30 research outputs found

    Galatians and the περὶ ἰδεῶν λόγου of Hermogenes: A rhetoric of severity in Galatians 5–6

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    Severe style in Galatians 5–6 is investigated from the perspective of the περὶ ἰδεῶν λόγου of Hermogenes. Galatians 5:7–12 is an extreme example of what Hermogenes would categorise as vehemence. At the same time, it signifies a turning point: Harshness against the opposition peaks and is relentlessly sustained, whilst severity against Paul’s Galatian recipients is slackening, but only up to a point. A résumé of the twofold trajectory of severity in Galatians is presented. Hermogenes can significantly help us appreciate the sustained presence, form and functioning of severe language in Galatians; much better than any or a combination of the three classical genres of speech topics. In view of the correspondences between Galatians and Hermogenes, it may even be asked whether Paul was familiar with traditional rhetorical material that in some form eventually also reached Hermogenes

    Vertaling van Romeine : ’n aantal hardnekkige hoofpyne

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    This article concentrates on some of the linguistic phenomena in Romans which continuously cause exegetes and translators alike headaches. Various translations are discussed and possible solutions are offered. It all too often happens that, when facing problems of translation, translators seek refuge in the safe harbour of traditional renderings, even if these only camouflage the real issues. Scientifically it is more responsible to continue wrestling with the text and, through trial and error, eventually make some progress than to resign to this type of false certitude.Hierdie artikel konsentreer op ’n aantal linguistiese manifestasies in Romeine wat voortdurend aan eksegete en vertalers hoofbrekens besorg. Verskillende vertalings word bespreek en moontlike oplossings aangebied. Wanneer vertalers gekonfronteer word met vertalingsprobleme is hulle geneig om al te gemaklik terug te val in die veiligheid van tradisionele vertalings, selfs al sou laasgenoemde die werklik kontensieuse punte bloot kamoefleer. Om met die teks te bly worstel, selfs al sou dit foutlopies insluit om daardeur mettertyd vordering te maak, is wetenskaplik meer verantwoord as valse sekerheid.http://www.journals.co.za/ej/ejour_skrif.htm

    Revisiting the Sermon on the Mount : some major Issues

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    Without disregarding the value of a diachronic approach, priority is given to a synchronic understanding of the Sermon on the Mount in its present form. Emphasis on diachronics, or even a shuttling between the diachronic and the synchronic, tends to cloud the holistic message that the Sermon was intended to convey to its real-world Syriac audience. The situation of that audience and its bearing on the content of the Sermon on the Mount are discussed. Compositional and thematic aspects of the Sermon are highlighted, such as its position within the macro-structure of Matthew, the author’s predilection for triads, the inner structure and theme of the Sermon. It is proposed that the basic theme of the Sermon on the Mount is the very special identity of Jesus’s end-time community and that its main purpose is the shaping and affirming of that identity. Contrary to the normal view that there are presently nine beatitudes, stylistic as well as contentual considerations indicate that the so-called ninth beatitude is in reality an actualising and personalising amplification of the eighth. Aspects of the antitheses such as their significance, the Jesus of the antitheses, and, finally, the Lord’s Prayer also receive attention.http://ntwsa.co.za/neotestamentica.html2017-12-30am2017New Testament Studie

    Galatians and the περὶ ἰδεῶν λόγου of Hermogenes : a rhetoric of severity in Galatians 1–4

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    After justifying the method applied, a brief characterisation of the rhetorical model of Hermogenes is presented. The prominence of harsh or severe styles in Hermogenes invites us to read Galatians, which is a strongly confrontational letter, through the eyes of Hermogenes. By applying severe language, Paul endeavours to bring his Galatian convertees to their senses and prevent them from succumbing to the pressures of the Judaisers. In scrutinising Galatians 1–4, it became clear that the model of Hermogenes can significantly aid our understanding of severe language in Galatians at a micro, as well as a macro level. The Hermogenic category of indignation, for example, provides the key towards solving the riddle of Galatians 4:12–20.http://www.hts.org.zaam201

    Sensitivity towards the reaction of outsiders as ethical motivation in early Christian paraenesis

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    Early Christian documents contain many indications of a sensitivity towards the presence of non-Christians in their environment, a sensitivity which increased as the expectation of an imminent end receded. This study concentrated on those paraenetic texts which maintain that Christians, in the shaping of their lifestyle, should reckon with the reaction of outsiders. Two trajectories, a negative as well as a positive one, were identified. Subsequently the double perlocutionary aim of these ‘outsider sayings’ was scrutinised. A final word summarised the hermeneutic implications of these sayings for today. Since in many societies the credibility of the gospel message is under pressure, exemplary living is a sine qua non.http://www.hts.org.z

    Galatians and the περὶ ἰδεῶν λόγου of Hermogenes : a rhetoric of severity in Galatians 5–6

