36 research outputs found

    Организационно-методические и экономические основы создания сельских курортов в глубинных территориях г. Сочи

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    Город-курорт Сочи включает прибрежные и горные курортно-туристские кластеры. Актуальной проблемой в современных условиях является необходимость вовлечения в индустрию туризма города природно-рекреационных ресурсов и объектов историко-культурного наследия еще не освоенных глубинных низкогорных территорий, имеющих субтропическое сельскохозяйственное назначение. Задача исследования — определить научно-методические, организационные и финансовые предпосылки для устойчивого развития этих территорий. В исследовании сформулированы организационные, управленческие и законодательные аспекты основного противоречия, которое связано с решением данных проблем: несоответствие правового положения и статуса сельских территорий рекреационным задачам курортной местности г. Сочи. Для преодоления этого противоречия предлагается совместное развитие аграрной деятельности и перспективных видов туризма и рекреации в глубинных зонах города, таких как лечебно-оздоровительный, сельский, этнический и научно-познавательный туризм. Социально-экономическое влияние развития туризма и рекреации на сельской территории курорта обеспечит рост занятости и предпринимательской активности в связи с появлением специализированной рекреационной инфраструктуры, а также сделает возможным повышение уровня жизни местного автохтонного населения. Создание сельских курортов позволит полноценно использовать бальнеологические ресурсы, природные лечебные факторы, уникальное историко-культурное наследие, природные ландшафты и возможности субтропического сельского хозяйства в туристских целях. Результаты исследования дают возможность рассматривать пространственное развитие туризма на курорте, разрабатывать и реализовать обоснованные программы создания сельских курортов и туристских агродестинаций. Последующие исследования будут посвящены изучению возможных способов трансформации ресурсов сельских территорий в факторы производства комплексного туристского продукта, обладающего уникальными ценностными свойствами

    Организационно-методические и экономические основы создания сельских курортов в глубинных территориях г. Сочи

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    Город-курорт Сочи включает прибрежные и горные курортно-туристские кластеры. Актуальной проблемой в современных условиях является необходимость вовлечения в индустрию туризма города природно-рекреационных ресурсов и объектов историко-культурного наследия еще не освоенных глубинных низкогорных территорий, имеющих субтропическое сельскохозяйственное назначение. Задача исследования — определить научно-методические, организационные и финансовые предпосылки для устойчивого развития этих территорий. В исследовании сформулированы организационные, управленческие и законодательные аспекты основного противоречия, которое связано с решением данных проблем: несоответствие правового положения и статуса сельских территорий рекреационным задачам курортной местности г. Сочи. Для преодоления этого противоречия предлагается совместное развитие аграрной деятельности и перспективных видов туризма и рекреации в глубинных зонах города, таких как лечебно-оздоровительный, сельский, этнический и научно-познавательный туризм. Социально-экономическое влияние развития туризма и рекреации на сельской территории курорта обеспечит рост занятости и предпринимательской активности в связи с появлением специализированной рекреационной инфраструктуры, а также сделает возможным повышение уровня жизни местного автохтонного населения. Создание сельских курортов позволит полноценно использовать бальнеологические ресурсы, природные лечебные факторы, уникальное историко-культурное наследие, природные ландшафты и возможности субтропического сельского хозяйства в туристских целях. Результаты исследования дают возможность рассматривать пространственное развитие туризма на курорте, разрабатывать и реализовать обоснованные программы создания сельских курортов и туристских агродестинаций. Последующие исследования будут посвящены изучению возможных способов трансформации ресурсов сельских территорий в факторы производства комплексного туристского продукта, обладающего уникальными ценностными свойствами

    Genotyping and Phylogenetic Analysis of Yersinia pestis by MLVA: Insights into the Worldwide Expansion of Central Asia Plague Foci

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    BACKGROUND: The species Yersinia pestis is commonly divided into three classical biovars, Antiqua, Medievalis, and Orientalis, belonging to subspecies pestis pathogenic for human and the (atypical) non-human pathogenic biovar Microtus (alias Pestoides) including several non-pestis subspecies. Recent progress in molecular typing methods enables large-scale investigations in the population structure of this species. It is now possible to test hypotheses about its evolution which were proposed decades ago. For instance the three classical biovars of different geographical distributions were suggested to originate from Central Asia. Most investigations so far have focused on the typical pestis subspecies representatives found outside of China, whereas the understanding of the emergence of this human pathogen requires the investigation of strains belonging to subspecies pestis from China and to the Microtus biovar. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Multi-locus VNTR analysis (MLVA) with 25 loci was performed on a collection of Y. pestis isolates originating from the majority of the known foci worldwide and including typical rhamnose-negative subspecies pestis as well as rhamnose-positive subspecies pestis and biovar Microtus. More than 500 isolates from China, the Former Soviet Union (FSU), Mongolia and a number of other foci around the world were characterized and resolved into 350 different genotypes. The data revealed very close relationships existing between some isolates from widely separated foci as well as very high diversity which can conversely be observed between nearby foci. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The results obtained are in full agreement with the view that the Y. pestis subsp. pestis pathogenic for humans emerged in the Central Asia region between China, Kazakhstan, Russia and Mongolia, only three clones of which spread out of Central Asia. The relationships among the strains in China, Central Asia and the rest of the world based on the MLVA25 assay provide an unprecedented view on the expansion and microevolution of Y. pestis

