700 research outputs found

    Double Neutron Star Populations and Formation Channels

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    In the past five years, the number of known double neutron stars (DNS) in the Milky Way has roughly doubled. We argue that the observed sample can be split into three distinct sub-populations based on their orbital characteristics: (i) short-period, low-eccentricity binaries; (ii) wide binaries; and (iii) short-period, high-eccentricity binaries. These sub-populations also exhibit distinct spin period and spindown rate properties. We focus on sub-population (iii), which contains the Hulse-Taylor binary. Contrary to previous analysis, we demonstrate that, if they are the product of primordial binary evolution, the PorbP_{\rm orb} and ee distribution of these systems requires that the second-born NSs must have been formed with small natal kicks (≲\lesssim25 km s−1^{-1}) and have pre-SN masses narrowly distributed around 3.2 M⊙_{\odot}. These constraints challenge binary evolution theory and further predict closely aligned spin and orbital axes, inconsistent with the Hulse-Taylor binary's measured spin-orbit misalignment angle of ≈\approx20∘^{\circ}. Motivated by the similarity of these DNSs to B2127+11C, a DNS residing in the globular cluster M15, we argue that this sub-population is consistent with being formed in, and then ejected from, globular clusters. This scenario provides a pathway for the formation and merger of DNSs in stellar environments without recent star formation, as observed in the host galaxy population of short gamma ray bursts and the recent detection by LIGO of a merging DNS in an old stellar population.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, accepted for publication in ApJ

    Double Neutron Star Formation: Merger Times, Systemic Velocities, and Travel Distances

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    The formation and evolution of double neutron stars (DNS) have traditionally been studied using binary population synthesis. In this work, we take an alternative approach by focusing only on the second supernova (SN) forming the DNS and the subsequent orbital decay and merger due to gravitational wave radiation. Using analytic and numerical methods, we explore how different NS natal kick velocity distributions, pre-SN orbital separations, and progenitor He-star masses affect the post-SN orbital periods, eccentricities, merger times, systemic velocities, and distances traveled by the system before merging. Comparison with the set of 17 known DNSs in the Milky Way shows that DNSs have pre-SN orbital separations ranging between 1 and 44 R⊙R_{\odot}. Those DNSs with pre-SN separations ∼\sim1 R⊙R_{\odot} have merger time distributions that peak ∼\sim10-100 Myr after formation, regardless of the kick velocity received by the NS. These DNSs are typically formed with systemic velocities ∼\sim102^2 km s−1^{-1} and may travel ∼\sim1-10 kpc before merging. Depending on progenitor mass of the second-born NS, the short merger time can account for the rr-process enrichment observed in compact stellar systems such as ultra-faint dwarf galaxies. For Milky Way-mass galaxies only DNSs with the tightest pre-SN orbits and large kick velocities (≳\gtrsim102^2 km s−1^{-1}) can escape. However, those DNSs that do escape may travel as far as ∼\simMpc before merging, which as previous studies have pointed out has implications for identifying the host galaxies to short gamma ray bursts and gravitational wave events.Comment: 16 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Constraining Compact Object Formation with 2M0521

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    We show that the recently discovered binary 2M05215658+4359220 (2M0521), comprised of a giant star (GS) orbiting a suspected black hole (BH) in a ~80 day orbit, may be instrumental in shedding light on uncertain BH-formation physics and can be a test case for studying wind accretion models. Using binary population synthesis with a realistic prescription for the star formation history and metallicity evolution of the Milky Way, we analyze the evolution of binaries containing compact objects (COs) in orbit around GSs with properties similar to 2M0521. We find ~100-1000 CO-GS binaries in the Milky Way observable by Gaia, and 0-12 BH-GS and 0-1 neutron star-GS binaries in the Milky Way with properties similar to 2M0521. We find that all CO-GSs with Porb<5 yr, including 2M0521, go through a common envelope (CE) and hence form a class of higher mass analogs to white dwarf post-CE binaries. We further show how the component masses of 2M0521-like binaries depend strongly on the supernova-engine model we adopt. Thus, an improved measurement of the orbit of 2M0521, imminent with Gaia's third data release, will strongly constrain its component masses and as a result inform supernova-engine models widely used in binary population synthesis studies. These results have widespread implications for the origins and properties of CO binaries, especially those detectable by LIGO and LISA. Finally, we show that the reported X-ray non-detection of 2M0521 is a challenge for wind accretion theory, making 2M0521-like CO-GS binaries a prime target for further study with accretion models.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, Accepted for Publication in ApJ

    Did GW170817 harbor a pulsar?