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    Severe style in Galatians 5–6 is investigated from the perspective of the περὶ ἰδεῶν λόγου of Hermogenes. Galatians 5:7–12 is an extreme example of what Hermogenes would categorise as vehemence. At the same time, it signifies a turning point: Harshness against the opposition peaks and is relentlessly sustained, whilst severity against Paul’s Galatian recipients is slackening, but only up to a point. A résumé of the twofold trajectory of severity in Galatians is presented. Hermogenes can significantly help us appreciate the sustained presence, form and functioning of severe language in Galatians; much better than any or a combination of the three classical genres of speech topics. In view of the correspondences between Galatians and Hermogenes, it may even be asked whether Paul was familiar with traditional rhetorical material that in some form eventually also reached Hermogenes.http://www.hts.org.zaam201

    Joodse religieuse uitbreiding in die Nuwe-Testamentiese tydvak: was die Judaisme 'n missionere godsdiens? (deel II)

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    Jewish religious expansion in the New Testament era: was Judaism a missionary religion? (part II) In the first part of this article five factors were identified which would have contributed to the significant numerical increase of Jews towards the end of the Second Temple period. Here six others are discussed: Jewish slaves in non-Jewish households, adoption of children, the universalistic tendency in certain circles, the role of the synagogue, the attractiveness of Judaism in spite of a negative cross-current and the influence of apologetic-propagandistic literature. In weighing the evidence for a full-scale centrifugal missionary movement a mostly negative conclusion is reached. In this sense first century Judaism cannot be described as a missionary religion. We could, however, speak of an indirect mission in the sense that non-Jews were attracted to Judaism mainly through the quality of Jewish belief and life-style and that they were encouraged to do so.In die eerste aflewering van hierdie artikel is eerstens 'n paar inleidende opmerkings gemaak. Onder 'n tweede punt is 'n aantal definisies en omskrywings aangebied. Derdens is demografiese gegewens verskaf wat dui op die besonder sterk bevolkingsaanwas van die Jodedom rondom die eerste eeu. En vierdens is vyf faktore vermeld wat vermoedelik tot hierdie besondere demografiese beeld bygedra het. Vervolgens word nog 'n aantal ander bydraende faktore vermeld.Continued 2001 as 'Verbum et Ecclesia'Spine cut of Journal binding and pages scanned on flatbed EPSON Expression 10000 XL; 400dpi; text/lineart - black and white - stored to Tiff Derivation: Abbyy Fine Reader v.9 work with PNG-format (black and white); Photoshop CS3; Adobe Acrobat v.9 Web display format PDFhttp://explore.up.ac.za/record=b102527

    Revisiting "Church and Society" after a quarter of a century - a critical reappraisal

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    Apart from the more immediate catalysts for “Church and Society” such as the Reformation Day Confession, the Open Letter, the suspension of the Dutch Reformed Church from the World Alliance of Reformed Churches and the Confession of Belhar, also the legacy of Cottesloe, the demise of “Ras, Volk en Nasie”, contributions of the Cape Synod, pressure from overseas Reformed institutions and growing internal misgivings about apartheid, should be kept in mind. Two divergent currents met in “Church and Society”, causing it to become a document of compromise. Theologically, it improved on its predecessor, but its ambivalent character subjected it to severe criticism. The most basic strategic mistake in “Church and Society” was the exclusion of the rest of the Dutch Reformed family. The Dutch Reformed Church was not yet ready to confess apartheid unreservedly as sin. Finally, it is suggested that our present situation urgently calls for a new, prophetic ecclesiastic directive, but then one coming from the Dutch Reformed family as a whole; still better: from one united Dutch Reformed Church.Expanded version of a presentation at the Stellenbosch conference on the theme Gereformeerde Kerke in Suid-Afrika en die stryd om geregtigheid: 1960-1990 onthou, 14-16 May 2012.http://ngtt.journals.ac.za/hb201

    Matte - tap-hole clay - refractory brick interaction in a PGM smelter

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    Penetration of matte into tap-hole bricks causes detrimental refractory wear, which can lead to furnace breakouts. The ability of the tap-hole clay to form a protective layer on the brick, thereby limiting matte penetration was investigated by examining the interaction between platinum group metal (PGM) matte, tap-hole clay, and alumina-chrome refractory bricks on a laboratory scale. Samples containing clay and brick as well as samples containing clay, brick, and matte were heated to different temperatures to establish the clay-brick interaction and the extent of matte penetration. The greatest degree of physical contact between the brick and clay was achieved at curing temperatures of 600°C. Poor clay-brick contact was observed in the sample that was heated to 900°C. Matte displaced the clay in the clay-brick-matte sample that was heated to 1350°C, with significant matte penetration into the brick. Less matte penetration was observed when the clay-brick-matte sample was heated to 1500°C. Less matte penetration was also observed in the claybrick- matte sample in which the clay and brick were pre-baked at 800°C, and the sample then reacted with matte at 1350°C.Paper written on project work carried out in partial fulfilment of BEng (Metallurgical Engineering)http://www.saimm.co.za/journal-papersam2016Mining Engineerin