiency ratio of rats, as well as the activity of some bacterial enzymes and cholesterol concentrations in the blood serum