20 research outputs found

    The impact of Ty3-gypsy group LTR retrotransposons Fatima on B-genome specificity of polyploid wheats

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Transposable elements (TEs) are a rapidly evolving fraction of the eukaryotic genomes and the main contributors to genome plasticity and divergence. Recently, occupation of the A- and D-genomes of allopolyploid wheat by specific TE families was demonstrated. Here, we investigated the impact of the well-represented family of <it>gypsy </it>LTR-retrotransposons, <it>Fatima</it>, on B-genome divergence of allopolyploid wheat using the fluorescent <it>in situ </it>hybridisation (FISH) method and phylogenetic analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>FISH analysis of a BAC clone (BAC_2383A24) initially screened with Spelt1 repeats demonstrated its predominant localisation to chromosomes of the B-genome and its putative diploid progenitor <it>Aegilops speltoides </it>in hexaploid (genomic formula, BBAADD) and tetraploid (genomic formula, BBAA) wheats as well as their diploid progenitors. Analysis of the complete BAC_2383A24 nucleotide sequence (113 605 bp) demonstrated that it contains 55.6% TEs, 0.9% subtelomeric tandem repeats (Spelt1), and five genes. LTR retrotransposons are predominant, representing 50.7% of the total nucleotide sequence. Three elements of the <it>gypsy </it>LTR retrotransposon family <it>Fatima </it>make up 47.2% of all the LTR retrotransposons in this BAC. <it>In situ </it>hybridisation of the <it>Fatima</it>_2383A24-3 subclone suggests that individual representatives of the <it>Fatima </it>family contribute to the majority of the B-genome specific FISH pattern for BAC_2383A24. Phylogenetic analysis of various <it>Fatima </it>elements available from databases in combination with the data on their insertion dates demonstrated that the <it>Fatima </it>elements fall into several groups. One of these groups, containing <it>Fatima</it>_2383A24-3, is more specific to the B-genome and proliferated around 0.5-2.5 MYA, prior to allopolyploid wheat formation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The B-genome specificity of the <it>gypsy</it>-like <it>Fatima</it>, as determined by FISH, is explained to a great degree by the appearance of a genome-specific element within this family for <it>Ae. speltoides</it>. Moreover, its proliferation mainly occurred in this diploid species before it entered into allopolyploidy.</p> <p>Most likely, this scenario of emergence and proliferation of the genome-specific variants of retroelements, mainly in the diploid species, is characteristic of the evolution of all three genomes of hexaploid wheat.</p

    Isolation and sequence analysis of the wheat B genome subtelomeric DNA

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Telomeric and subtelomeric regions are essential for genome stability and regular chromosome replication. In this work, we have characterized the wheat BAC (bacterial artificial chromosome) clones containing Spelt1 and Spelt52 sequences, which belong to the subtelomeric repeats of the B/G genomes of wheats and <it>Aegilops </it>species from the section <it>Sitopsis</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The BAC library from <it>Triticum aestivum </it>cv. Renan was screened using Spelt1 and Spelt52 as probes. Nine positive clones were isolated; of them, clone 2050O8 was localized mainly to the distal parts of wheat chromosomes by <it>in situ </it>hybridization. The distribution of the other clones indicated the presence of different types of repetitive sequences in BACs. Use of different approaches allowed us to prove that seven of the nine isolated clones belonged to the subtelomeric chromosomal regions. Clone 2050O8 was sequenced and its sequence of 119 737 bp was annotated. It is composed of 33% transposable elements (TEs), 8.2% Spelt52 (namely, the subfamily Spelt52.2) and five non-TE-related genes. DNA transposons are predominant, making up 24.6% of the entire BAC clone, whereas retroelements account for 8.4% of the clone length. The full-length CACTA transposon <it>Caspar </it>covers 11 666 bp, encoding a transposase and CTG-2 proteins, and this transposon accounts for 40% of the DNA transposons. The <it>in situ </it>hybridization data for 2050O8 derived subclones in combination with the BLAST search against wheat mapped ESTs (expressed sequence tags) suggest that clone 2050O8 is located in the terminal bin 4BL-10 (0.95-1.0). Additionally, four of the predicted 2050O8 genes showed significant homology to four putative orthologous rice genes in the distal part of rice chromosome 3S and confirm the synteny to wheat 4BL.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Satellite DNA sequences from the subtelomeric regions of diploid wheat progenitor can be used for selecting the BAC clones from the corresponding regions of hexaploid wheat chromosomes. It has been demonstrated for the first time that Spelt52 sequences were involved in the evolution of terminal regions of common wheat chromosomes. Our research provides new insights into the microcollinearity in the terminal regions of wheat chromosomes 4BL and rice chromosome 3S.</p

    Dataset of the HOX1 gene sequences of the wheat polyploids and their diploid relatives

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    The TaHOX-1 gene of common wheat Triticum aestivum L. (BAD-genome) encodes transcription factor (HD-Zip I) which is characterized by the presence of a DNA-binding homeodomain (HD) with an adjacent Leucine zipper (LZ) motif. This gene can play a role in adapting plant to a variety of abiotic stresses, such as drought, cold, salinity etc., which strongly affect wheat production. However, it's both functional role in stress resistance and divergence during wheat evolution has not yet been elucidated. This data in brief article is associated with the research paper “Structural and functional divergence of homoeologous copies of the TaHOX-1 gene in polyploid wheats and their diploid ancestors”. The data set represents a recent survey of the primary HOX-1 gene sequences isolated from the first wheat allotetraploids (BA-genome) and their corresponding Triticum and Aegilops diploid relatives. Specifically, we provide detailed information about the HOX-1 nucleotide sequences of the promoter region and both nucleotide and amino acid sequences of the gene. The sequencing data used here is available at DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank under the accession numbers MG000630-MG000698. Keywords: Wheat, Polyploid, HOX-1 gene, Homeodomain, Transcription factor, Promoter, Triticum, Aegilop

