5 research outputs found

    Horizontal Refraction of Acoustic Waves in Shallow-Water Waveguides Due to an Inhomogeneous Bottom Structure

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    Three-Dimensional (3-D) sound propagation in a shallow-water waveguide with a constant depth and inhomogeneous bottom is studied through numerical simulations. As a model of inhomogeneity, a transitional region between an acoustically soft and hard bottom is considered. Depth-averaged transmission loss simulations using the “horizontal rays and vertical modes” approach and mode parabolic equations demonstrate the horizontal refraction of sound in this region, even if the water column is considered homogeneous. The observed wave effect is prominent at low frequencies, at which the water depth does not exceed a few acoustic wavelengths. The obtained results within the simplified model are verified by the simulations for a real seabed structure in the Kara Sea

    Developing a Model for Horizontal Array Coherence in the Presence of Random Linear Internal Waves

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    The resolution of a horizontal array in shallow water is limited by the environmental variability introduced by several oceanographic processes. The present work exercises a numerical model for how one oceanographic process, nearly linear internal waves, affects array coherence. As the linear internal waves can be represented as a random process, the model is statistical and calculates the mean coherence length. Three results from William Carey\u27s pioneering work [J. Acoust. Soc. Am., vol. 104, pp. 831-837, 1998] are examined: an analytical model for the array correlation function, the weak dependence of coherence length on source-receiver range, and scenarios where linear internal waves can produce a coherence length of approximately 30 wavelengths

    Modeling the Effects of Linear Shallow-Water Internal Waves on Horizontal Array Coherence

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    The coherence length of a horizontal array is the maximum separation between two points where coherent processing gives useful gain when a distant source is at broadside. In shallow water, the coherence length is limited by the environmental variability caused by several relevant oceanographic processes. In the present study, a statistical model is developed that quantifies how one oceanographic process, linear internal waves, affects the coherence length. A key input to the ocean sub-model is the vertically integrated energy density of the internal wave field. The acoustic sub-model is based on the adiabatic normal mode approximation and so should be reasonable for frequencies under 1 kHz. Numerical calculations using environmental data from the Shallow Water 2006 Experiment (SW06) show how the coherence length of individual modes varies with consequent effects on array coherence. The coherence length is shown to be a strong function of where the source and array are positioned in the water column. For a bottom-mounted array above a moderately lossy seabed, the model predicts a coherence length that depends only weakly on range, an effect observed in field experiments

    From Humorous Post to Detailed Quantum-Chemical Study: Isocyanate Synthesis Revisited

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    Isocyanates play an essential role in modern manufacturing processes, especially in polyurethane production. There are numerous synthesis strategies for isocyanates both in industrial and laboratory conditions, which do not prevent searching for alternative highly efficient synthetic protocols. Here, we report a detailed theoretical investigation of the mechanism of sulfur dioxide-catalyzed rearrangement of the phenylnitrile oxide into phenyl isocyanate, which was first reported in 1977. The DLPNO-CCSD(T) method and up-to-date DFT protocols were used to perform a highly accurate quantum-chemical study of the rearrangement mechanism. An overview of various organic and inorganic catalysts has revealed other potential catalysts, such as sulfur trioxide and selenium dioxide. Furthermore, the present study elucidated how substituents in phenylnitrile oxide influence reaction kinetics. This study was performed by a self-organized collaboration of scientists initiated by a humorous post on the VK social network