2,402 research outputs found

    Symmetry in Full Counting Statistics, Fluctuation Theorem, and Relations among Nonlinear Transport Coefficients in the Presence of a Magnetic Field

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    We study full counting statistics of coherent electron transport through multi-terminal interacting quantum-dots under a finite magnetic field. Microscopic reversibility leads to the symmetry of the cumulant generating function, which generalizes the fluctuation theorem in the context of quantum transport. Using this symmetry, we derive the Onsager-Casimir relation in the linear transport regime and universal relations among nonlinear transport coefficients.Comment: 4.1pages, 1 figur

    Kinetics and thermodynamics of first-order Markov chain copolymerization

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    We report a theoretical study of stochastic processes modeling the growth of first-order Markov copolymers, as well as the reversed reaction of depolymerization. These processes are ruled by kinetic equations describing both the attachment and detachment of monomers. Exact solutions are obtained for these kinetic equations in the steady regimes of multicomponent copolymerization and depolymerization. Thermodynamic equilibrium is identified as the state at which the growth velocity is vanishing on average and where detailed balance is satisfied. Away from equilibrium, the analytical expression of the thermodynamic entropy production is deduced in terms of the Shannon disorder per monomer in the copolymer sequence. The Mayo-Lewis equation is recovered in the fully irreversible growth regime. The theory also applies to Bernoullian chains in the case where the attachment and detachment rates only depend on the reacting monomer

    Microscopic reversibility of quantum open systems

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    The transition probability for time-dependent unitary evolution is invariant under the reversal of protocols just as in the classical Liouvillian dynamics. In this article, we generalize the expression of microscopic reversibility to externally perturbed large quantum open systems. The time-dependent external perturbation acts on the subsystem during a transient duration, and subsequently the perturbation is switched off so that the total system would thermalize. We concern with the transition probability for the subsystem between the initial and final eigenstates of the subsystem. In the course of time evolution, the energy is irreversibly exchanged between the subsystem and reservoir. The time reversed probability is given by the reversal of the protocol and the initial ensemble. Microscopic reversibility equates the time forward and reversed probabilities, and therefore appears as a thermodynamic symmetry for open quantum systems.Comment: numerical demonstration is correcte

    Fluctuation theorem for currents in open quantum systems

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    A quantum-mechanical framework is set up to describe the full counting statistics of particles flowing between reservoirs in an open system under time-dependent driving. A symmetry relation is obtained which is the consequence of microreversibility for the probability of the nonequilibrium work and the transfer of particles and energy between the reservoirs. In some appropriate long-time limit, the symmetry relation leads to a steady-state quantum fluctuation theorem for the currents between the reservoirs. On this basis, relationships are deduced which extend the Onsager-Casimir reciprocity relations to the nonlinear response coefficients.Comment: 19 page

    Thermodynamic time asymmetry in nonequilibrium fluctuations

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    We here present the complete analysis of experiments on driven Brownian motion and electric noise in a RCRC circuit, showing that thermodynamic entropy production can be related to the breaking of time-reversal symmetry in the statistical description of these nonequilibrium systems. The symmetry breaking can be expressed in terms of dynamical entropies per unit time, one for the forward process and the other for the time-reversed process. These entropies per unit time characterize dynamical randomness, i.e., temporal disorder, in time series of the nonequilibrium fluctuations. Their difference gives the well-known thermodynamic entropy production, which thus finds its origin in the time asymmetry of dynamical randomness, alias temporal disorder, in systems driven out of equilibrium.Comment: to be published in : Journal of Statistical Mechanics: theory and experimen

    A fluctuation theorem for currents and non-linear response coefficients

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    We use a recently proved fluctuation theorem for the currents to develop the response theory of nonequilibrium phenomena. In this framework, expressions for the response coefficients of the currents at arbitrary orders in the thermodynamic forces or affinities are obtained in terms of the fluctuations of the cumulative currents and remarkable relations are obtained which are the consequences of microreversibility beyond Onsager reciprocity relations

    Gallavotti-Cohen-Type symmetry related to cycle decompositions for Markov chains and biochemical applications

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    We slightly extend the fluctuation theorem obtained in \cite{LS} for sums of generators, considering continuous-time Markov chains on a finite state space whose underlying graph has multiple edges and no loop. This extended frame is suited when analyzing chemical systems. As simple corollary we derive in a different method the fluctuation theorem of D. Andrieux and P. Gaspard for the fluxes along the chords associated to a fundamental set of oriented cycles \cite{AG2}. We associate to each random trajectory an oriented cycle on the graph and we decompose it in terms of a basis of oriented cycles. We prove a fluctuation theorem for the coefficients in this decomposition. The resulting fluctuation theorem involves the cycle affinities, which in many real systems correspond to the macroscopic forces. In addition, the above decomposition is useful when analyzing the large deviations of additive functionals of the Markov chain. As example of application, in a very general context we derive a fluctuation relation for the mechanical and chemical currents of a molecular motor moving along a periodic filament.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figures. Correction

    Les structures synsédimentaires miocènes en compression associées au décrochement dextre Mhrila-Chérichira (Tunisie centrale)

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    L'étude de l'accident tectonique Mhrila-Chérichira (Tunisie centrale) met en évidence la permanence de son activité depuis le Crétacé inférieur jusqu'au Villafranchien et permet de retracer l'évolution tectonique de cette région

    Green-Kubo formula for heat conduction in open systems

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    We obtain an exact Green-Kubo type linear response result for the heat current in an open system. The result is derived for classical Hamiltonian systems coupled to heat baths. Both lattice models and fluid systems are studied and several commonly used implementations of heat baths, stochastic as well as deterministic, are considered. The results are valid in arbitrary dimensions and for any system sizes. Our results are useful for obtaining the linear response transport properties of mesoscopic systems. Also we point out that for systems with anomalous heat transport, as is the case in low-dimensional systems, the use of the standard Green-Kubo formula is problematic and the open system formula should be used.Comment: 4 page