711 research outputs found

    Economic administration and institutional management in a decentralized regime mode : new insights from environmental resources

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    Purpose: There are many factors causing deterioration of environmental quality and environmental damage that can be identified from observations in the field. Therefore in this paper we try to be revealed in general as a picture of environmental portraits, especially in relation to environmental management and enforcement of environmental law in the era of regional autonomy. Design/methodology/approach: By using qualitative method, the study was conducted in about six months (February to August of 2018) in West Java Province to observe Indonesian government's policy on environmental law in the era of regional autonomy. Findings: The results found that the decentralization system made environmental policy making and implementation overlapping and not uniform both horizontally and vertically. This management is also not supported by adequate management institutions, so that environmental management has not yet had a positive economic effect on the people. Practical implications: Although public understanding and awareness of the importance of the environment has been increased some people are still weak and must to be improved on this issue. The study can be used as an example to achieve this goal quite effectively. Originality/value: The study seeks to examine public administration of natural resources and management of environmental institutionalization in a state by adopting a decentralized system, which takes Indonesia as a case study using a special region in West Java Province.peer-reviewe


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (1) mengetahui seberapa besar pengetahuan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) peserta diklat otomotif Balai Latihan Kerja Pengembangan Produktivitas (BLKPP) Yogyakarta, (2) mengetahui seberapa tinggi prestasi praktik peserta diklat otomotif BLKPP Yogyakarta, (3) mengetahui hubungan antara pengetahuan K3 dengan prestasi praktik peserta diklat otomotif BLKPP Yogykarta. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian Ex-post facto. Jumlah responden penelitian ini berjumlah 40 orang dari keseluruhan jumlah populasi sebanyak 40 orang dari 2 kelas otomotif BLKPP Yogyakarta. Instrumen penletian berupa tes. Validitas instrumen diuji dengan expert judgement dan persentase skor untuk menilai data dan analisis butir soal. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif, uji persyaratan analisis dan analisis korelasi rank Spearman dengan bantuan komputer program Microsoft Excel 2007dan SPSS seri 15. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) pengetahuan K3 peserta diklat otomotif BLKPP Yogyakarta termasuk dalam kategori sangat tinggi. Hasil analisis data yang telah dilakukan, diperoleh rata-rata hitung pengetahuan K3 sebesar 24,85 dan memiliki persentase skor yang sangat tinggi yaitu 82,83%. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa peserta diklat otomotif BLKPP Yogyakarta memiliki pengetahuan yang sangat tinggi mengenai K3, (2) prestasi praktik peserta diklat otomotif BLKPP Yogyakarta termasuk dalam kategori tinggi. Hasil analisis data yang telah dilakukan, diperoleh rata-rata hitung (mean) skor prestasi praktik sebesar 71,37 dan persentase skor 71,37% dan termasuk pada kategori tinggi, (3) ada hubungan positif antara pengetahuan K3 dengan prestasi praktik peserta diklat otomotif BLKPP Yogyakarta. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan koefisien korelasi rank sebesar 0,592 dan termasuk pada kategori sedang

    Transformative Learning: Teaching Vocabulary To Disadvantaged Non-Native Language Learners

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    Teaching English as a foreign language to students from disadvantaged situations requires focus on vocabulary building through contextualization, development of student-teacher relationships, and building the curriculum around collaborative activities

    The Analytical Solutions of European Options on Shares Pricing Models

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    The Black-Scholes options formula is the breakthrough in valuating options prices. However, the formula is heavily based on several assumptions that are not realistic in practice. The extensions of the assumptions are needed to make options pricing model more realistic. This paper has reviewed the relaxation of the formula to European options on shares with the focus on its analytical solutions. The assumptions that are relaxed are non-dividends assumption, constant interest rate, constant volatility, and continuous time

    He Correlation Between Teacher’s Strategies And Students’ Writing Ability

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    The purpose of this research is to identify a correlation between teacher’s strategy and students’ writing ability. Teachers have to modify their strategies in teaching writing related to their students performances, abilities and backgrounds. The first phase of the project involves a screening interview where we identify students’ difficulties in writing. We also use students’ writing products to validate answers on the screening interview. The final phase involves observations and questionnaires where we use several assessments to confirm the student’s diagnosis and examine the connection between their abilities and strategies that teacher used. The result shows that the teacher’s strategies in teaching writing boost students to develop their ideas in writing, especially in enhancing vocabulary and getting better at grammar. Lastly, it is suggested to the teacher to be able to use the strategies in the classroom called cognitive, meta-cognitive, affective and social


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    Sengketa Kewenangan Lembaga Negara merupakan salah satu kewenangan Mahkamah Konstitusi yang belum berjalan dengan optimal. Hal ini dibuktikan dari 27 kasus yang dimohonkan kepada MK, 6 diantaranya ditarik kembali oleh pemohon, 3 ditolak, 16 tidak diterima, 1 Mahkamah menyatakan tidak berwenang, dan hanya 1 permohonan yang dikabulkan. Keadaan ini sangat dipengaruhi oleh legal standing para pihak yang harus dipenuhi dengan objectum litis dan subjectum litis. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan perundang-undangan, pendekatan kasus, pendekatan konsep, dan pendekatan perbandingan. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu 1) Aspek yang menjadikan objectum litis dan subjectum litis SKLN harus dilakukan penafsiran yang lebih luas yaitu pertama, inkonsistensi putusan tentunya akan bermuara kepada tidak adanya kepastian hukum dan terciderainya asas equality before the law. Kedua, hendaknya dipahami bahwa kesamaan didalam hukum, bukan hanya pemberian hak-hak yang sama dalam konstitusi, melainkan juga jaminan proses masyarakat untuk mendapatkan hak konstitusional. Ketiga, selain peranan sebagai the guardian of constitution, MK juga mempunyai peranan sebagai the protector of the citizen's constitutional rights. 2) Model ideal dalam penyelesaian SKLN yaitu, mengenai objectum litis, harus dimaknai sebagai kewenangan konstitusional yang diperoleh dari sumber kewenangan atribusi. Adapun mengenai ruang lingkup subjectum litis dapat dibuka ruang bagi lembaga negara penunjang yang dimaksudkan untuk melaksanakan fungsi-fungsi negara yang umumnya dikategorikan bersifat publik