    Insight into Microevolution of Yersinia pestis by Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats

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    BACKGROUND: Yersinia pestis, the pathogen of plague, has greatly influenced human history on a global scale. Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeat (CRISPR), an element participating in immunity against phages' invasion, is composed of short repeated sequences separated by unique spacers and provides the basis of the spoligotyping technology. In the present research, three CRISPR loci were analyzed in 125 strains of Y. pestis from 26 natural plague foci of China, the former Soviet Union and Mongolia were analyzed, for validating CRISPR-based genotyping method and better understanding adaptive microevolution of Y. pestis. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Using PCR amplification, sequencing and online data processing, a high degree of genetic diversity was revealed in all three CRISPR elements. The distribution of spacers and their arrays in Y. pestis strains is strongly region and focus-specific, allowing the construction of a hypothetic evolutionary model of Y. pestis. This model suggests transmission route of microtus strains that encircled Takla Makan Desert and ZhunGer Basin. Starting from Tadjikistan, one branch passed through the Kunlun Mountains, and moved to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Another branch went north via the Pamirs Plateau, the Tianshan Mountains, the Altai Mountains and the Inner Mongolian Plateau. Other Y. pestis lineages might be originated from certain areas along those routes. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: CRISPR can provide important information for genotyping and evolutionary research of bacteria, which will help to trace the source of outbreaks. The resulting data will make possible the development of very low cost and high-resolution assays for the systematic typing of any new isolate

    Polymorphism of the Cysteine Protease YopT from Yersinia Pestis

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    Antibiotic therapy of plague is hampered by the recent isolation of Yersinia pestis strain resistant to all of antibiotics recommended for cure. This has constrained a quest for new antimicrobials taking aim at alternative targets. Recently Y. pestis cysteine protease YopT has been explored as a potential drug target. Targets conserved in the pathogen populations should be more efficacious; therefore, we evaluated intraspecies variability in yopT genes and their products. 114 Y. pestis isolates were screened. Only two YopT full-size isoforms were found among them. The endemic allele (N149) was present in biovar caucasica from Dagestan-highland natural plague focus # 39. The biovar caucasica strains from Transcaucasian highland (# 4-6) and Pre-Araks (# 7) plague foci also contained the N149 allele. These strains from foci # 4 7 possessed a truncated version of YopT that was a consequence of a frame-shift due to the deletion of a single nucleotide at position 71 bp. Computational analyses showed that although the SNP at the position 149 has a very minimal effect of the intrinsic disorder propensity of YopT proteins, whereas the N-terminal truncations of the YopT detected in bv. caucasica strains Pestoides F_YopT1 and F_YopT2, and Pestoides G generated isoforms with the significantly modified intrinsic disorder propensities and with reduced capability to interact with lost ability to utilize their N-terminal tail for the disorder-based interactions with biological partners. Considering that representatives of biovar caucasica were reported to be the reason of sporadic cases of human plague, this study supports the necessity of additional testing of globally disseminated YopT (S149) isoform as a potential target for treatment of plague caused by the strains producing different YopT isoforms

    Polymorphism of the Cysteine Protease YopT from Yersinia Pestis

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    Antibiotic therapy of plague is hampered by the recent isolation of Yersinia pestis strain resistant to all of antibiotics recommended for cure. This has constrained a quest for new antimicrobials taking aim at alternative targets. Recently Y. pestis cysteine protease YopT has been explored as a potential drug target. Targets conserved in the pathogen populations should be more efficacious; therefore, we evaluated intraspecies variability in yopT genes and their products. 114 Y. pestis isolates were screened. Only two YopT full-size isoforms were found among them. The endemic allele (N149) was present in biovar caucasica from Dagestan-highland natural plague focus # 39. The biovar caucasica strains from Transcaucasian highland (# 4-6) and Pre-Araks (# 7) plague foci also contained the N149 allele. These strains from foci # 4 7 possessed a truncated version of YopT that was a consequence of a frame-shift due to the deletion of a single nucleotide at position 71 bp. Computational analyses showed that although the SNP at the position 149 has a very minimal effect of the intrinsic disorder propensity of YopT proteins, whereas the N-terminal truncations of the YopT detected in bv. caucasica strains Pestoides F_YopT1 and F_YopT2, and Pestoides G generated isoforms with the significantly modified intrinsic disorder propensities and with reduced capability to interact with lost ability to utilize their N-terminal tail for the disorder-based interactions with biological partners. Considering that representatives of biovar caucasica were reported to be the reason of sporadic cases of human plague, this study supports the necessity of additional testing of globally disseminated YopT (S149) isoform as a potential target for treatment of plague caused by the strains producing different YopT isoforms

