19 research outputs found

    Prikaz knjige: Diagnostic musculoskeletal ultrasound and guided injection: a practical guide

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    S obzirom na već spomenut sve brži razvoj i sve veću primjenu minimalno invazivne medicine ova će knjiga, zbog načina na koji je pisana i sistematskog pristupa anatomiji i patologiji te pregledu i zahvatu, biti neprocjenjiva u pomoći kako mlađim kolegama, specijalizantima kliničke radiologije, ortopedije i traumatologije ili fi zikalne medicine i rehabilitacije, tako i starijim i već iskusnim liječnicima kojima će poslužiti kao odličan podsjetnik za obnovu već stečenog znanja. Vjerujem da će ova knjiga mlađe kolege uvesti, a starije zadržati u svijetu minimalno invazivnih, ultrazvukom vođenih intervencijskih zahvata koji su danas doslovno na svakom koraku u navedenim, a i svim drugim strukama koje se susreću s patologijom muskuloskeletnog sustava

    Prikaz knjige: Diagnostic musculoskeletal ultrasound and guided injection: a practical guide

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    S obzirom na već spomenut sve brži razvoj i sve veću primjenu minimalno invazivne medicine ova će knjiga, zbog načina na koji je pisana i sistematskog pristupa anatomiji i patologiji te pregledu i zahvatu, biti neprocjenjiva u pomoći kako mlađim kolegama, specijalizantima kliničke radiologije, ortopedije i traumatologije ili fi zikalne medicine i rehabilitacije, tako i starijim i već iskusnim liječnicima kojima će poslužiti kao odličan podsjetnik za obnovu već stečenog znanja. Vjerujem da će ova knjiga mlađe kolege uvesti, a starije zadržati u svijetu minimalno invazivnih, ultrazvukom vođenih intervencijskih zahvata koji su danas doslovno na svakom koraku u navedenim, a i svim drugim strukama koje se susreću s patologijom muskuloskeletnog sustava

    Physiological load of referees during basketball games

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    The objective of this study was to establish physiological loads elite basketball referees sustain during competitive games. Thirty-one referees (age: 33.35Ā±5.17 years, body mass: 88.04Ā±7.47 kg, height: 186.37Ā±5.40 cm), all classified as A-list referees of the 1st Croatian Basketball League, were subjected to progressive spiroergometric testing on the treadmill in order to determine the anaerobic threshold (V-slope method). The referees were monitored electrocardiographically for the establishment of physiological load during competitive games. Their heart rate (HR) was measured during the games using a POLAR RS400 cardiotachometer. The level of physiological load was determined according to individual work intensity zones that had been determined using laboratory testing for each subject separately. The lowest intensity zone of load was below 79% of HR at the ventilatory threshold, the following zone included HRs between 80 and 89% of HR at the ventilatory threshold, then between 90 and 100% of HR at the ventilatory threshold, whereas the highest zone was above the HR at the ventilatory threshold. The time each subject spent in a particular intensity zone was determined and expressed as a percentage of the total game time. The average HR during a game was 131.52Ā±9.10 bpm, that is, 77.34Ā±6.05% of the HR at the anaerobic threshold. It was established that the referees spent 50% of the total game time in zones of high aerobic load (extensive and intensive aerobic zone), whereas if we only examine the time during the quarters, then this percentage amounts up to 60%. The referees spent only 1-2% of the total game time in the anaerobic energetic process load zone. There were no significant differences between younger and older referees in physiological load they sustain during the games. These findings indicate basketball referees must possess a high aerobic capacity to withstand physiological load during a basketball game


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    We conducted a longitudinal study to examine changes in the respiratory exchange ratio (RER) during progressively increasing body exertion in children and adolescents of female sex. In this analysis we only included 23 examinees for whom we had all yearly measurements from examinee\u27s age 9 years until 18 years of age. The data were analyzed according to the chronological and biological age. According to both criteria, the highest RER values were recorded at moments of maximum exertion and they did not increase with age. We found the highest RER values were in the year of the menarche. We interpret these results as related to the effect of estrogen. The beginning of sexual development involves a gradual increase in estrogen plasma concentrations. At one point serum levels of estrogen reach a level high enough to allow for maximum RER values, i.e. causing the optimium anaerobic capacity of the examinee. this threshold estrogen value varies between individuals