    Stock Prices, Exchange Rates and Portfolio Equity Flows: A Toda-Yamamoto Panel Causality Test

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to develop a new framework to test the hypothesis that portfolio model predicts a negative correlation between stock prices and exchange rates in a trivariate transmission channel for foreign portfolio equity investment. Design/methodology/approach – This paper utilizes panel data for eight economies to extend the Dumitrescu and Hurlin (2012) Granger non-causality test of heterogeneous panels to a trivariate model by integrating the Toda and Yamamoto (1995) approach to Granger causality. Findings – The evidence suggests that stock prices Granger-cause exchange rates and portfolio equity flows Granger-cause exchange rates. However, the overall panel evidence casts doubt on the explicit trivariate model of portfolio balance model. The study shows that Indonesia may be the only case where stock prices affect exchange rates through portfolio equity flows. Research limitations/implications – The proposed test does not account for potential asymmetries or structural shifts associated with the crisis period. To isolate the impact of the Asian Financial crisis, this paper rather splits the sample period into two sub-periods: pre- and post-crises. The sample period and countries are also limited due to the use of the balance of payment statistics. Practical implications – The study casts doubt on the maintained hypothesis of a trivariate transmission channel, as posited by the portfolio model. Policy makers of an economy may integrate capital market and fiscal policies in order to maintain stable exchange rate. Originality/value – This paper integrates a portfolio equity inflow variable into a single framework with stock price and exchange rate variables. It extends the Dumitrescu and Hurlin’s (2012) bivariate stationary Granger non-causality test in heterogeneous panels to a trivariate setting in the framework of Toda and Yamamoto (1995)

    Stock Prices, Exchange Rates and Portfolio Equity Flows: A Toda-Yamamoto Panel Causality Test

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to develop a new framework to test the hypothesis that portfolio model predicts a negative correlation between stock prices and exchange rates in a trivariate transmission channel for foreign portfolio equity investment. Design/methodology/approach – This paper utilizes panel data for eight economies to extend the Dumitrescu and Hurlin (2012) Granger non-causality test of heterogeneous panels to a trivariate model by integrating the Toda and Yamamoto (1995) approach to Granger causality. Findings – The evidence suggests that stock prices Granger-cause exchange rates and portfolio equity flows Granger-cause exchange rates. However, the overall panel evidence casts doubt on the explicit trivariate model of portfolio balance model. The study shows that Indonesia may be the only case where stock prices affect exchange rates through portfolio equity flows. Research limitations/implications – The proposed test does not account for potential asymmetries or structural shifts associated with the crisis period. To isolate the impact of the Asian Financial crisis, this paper rather splits the sample period into two sub-periods: pre- and post-crises. The sample period and countries are also limited due to the use of the balance of payment statistics. Practical implications – The study casts doubt on the maintained hypothesis of a trivariate transmission channel, as posited by the portfolio model. Policy makers of an economy may integrate capital market and fiscal policies in order to maintain stable exchange rate. Originality/value – This paper integrates a portfolio equity inflow variable into a single framework with stock price and exchange rate variables. It extends the Dumitrescu and Hurlin’s (2012) bivariate stationary Granger non-causality test in heterogeneous panels to a trivariate setting in the framework of Toda and Yamamoto (1995)

    Policy Making of Strategic Plan for Success of Five-Year Development Agenda of Local Governance

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    The policy making of the five-year strategic plan of its substance, involves participation in the process of policy formulation through Development Deliberation discussion in decentralization of regional autonomy. That is, it delivers the authority of the central government to the autonomous regions in determining the policy (political authority) and implementing the policy (administrative authority), based on local voice and local choice. The local government is expected to identify needs, formulate development goals. The research used qualitative method with ethnography approach by collecting various data from various sources with deep-interview technique. The purpose of the study describes the three things, namely setting agenda, policy formulation and budgeting in a formulation of stakeholders' participation. For contribution: First: participation in development planning in tokenism and elitist party stages, partnerships between communities with bureaucracy and political officials are still subordinate union of partnership. Dialogue held is still pseudo and decision making are not done by bargaining among actors. Second: The quality of planning is still bad, because it has not been able to answer the needs of the community and there is no interconnected substance between documents with one another

    Intended use of IPO proceeds and firm performance: A quantile regression approach

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    This paper employs quantile regressions to investigate the link between the intended use of proceeds and the post-issue operating performance of IPO firms in Indonesia over the period of 2000-2010. The evidence presented here suggests that post-issue performance can be explained by a firm’s motivation to IPO issues. Investment in fixed assets and stock market shares associate with better performance for average and high-performing firms while other usages seem to lead to poor performance. The findings are robust when ownership structure was considered. These results have policy implications for the management of IPOs
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