74 research outputs found

    The Upper Part of the Una River Valley Between Martin Brod and Pritoka - Geomorphological Characteristics

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    The Una River Valley has complex characteristics defined by the interchange of gorges, basins and valley extensions. The river has adapted itself to the primary geologic structure and to the activity of tectonic movements. The longitudinal profile of the river is the result of numerous rapids, cascades and waterfalls, the formation of which is connected with calcareous sinter accumulation. Morphogenetic analysis has shown that a series of very attractive and strange relief forms is being formed in the riverbed of the River Una such as calcareous sinter barriers, sinter riverbeds, calcareous sinter islands and caves

    Historical development and politico-geographical characteristics of the border and borderland between the Republic of Croatia and Republic of Slovenia on Žumberak and in the Rivers Kupa and Čabranka Valley

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    Iako prirodna osnova ne može biti odlučujući kriterij pri povlačenju granica, povijesni i političko-geografski razvoj istraživanog područja ukazuje da su pri razgraničenju Republike Hrvatske i Republike Slovenije u znatnoj mjeri korištene prirodne međe. Taj zaključak vrijedi i za analizirane sektore koji se vežu za Žumberačku goru i doline rijeke Kupe i Čabranke. Uz prirodne pogodnosti, s obzirom na to da je tu međa povučena na vršnim grebenima gorskog masiva (Žumberačka gora / Gorjanci) i na riječnim tokovima, treba naglasiti činjenicu da je ona prilagođena prostornoj organizaciji života pograničja. Upravo stoga ona je ovdje subsekventnog i kooperativnog tipa. Evolucijski gledano, granica i pograničje prošli su razvoj od terra nullius, zatim frontijera i konačno, od 16. st. na rijekama Kupi i Čabranki postoji međa linijskog obilježja, a od 1816. godine i na Žumberku. Granica, dakle, ima vjekovni kontinuitet, unatoč prijeporima o državno i imovinsko-pravnoj pripadnosti istraživanog područja u pojedinim povijesnim razdobljima. Time se može objasniti da su navedeni sektori u današnjem razdoblju najmanje sporni u razgraničenju dvaju suvereniteta.Although natural basis cannot be a decisive criterion in defining borders, historical and politico-geographic development of the researched area reveals that natural bounds have been considerably used in the boundary demarcation between the Republic of Croatia and Republic of Slovenia. This can be also concluded for the analyzed sectors which are tied with the Žumberak Mountain and the Kupa and Čabranka River valleys. Besides natural favours (the boundary line runs over the top ridges of the mountain massif of Žumberak/Gorjanci, as well as along the river flows), one must point out the fact that it is adapted to spatial organization of the borderland. Therefore, the boundary line is subsequent and co-operative here. Evolutionally, the border and borderland developed from terra nullius, frontier, and, finally, since the 16th century, have become a boundary line on the rivers Kupa and Čabranka, and since 1816, on Žumberak. Consequently, in spite of disputes in particular historical periods about the researched area\u27s state and property appurtenance, the border has a centuries-old continuity. This can explain that nowadays the quoted sectors are least disputable in the boundary demarcation of the two sovereignties

    The Geomorfological Characteristics of the Karašica River Plaine in Baranja

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    Dokazano je da je nizina rijeke Karašice u Baranji oblikovana utjecajem kombinacije egzogenih i tektonskih faktora tokom holocena.It is proven that the river plain of Karašica in Baranja is modelied by the combination of exogeneous and tectonical factors during the holocene

    Politico-Geographical Importance of Lowlands

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    Boundaries (Frontiers) of Poland

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    Boundaries (Frontiers) of Poland

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