    Efficiency of polyphenolic diet on health and functional capacity in professional and recreational athletes

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    Pravilna prehrana smatra se jednim od bitnih preduvjeta zdravog života. Prevencija bolesti, poboljÅ”anje zdravlja i funkcionalnih sposobnosti u sportaÅ”a i rekreativaca doveli su do povećanja interesa za spojevima s bioaktivnim djelovanjem. Polifenoli su jedni od tih spojeva. Njihova Å”iroka dostupnost i specifični fizioloÅ”ki učinci prezentiraju ih kao jedinstvene prehrambene spojeve. U dosadaÅ”njim istraživanjima povezanosti polifenola i potencijalnog učinka na zdravlje uočen je pozitivni učinak kod kardiovaskularnih, metaboličkih i neurodegenerativnih bolesti s obzirom na njihovu protuoksidacijsku, protukancerogenu, protualergijsku i protuupalnu aktivnost. Posebno se može promatrati njihova uloga funkcionalne hrane kod sportaÅ”a i rekreativaca zbog jedinstvenih zahtjeva u psihofizičkom smislu. Učinci polifenola pomažu u različitim fizioloÅ”kim stanjima koja slijede za vrijeme i nakon tjelesne aktivnosti. Pokazane su značajne uloge u zaÅ”titi i oporavku miÅ”ića i kostiju, prevenciji metaboličkih bolesti i održavanju mentalnog zdravlja sportaÅ”a i rekreativaca.Proper nutrition is one of the basic prerequisites for a healthy lifestyle. The need to find compounds with bioactive agents in order to prevent disease, improve health and functional capacities in professional and recreational athletes has resulted in an increase of interest. Polyphenols are one of these compounds. Their wide accessibility and specific physiological effects make them unique nutritional compounds. Current research on the potential positive effects of polyphenols on health shows benefits on cardiovascular, metabolic and neurodegenerative diseases, regarding their antioxidative, anticancerogenic, hypoalergenic and antiinflammatory activities. Their role as a functional food in athletes can be observed due to unique requirements, with reference to their psycho-physiological demands. The effects of polyphenols are beneficial in cases of various physiological conditions, which occur during or after physical activity. Important roles in the protection and recovery of muscles and bones, prevention of metabolic diseases and maintenance of mental health have been shown in professional and recreational athletes

    Konzumacija alkohola i duhana među sportskim trenerima

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    Sport coaches are a population with its specific characteristics and because of their association with the athletes, especially the young, their lifestyle habits deserve attention. The aim of this study was to determine the habits related to alcohol consumption and smoking in the Croatian sport coaches. The study was conducted on 56 women and 147 men, coaches of various sport disciplines in 2012. AUDIT questionnaire, related to alcohol consumption, and FTND questionnaire to determine nicotine addiction were used. Most of the sports coaches of both genders have no problems with alcohol and their nicotine addiction is on average weak, although there are some very serious nicotine addicts.Sportski treneri su populacija sa svojim specifičnostima, a zbog njihove povezanosti s igračima, osobito mladima, njihov način života i navike zaslužuju pažnju. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je utvrđivanje navika vezanih uz konzumaciju alkohola te puÅ”enje cigareta hrvatskih sportskih trenera. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 203 sportska trenera različitih sportskih disciplina. Ispitanici su anonimno ispunili anketu (AUDIT upitnik) vezanu uz konzumaciju alkohola te anketu vezanu uz naviku puÅ”enja cigareta te upitnik FTND koji se koristi za utvrđivanje nikotinske ovisnosti. U ukupnom uzorku anketiranih trenera bilo je 56 žena i 147 muÅ”karaca. Prosječna dob žena bila je 24,3 godine, a muÅ”karaca 27,1 godina. Ispitani treneri oba spola najviÅ”e konzumiraju vino i pivo. Prosječne vrijednosti ukupnog AUDIT-zbroja ispitanih trenera značajno su ispod granice od osam bodova Å”to jasno pokazuje da većina trenera nema problema s alkoholom. Međutim, raspon u kojemu se kreće AUDIT pokazuje da ima i trenera kojima alkohol predstavlja problem. Prosječni rezultati za sportske trenere oba spola pokazuju da je njihova ovisnost o nikotinu u prosjeku slaba, iako najveće vrijednosti pokazuju da ima i vrlo teÅ”kih ovisnika o nikotinu (veći broj među ženama)