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    If the progenitor of GW170817 harbored a pulsar, then a Poynting flux dominated bow-shock cavity would have been expected to form around the traveling binary. The characteristic size of this evacuated region depends strongly on the spin-down evolution of the pulsar companion, which in turn depends on the merging timescale of the system. If this evacuated region is able to grow to a sufficiently large scale, then the deceleration of the jet, and thus the onset of the afterglow, would be noticeably delayed. The first detection of afterglow emission, which was uncovered 9.2 days after the γ\gamma-ray burst trigger, can thus be used to constrain the size of a pre-existing pulsar-wind cavity. We use this information, together with a model of the jet to place limits on the presence of a pulsar in GW170817 and discuss the derived constraints in the context of the observed double neutron star binary population. We find that the majority of Galactic systems that are close enough to merge within a Hubble time would have carved a discernibly large pulsar-wind cavity, inconsistent with the onset timescale of the X-ray afterglow of GW170817. Conversely, the recently detected system J1913+1102, which host a low-luminosity pulsar, provides a congruous Milky Way analog of GW170817's progenitor model. This study highlights the potential of the proposed observational test for gaining insight into the origin of double neutron star binaries, in particular if the properties of Galactic systems are representative of the overall merging population.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJL, 6 pages, 5 figure

    Evolutionary Channels for the Formation of Double Neutron Stars

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    We analyze binary population models of double-neutron stars and compare results to the accurately measured orbital periods and eccentricities of the eight known such systems in our Galaxy. In contrast to past similar studies, we especially focus on the dominant evolutionary channels (we identify three); for the first time, we use a detailed understanding of the evolutionary history of three double neutron stars as actual constraints on the population models. We find that the evolutionary constraints derived from the double pulsar are particularly tight, and less than half of the examined models survive the full set of constraints. The top-likelihood surviving models yield constraints on the key binary evolution parameters, but most interestingly reveal (i) the need for electron-capture supernovae from relatively low-mass degenerate, progenitor cores, and (ii) the most likely evolutionary paths for the rest of the known double neutron stars. In particular, we find that J1913+16 likely went through a phase of Case BB mass transfer, and J1906+0746 and J1756-2251 are consistent with having been formed in electron-capture supernovae.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figure

    Total r-process Yields of Milky Way Neutron Star Mergers

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    While it is now known that double neutron star binary systems (DNSs) are copious producers of heavy elements, there remains much speculation about whether they are the sole or even principal site of rapid neutron-capture (r-process) nucleosynthesis, one of the primary ways in which heavy elements are produced. The occurrence rates, delay times, and galactic environments of DNSs hold sway over estimating their total contribution to the elemental abundances in the Solar system and the Galaxy. Furthermore, the expected elemental yield for DNSs may depend on the merger parameters themselves -- such as their stellar masses and radii -- which is not currently considered in many galactic chemical evolution models. Using the characteristics of the observed sample of DNSs in the Milky Way as a guide, we predict the expected nucleosynthetic yields that a population of DNSs would produce upon merger, and we compare that nucleosynthetic signature to the heavy-element abundance pattern of the Solar system elements. We find that with our current models, the present DNS population favors production of the lighter r-process elements, while underproducing the heaviest elements relative to the Solar system. This inconsistency could imply an additional site for the heaviest elements or a population of DNSs much different from that observed today.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, 2 table

    r-process enrichment of ultra-faint dwarf galaxies by fast merging double neutron stars

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    The recent aLIGO/aVirgo discovery of gravitational waves from the neutron star merger (NSM) GW170817 and the follow up kilonova observations have shown that NSMs produce copious amount of r-process material. However, it is difficult to reconcile the large natal kicks and long average merging times of Double Neutron Stars (DNSs), with the levels of r-process enrichment seen in ultra faint dwarf (UFD) galaxies such as Reticulum II and Tucana III. Assuming that such dwarf systems have lost a significant fraction of their stellar mass through tidal stripping, we conclude that contrary to most current models, it is the DNSs with rather large natal kicks but very short merging timescales that can enrich UFD-type galaxies. These binaries are either on highly eccentric orbits, or form with very short separations due to an additional mass-transfer between the first-born neutron star and a naked helium star, progenitor of the second-born neutron star. These DNSs are born with a frequency that agrees with the statistics of the r-process UFDs, and merge well within the virial radius of their host halos, therefore contributing significantly to their r-process enrichment.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap
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