41 research outputs found

    Recent advances in Bi-doped fiber lasers and amplifiers

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    This paper will review the influence of fiber fabrication and selection of pump wavelength on the performance of Bismuth (Bi)-doped fiber lasers and amplifiers operating in the near-IR region

    Progress towards efficient Bi fiber lasers and amplifiers

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    Here, we review our recent results in BASFs and BPSFs those were fabricated by the MCVD-solution doping technique

    Bi-doped fiber amplifiers: optical properties, challenges and applications

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    Bismuth (Bi)-doped optical fibers are of great interest because of the broad luminescence offered by them. These fibers have huge potential to develop lasers and amplifiers in wavelength bands uncovered by the rare earth (RE)-doped materials such as Ytterbium, Erbium, and Thulium. Bi-doped aluminosilicate, phosphosilicate and germanosilicate fibers have shown luminescence around 1150nm, 1300nm and 1450nm bands, respectively. The lasers and amplifiers in these bands have widespread applications in medicine, astronomy and material processing as well as optical fiber communication. Here, we introduce the optical properties of Bi-doped fibers and current challenges for their optimum performance. We also review our recent developments in Bi-doped aluminosilicate and phosphosilicate fiber amplifiers operating in different wavelength bands of the near-IR region and their applications

    A review on our latest amplifier and laser demonstrations by Bi-doped fibers

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    Bismuth (Bi)-doped fibers paved the way to develop amplifiers and lasers in 1150-1800nm wavelength range owing to its host dependent luminescence characteristics. Bi-doped aluminosilicate (BAS), phosphosilicate (BPS) and germanosilicate (BGS) fibers have shown luminescence around 1150nm, 1300nm and 1450nm, respectively. Here, we present the fabrication of Bi-doped fibers with aluminosilicate and phosphosilicate hosts by the MCVD-solution doping technique. These fibers were characterised for absorption and unsaturable loss (UL). The obtained results were used to select an appropriate pump wavelength for amplifier and laser development. Bi-doped aluminosilicate and phosphosilicate fiber amplifiers have been demonstrated in different wavelength bands. In addition, an 110mW Bi-doped phosphosilicate fiber laser operating at 1360nm has been reported

    Amplifier and laser demonstrations in Bi-doped silica optical fibers

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    We will review the influence of fiber fabrication and selection of pump wavelengths on gain, noise figure and laser efficiency of Bismuth (Bi)-doped fiber amplifiers and lasers operating in the wavelength region of 1150-1400nm

    Diode pumped Bi-doped fiber laser operating at 1360nm

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    Bi-doped phosphosilicate fibers are fabricated by MCVD-solution doping technique under different oxidation conditions. Fibers are evaluated for unsaturable loss and laser performance. A 22mW all-fiber Bi-laser is demonstrated at 1360nm by LD pumping at 1267nm

    Optimization of the Core Compound for Ytterbium Ultra-Short Cavity Fiber Lasers

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    Highly ytterbium-, aluminum- and phosphorus-co-doped silica fibers with low optical losses were fabricated by the MCVD method, utilizing an all-gas-phase deposition technique. Optical and laser properties of the active fibers with a phosphosilicate and aluminophosphosilicate glass cores doped with 1.85 mol% and 1.27 mol% Yb2O3 were thoroughly investigated. With the help of hydrogen loading, it was possible to induce highly reflective Bragg grating in both fiber samples using the standard phase-mask technique and 193 nm-UV laser irradiation. The ultra-short (less than 2 cm long) Fabry–Perot laser cavities were fabricated by inscribing two fiber Bragg gratings (highly and partially reflective FBGs) directly in the core of the fiber samples. The highest pump-to-signal conversion efficiency of 47% was demonstrated in such laser configuration using phosphosilicate fiber. The reasons for the low efficiency of aluminophosphosilicate fiber are discussed

    Dataset for Bi-doped Fiber Amplifier with a Flat Gain of 25dB Operating in the Wavelength Band 1320-1360nm

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    Bismuth (Bi) -doped phosphosilicate fibers have been fabricated by the modified chemical vapor deposition (MCVD) -solution doping technique under different process conditions. The influence of fabrication conditions on unsaturable loss in fibers has been investigated. Pump wavelength dependent Bi gain has been studied to obtain a flat gain over a wide bandwidth. A diode pumped all-fiber Bi-doped amplifier with a flat gain of 25 &plusmn; 1dB from 1320-1360nm (40nm) has been demonstrated for -10 dBm of input signal power with a noise figure (NF) ranging from 4&ndash;6 dB. Moreover, a small signal gain of 29 dB and a NF of 4.5dB at 1340 nm have been achieved for an input signal power of -30dBm.</span

    1120 nm diode-pumped Bi-doped fiber amplifier

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    Bismuth-doped aluminosilicate fiber has been fabricated by the MCVD-solution doping method and characterized for its unsaturable loss and gain. The amplifier performance has been compared for a novel pumping wavelength of 1120 nm with the conventional pumping wavelength region of 1047 nm. Unsaturable loss was 65% and 35% at 1047 and 1120 nm, pump wavelengths, respectively. A maximum gain of about 8 dB at 1180 nm for a fiber length of 100 m was observed with 1120 nm pumping. Gain enhancement of 70% was achieved with the 1120 nm pump as compared to the 1047 nm pump. A further 3.5 dB gain was obtained on simultaneous pumping at 1047 and 1120 nm

    All-fiber Bi-doped laser continuously tunable from 1317-1375nm

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    We demonstrate an all-fiber tunable Bi-doped fiber laser operating from 1317 to 1375nm with a maximum power of 57mW. In a MOPA configuration ≥100mW was reported in 52nm (1318 to 1370nm) with an OSNR of ≥40dB