7 research outputs found

    Современные методы анализа и средства измерения сорбционных свойств магнитосорбентов

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    Introduction. Research in a field of new sorption materials obtaining have been presented in this article. These sorbents have magnetic properties and they can be used for water purification from ions of heavy metals (HM), petroleum and petroleum products (PP). Compositional sorption material (CSM) has been made with the use of ferritized galvanic sludge (FGS) as a magnetic component and paraffin as a binder substance. Materials and methods. The following objects of the research were chosen in this work: industrial waste - galvanic sludge (GS), FGS, paraffin. Modern methods of the research have been used at work implementation: photometry, IR-spectrophotometry, scanning electron microscopy. Obtaining accurate and reliable results of the experiment were provided by the use of standard methods, established in federal environmental regulatory document (PND F), verifiable measuring instruments and standard samples. Results. FGS after a thermal processing has sorption properties in relation to ions of heavy metals Fe2+, Fe3+ and Cu2+. The material CSM can adsorb petroleum and PP. Discussion and conclusions. The sorption materials on the basis of industrial waste - GS were obtained and studied. These sorbents have magnetic properties which will be useful at water treatment; a saturated material can be extracted from a purified environment by magnetic separation.Введение. В настоящей статье представлены исследования в области получения новых сорбционных материалов, обладающих магнитными свойствами, для очистки воды от тяжелых металлов (ТМ), нефти и нефтепродуктов (НП). Композиционный сорбционный материал (КСМ) изготавливали с использованием ферритизированного гальваношлама (ФГШ) в качестве магнитного компонента и парафина как связующего вещества. Материалы и методы. В работе были выбраны следующие объекты исследования: промышленный отход -гальванический шлам (ГШ), ФГШ и ферритизированный гальваношлам после термической обработки (ФГШтерм), парафин. При выполнении работы использовались следующие современные методы исследования: фотометрия, ИК-спектрофотометрия, сканирующая электронная микроскопия. Получение точных и достоверных результатов эксперимента обеспечивалось за счет применения стандартных методик, установленных в природоохранных нормативных документах федерального уровня (ПНД Ф), поверенных средств измерений и стандартных образцов (СО). Результаты исследования. Установлено, что ФГШтерм. обладает сорбционными свойствами по отношению к ионам Fe2+, Fe3+ и Cu2+. Материал КСМ отличается способностью к сорбции нефти и НП. Обсуждение и заключение. В результате исследования получены и изучены сорбционные материалы на основе промышленных отходов - ГШ. Наличие магнитных свойств разрабатываемых сорбентов предполагает магнитоуправляемое проведение процесса сорбции с возможностью извлечения насыщенного сорбента из очищаемой среды магнитной сепарацией

    Modern methods of analysis and instruments measuring sorption properties of magnetic sorbents

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    Introduction. Research in a field of new sorption materials obtaining have been presented in this article. These sorbents have magnetic properties and they can be used for water purification from ions of heavy metals (HM), petroleum and petroleum products (PP). Compositional sorption material (CSM) has been made with the use of ferritized galvanic sludge (FGS) as a magnetic component and paraffin as a binder substance. Materials and methods. The following objects of the research were chosen in this work: industrial waste - galvanic sludge (GS), FGS, paraffin. Modern methods of the research have been used at work implementation: photometry, IR-spectrophotometry, scanning electron microscopy. Obtaining accurate and reliable results of the experiment were provided by the use of standard methods, established in federal environmental regulatory document (PND F), verifiable measuring instruments and standard samples. Results. FGS after a thermal processing has sorption properties in relation to ions of heavy metals Fe2+, Fe3+ and Cu2+. The material CSM can adsorb petroleum and PP. Discussion and conclusions. The sorption materials on the basis of industrial waste - GS were obtained and studied. These sorbents have magnetic properties which will be useful at water treatment; a saturated material can be extracted from a purified environment by magnetic separation

    Polarization control over electric and magnetic dipole resonances of dielectric nanoparticles on metallic films

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    We reveal unusually strong polarization sensitivity of electric and magnetic dipole resonances of high-index dielectric nanoparticles placed on a metallic film. By employing dark-field spectroscopy, we observe the polarization-controlled transformation from high-Q magnetic-dipole scattering to broadband suppression of scattering associated with the electric dipole mode, and show numerically that it is accompanied by a strong enhancement of the respective fields by the nanoparticle. Our experimental data for silicon nanospheres are in an excellent agreement with both analytical calculations based on Green’s function approach and the full-wave numerical simulations. Our findings further substantiate dielectric nanoparticles as strong candidates for many applications in enhanced sensing, spectroscopy and nonlinear processes at the nanoscale.The authors at ANU were supported by the Australian Research Council. The authors at DSI were supported by DSI core funds and A*STAR SERC Pharos program, Grant 152 73 00025 (Singapore)