7 research outputs found

    Innovations in civil engineering education at the interdisciplinary and production basis

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    Article is devoted to the problem of modernization of engineering education in modern economic conditions. This is necessary to provide qualified personnel for the construction industry. The authors considered innovative approaches to the organization of the educational process. They are based on interdisciplinary links of training of engineering and construction contingent in technical universities. And also on the introduction of digitalization in the teaching of disciplines of a natural science profile. We discussed the combination of traditional forms of training with production activities at existing enterprises of the industry. The work justified the relevance of modernization of engineering education, analysed factors that justify its need and ways to achieve the objectives. Studies have been carried out to assess the effectiveness of combining educational processes at the university with production activities at existing enterprises in Rostov-on-Don. To combine training and production processes in the training of qualified civil engineering personnel the structural division of the enterprise was allocated -the construction laboratory. The laboratory fully meets the tasks set by functional characteristics. Special working conditions of factory laboratories at small and medium-sized enterprises were noted. This is due to the difficult modern economic conditions. The main requirements for the personnel composition of factory laboratories of the new formation have been determined. These include depth and versatility of knowledge, non-standard thinking, flexibility in decision-making, interchangeability, readiness to improve knowledge and professional skills. The practical results of the experience of four years of combining innovative modernization of the training process of civil engineering personnel with production activities are presented. At the existing enterprises of the construction industry in Rostov-on-Don. The results confirm the high effectiveness of the proposed events

    Repair compositions for restoration of operated reinforced concrete structures

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    Power transmission lines (PTL) are strategic objects, the reliability of which depends on the life support of the country. Most of the currently operated power transmission lines were put into operation in the twentieth century, and by now there is a problem of assessing their technical condition, repairing them, if necessary, and maintaining them in a working condition. Defects that appear during the operation of reinforced concrete elements of power transmission lines have different localization and degree of manifestation, but typical is the destruction of the surface layer of concrete with exposure of rebar, more often at the base of the power transmission line. The aim of the work is to select the optimal composition of the repair mixture based on non-shrinking and expanding cements, ensuring reliable adhesion of the repair compounds to the concrete of the structure, which will restore the bearing and operational characteristics in the repaired reinforced concrete elements of the power transmission line at the design level

    Calculation of the movement trajectory of the grain mass in the field stripper

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    The work is devoted to the study of the dynamics of the grain mass in a field stripper for grain separation. At the first stage, a model of the movement of the air mass in the considered installation is built and based on a mathematical model that takes into account the turbulence of the movement of the air mass, using the method of finite volumes in the ANSYS package, the field of velocities and pressures is calculated. At the second stage, the movement of a fragment of the grain mass in this flow is considered, its trajectory is built taking into account the interaction with the upper deck of the installation. The performed calculations allow us to choose rational geometric and kinematic parameters at which no stagnant zones appear in the chamber, the grain mass interacts with the upper one, which contributes to the release of grain in the installation chamber

    Mathematical and laboratory modeling of resonant impact on the spike for the purpose of grain selection

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    Mathematical and computer finite element model in the ACELAN package of resonant impact on a spike was developed and a full-scale experiment was carried out. Two installations are considered, one based on a cantilever, the free end of which acts on the spike, and the second is a semi-passive round bimorph. Excitation of vibrations is carried out using an actuator based on piezoceramic elements. In the first installation, low-frequency vibrations of the stem with a spike are excited and the resonance frequency is determined at which only an spike with grain performs intense vibrations. The second installation is designed to excite high-frequency vibrations at which resonant movements of the grains themselves arise. The purpose of both installations is to separate the grain from the spike using resonance phenomena

    Finite Element and Applied Models of the Stem with Spike Deformation

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    This article examines the static and dynamic deformation of the stem of an ear of wheat and of the individual grain. The purpose of the article is to determine the factors of influence on the ear of wheat to isolate the grain. Two stages of grain ripening are considered: in the early stage, the grain is attached to the spike by the stem; in the second, there is no stem, and the grain is attached to the ear by the scales. The ear fluctuations are considered within the Euler–Bernoulli bar theory. The developed model divides the study of the dynamics of the stem of an ear and the dynamics of the grain into two stages. The first stage studies the dynamics of the plant as a whole, while the second stage studies the dynamics of an individual grain in a moving system associated with the ear in bending and vertical fluctuation forms. The model of the ear and the grain fluctuation uses the mechanical characteristics of elastic bonds and elastic bodies, which are determined by spring stiffness, elastic moduli, etc. The results show that in the vertical forms of grain fluctuation, the frequency of fluctuation is much higher than in the bending ones. This article presents the natural fluctuation frequencies of grain at full ripeness and in the early phases of maturation, at which point it is released from the ear