    Fine organization of genomic regions tagged to the 5S rDNA locus of the bread wheat 5B chromosome

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    Abstract Background The multigene family encoding the 5S rRNA, one of the most important structurally-functional part of the large ribosomal subunit, is an obligate component of all eukaryotic genomes. 5S rDNA has long been a favored target for cytological and phylogenetic studies due to the inherent peculiarities of its structural organization, such as the tandem arrays of repetitive units and their high interspecific divergence. The complex polyploid nature of the genome of bread wheat, Triticum aestivum, and the technically difficult task of sequencing clusters of tandem repeats mean that the detailed organization of extended genomic regions containing 5S rRNA genes remains unclear. This is despite the recent progress made in wheat genomic sequencing. Using pyrosequencing of BAC clones, in this work we studied the organization of two distinct 5S rDNA-tagged regions of the 5BS chromosome of bread wheat. Results Three BAC-clones containing 5S rDNA were identified in the 5BS chromosome-specific BAC-library of Triticum aestivum. Using the results of pyrosequencing and assembling, we obtained six 5S rDNA- containing contigs with a total length of 140,417 bp, and two sets (pools) of individual 5S rDNA sequences belonging to separate, but closely located genomic regions on the 5BS chromosome. Both regions are characterized by the presence of approximately 70–80 copies of 5S rDNA, however, they are completely different in their structural organization. The first region contained highly diverged short-type 5S rDNA units that were disrupted by multiple insertions of transposable elements. The second region contained the more conserved long-type 5S rDNA, organized as a single tandem array. FISH using probes specific to both 5S rDNA unit types showed differences in the distribution and intensity of signals on the chromosomes of polyploid wheat species and their diploid progenitors. Conclusion A detailed structural organization of two closely located 5S rDNA-tagged genomic regions on the 5BS chromosome of bread wheat has been established. These two regions differ in the organization of both 5S rDNA and the neighboring sequences comprised of transposable elements, implying different modes of evolution for these regions

    Targeting the <i>B1</i> Gene and Analysis of Its Polymorphism Associated with Awned/Awnless Trait in Russian Germplasm Collections of Common Wheat

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    The presence of awns on the ear is associated with a number of important plant properties, such as drought resistance, quality of the grain mass during processing, etc. The main manifestations of this trait are controlled by the B1 gene, which has recently been identified and encodes the C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor. Based on the previously identified SNPs in the promoter region of this gene, we constructed markers for dominant and recessive alleles which determine awnless and awned phenotypes, respectively. The markers were successful for use in targeting the respective alleles of the B1 gene in 176 varieties of common wheat, accessions of T. spelta L., as well as on F2/F3 hybrids from crosses between awned and awnless forms of T. aestivum. We first identified a new allele, b1mite, which has both an insert of a miniature Stowaway-like transposon, 261 bp in length, and 33 novel SNPs in the promoter region. Despite these changes, this allele had no effect on the awned phenotype. The possible mechanisms of the influence of the analyzed gene on phenotype are discussed

    Genetic Features of Triticale&ndash;Wheat Hybrids with Vaviloid-Type Spike Branching

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    Vaviloid spike branching, also called sham ramification, is a typical trait of Triticum vavilovii Jakubz. and is characterized by a lengthening of the spikelet axis. In this article, we present the results of a study of three triticale&ndash;wheat hybrid lines with differences in terms of the manifestation of the vaviloid spike branching. Lines were obtained by crossing triticale with hexaploid wheat, T. aestivum var. velutinum. The parental triticale is a hybrid of synthetic wheat (T. durum &times; Ae. tauschii var. meyrei) with rye, S. cereale ssp. segetale. Line 857 has a karyotype corresponding to hexaploid wheat and has a spike morphology closest to normal, whereas Lines 808/1 and 844/4 are characterized by the greatest manifestation of vaviloid spike branching. In Lines 808/1 and 844/4, we found the substitution 2RL(2DL). The karyotypes of the latter lines differ in that a pair of telocentric chromosomes 2DS is detected in Line 808/1, and these telocentrics are fused into one unpaired chromosome in Line 844/4. Using molecular genetic analysis, we found a deletion of the wheat domestication gene Q located on 5AL in the three studied hybrid lines. The deletion is local since an analysis of the adjacent gene B1 showed the presence of this gene. We assume that the manifestation of vaviloid spike branching in two lines (808/1 and 844/4) is associated with a disturbance in the joint action of genes Q and AP2L2-2D, which is another important gene that determines spike morphology and is located on 2DL

    Targeting the B1 Gene and Analysis of Its Polymorphism Associated with Awned/Awnless Trait in Russian Germplasm Collections of Common Wheat

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    The presence of awns on the ear is associated with a number of important plant properties, such as drought resistance, quality of the grain mass during processing, etc. The main manifestations of this trait are controlled by the B1 gene, which has recently been identified and encodes the C2H2 zinc finger transcription factor. Based on the previously identified SNPs in the promoter region of this gene, we constructed markers for dominant and recessive alleles which determine awnless and awned phenotypes, respectively. The markers were successful for use in targeting the respective alleles of the B1 gene in 176 varieties of common wheat, accessions of T. spelta L., as well as on F2/F3 hybrids from crosses between awned and awnless forms of T. aestivum. We first identified a new allele, b1mite, which has both an insert of a miniature Stowaway-like transposon, 261 bp in length, and 33 novel SNPs in the promoter region. Despite these changes, this allele had no effect on the awned phenotype. The possible mechanisms of the influence of the analyzed gene on phenotype are discussed