3 research outputs found

    Creation of Trade Zones with Partners - New Direction of Cooperation of the Eurasian Economic Union

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    The main trend of modern development of regional integration processes is expansion of their influence by means of creation of free trade zones. Various questions raised by agreements allow speaking about economic interaction, or about political influence. Eurasian Economic Union actively joined the process of creation of free trade zones

    On a Question of a Conceptual Basis of Development of the Euroasian Integration

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    This research was conducted in the context of important historical events, such as the beginning of the Eurasian Economic Union’s activity on the 1st of January 2015, as well as the sanctions of Western countries against the Russian Federation. The article deals with the distinctive features of the modern concepts of the Eurasian integration: classical (Russian) eurasianism, geopolitical concept, the western and eastern eurasianism, Neo-eurasianism. Similarities and differences in the approaches of scientists to the studied problem were analyzed. Criteria of the analysis of the region and regional integration are also defined. The approaches of Kazakhstan scientists to the subject of the article were presented - similarities and differences in the views of Russian and Kazakh researchers were marked. The article describes researches of scientists involving this theme - Gumilyov, Dugin etc. The authors analyze the phenomenon of Eurasianism concept and come to the conclusion that it is based on cultural identity, principles of interaction between peoples, united Eurasia

    Trade Factor in the Global and Regional International Relations

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    This article discusses changes in the development of trade at the global and regional level, caused by failure of the Doha Round negotiations in the frame of World Trade Organization. It is show that the active development of regional trade agreements and the formation of all sorts of trade blocs create the preconditions for a radical review of the global economic order