    Yersinia pestis Caf1 Protein: Effect of Sequence Polymorphism on Intrinsic Disorder Propensity, Serological Cross-Reactivity and Cross-Protectivity of Isoforms.

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    Yersinia pestis Caf1 is a multifunctional protein responsible for antiphagocytic activity and is a key protective antigen. It is generally conserved between globally distributed Y. pestis strains, but Y. pestis subsp. microtus biovar caucasica strains circulating within populations of common voles in Georgia and Armenia were reported to carry a single substitution of alanine to serine. We investigated polymorphism of the Caf1 sequences among other Y. pestis subsp. microtus strains, which have a limited virulence in guinea pigs and in humans. Sequencing of caf1 genes from 119 Y. pestis strains belonging to different biovars within subsp. microtus showed that the Caf1 proteins exist in three isoforms, the global type Caf1NT1 (Ala48 Phe117), type Caf1NT2 (Ser48 Phe117) found in Transcaucasian-highland and Pre-Araks natural plague foci #4-7, and a novel Caf1NT3 type (Ala48 Val117) endemic in Dagestan-highland natural plague focus #39. Both minor types are the progenies of the global isoform. In this report, Caf1 polymorphism was analyzed by comparing predicted intrinsic disorder propensities and potential protein-protein interactivities of the three Caf1 isoforms. The analysis revealed that these properties of Caf1 protein are minimally affected by its polymorphism. All protein isoforms could be equally detected by an immunochromatography test for plague at the lowest protein concentration tested (1.0 ng/mL), which is the detection limit. When compared to the classic Caf1NT1 isoform, the endemic Caf1NT2 or Caf1NT3 had lower immunoreactivity in ELISA and lower indices of self- and cross-protection. Despite a visible reduction in cross-protection between all Caf1 isoforms, our data suggest that polymorphism in the caf1 gene may not allow the carriers of Caf1NT2 or Caf1NT3 variants escaping from the Caf1NT1-mediated immunity to plague in the case of a low-dose flea-borne infection

    Analysis of the three Yersinia pestis CRISPR loci provides new tools for phylogenetic studies and possibly for the investigation of ancient DNA.

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    The precise nature of the pathogen having caused early plague pandemics is uncertain. Although Yersinia pestis is a likely candidate for all three plague pandemics, the very rare direct evidence that can be deduced from ancient DNA (aDNA) analysis is controversial. Moreover, which of the three biovars, Antiqua, Medievalis or Orientalis, was associated with these pandemics is still debated. There is a need for phylogenetic analysis performed on Y. pestis strains isolated from countries from which plague probably arose and is still endemic. In addition there exist technical difficulties inherent to aDNA investigations and a lack of appropriate genetic targets. The recently described CRISPRs (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) may represent such a target. CRISPR loci consist of a succession of highly conserved regions separated by specific "spacers" usually of viral origin. To be of use, data describing the mechanisms of evolution and diversity of CRISPRs in Y. pestis, its closest neighbors, and other species which might contaminate ancient DNA, are necessary. The investigation of closely related Y. pestis isolates has revealed recent mutation events in which elements constituting CRISPRs were acquired or lost, providing essential insight on their evolution. Rules deduced represent the basis for subsequent interpretation. In the present study, the CRISPR loci from representative Y. pestis and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis strains were investigated by PCR amplification and sequence analysis. The investigation of this wider panel of strains, including other subspecies or ecotypes within Y. pestis and also Y. pseudotuberculosis strains provides a database of the existing CRISPR spacers and helps predict the expected CRISPR structure of the Y. pestis ancestor. This knowledge will open the way to the development of a spoligotyping assay, in which spacers can be amplified even from highly degraded DNA samples. The data obtained show that CRISPR analysis can provide a very powerful typing tool, adapted to the systematic, large-scale genotyping of Y. pestis isolates, and the creation of international typing databases. In addition, CRISPRs do constitute a very promising new tool and genetic target to investigate ancient DNA. The corresponding genetic targets are small (<70bp), present in multiple copies (usually more than 10), highly conserved and specific. In addition, the assay can be run in any laboratory. Interpretation of the data is not dependent on accurate sequence data