1,077 research outputs found

    M Dwarf Metallicities and Giant Planet Occurrence: Ironing Out Uncertainties and Systematics

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    Comparisons between the planet populations around solar-type stars and those orbiting M dwarfs shed light on the possible dependence of planet formation and evolution on stellar mass. However, such analyses must control for other factors, i.e. metallicity, a stellar parameter which strongly influences the occurrence of gas giant planets. We obtained infrared spectra of 121 M dwarfs stars monitored by the California Planet Search (CPS) and determined metallicities with an accuracy of 0.08 dex. The mean and standard deviation of the sample is -0.05 and 0.20 dex, respectively. We parameterized the metallicity dependence of the occurrence of giant planets on orbits with period less than 2 yr around solar-type stars and applied this to our M dwarf sample to estimate the expected number of giant planets. The number of detected planets (3) is lower than the predicted number (6.4) but the difference is not very significant (12% probability of finding as many or fewer planets). The three M dwarf planet hosts are not especially metal rich and the most likely value of the power-law index relating planet occurrence to metallicity is 1.06 dex per dex for M dwarfs compared to 1.80 for solar-type stars; this difference, however, is comparable to uncertainties. Giant planet occurrence around both types of stars allows, but does not necessarily require, mass dependence of ∼1\sim 1 dex per dex. The actual planet-mass-metallicity relation may be complex and elucidating it will require larger surveys like those to be conducted by ground-based infrared spectrographs and the Gaia space astrometry mission.Comment: Accepted to The Astrophysical Journa

    X-ray/optical classification of cluster mergers and the evolution of the cluster merger fraction

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    We present the results of a simple but robust morphological classification of a statis- tically complete sample of 108 of the most X-ray luminous clusters at 0.15 < z < 0.7 observed with Chandra. Our aims are to (a) identify the most disturbed massive clusters to be used as gravitational lenses for studies of the distant universe and as probes of particle acceleration mechanisms resulting in non-thermal radio emission, (b) find cluster mergers featuring subcluster trajectories that make them suitable for quantitative analyses of cluster collisions, and (c) constrain the evolution with redshift of the cluster merger fraction. Finally, (d) this paper represents the third public release of clusters from the MACS sample, adding 24 clusters to the 46 published previously. To classify clusters by degree of relaxation, we use the projected offset of the brightest cluster galaxy from the peak (or the global centroid) of the X-ray emission as a measure of the segregation between the intracluster gas and dark matter. Regarding (a), we identify ten complex systems likely to have undergone multiple merger events in the recent past. Regarding (b), we identify eleven systems likely to be post-collision, binary, head-on mergers (BHOMs), as well as another six mergers that are possible BHOMs but probably harder to interpret because of non-negligible impact parameters and merger axes closer to our line of sight. Regarding (c), we find a highly significant increase with redshift in the fraction of morphologically disturbed clusters starting at z \sim 0.4, in spite of a detection bias in our sample against very disturbed systems at high redshift. A larger sample of clusters with high-quality X-ray data in particular at high redshift will be needed to trace the evolutionary history of cluster growth and relaxation closer to the primary epoch of cluster formation z \sim 1.Comment: Accepted to MNRA

    An Understanding of the Shoulder of Giants: Jovian Planets around Late K Dwarf Stars and the Trend with Stellar Mass

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    Analyses of exoplanet statistics suggest a trend of giant planet occurrence with host star mass, a clue to how planets like Jupiter form. One missing piece of the puzzle is the occurrence around late K dwarf stars (masses of 0.5-0.75Msun and effective temperatures of 3900-4800K). We analyzed four years of Doppler radial velocities data of 110 late K dwarfs, one of which hosts two previously reported giant planets. We estimate that 4.0+/-2.3% of these stars have Saturn-mass or larger planets with orbital periods <245d, depending on the planet mass distribution and RV variability of stars without giant planets. We also estimate that 0.7+/-0.5% of similar stars observed by Kepler have giant planets. This Kepler rate is significantly (99% confidence) lower than that derived from our Doppler survey, but the difference vanishes if only the single Doppler system (HIP 57274) with completely resolved orbits is considered. The difference could also be explained by the exclusion of close binaries (without giant planets) from the Doppler but not Kepler surveys, the effect of long-period companions and stellar noise on the Doppler data, or an intrinsic difference between the two populations. Our estimates for late K dwarfs bridge those for solar-type stars and M dwarfs and support a positive trend with stellar mass. Small sample size precludes statements about finer structure, e.g. a "shoulder" in the distribution of giant planets with stellar mass. Future surveys such as the Next Generation Transit Survey and the Transiting Exoplanet Satellite Survey will ameliorate this deficiency.Comment: Accepted to The Astrophysical Journa

    Spectro-Thermometry of M dwarfs and their candidate planets: too hot, too cool, or just right?

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    We use moderate-resolution spectra of nearby late K and M dwarf stars with parallaxes and interferometrically determined radii to refine their effective temperatures, luminosities, and metallicities. We use these revised values to calibrate spectroscopic techniques to infer the fundamental parameters of more distant late-type dwarf stars. We demonstrate that, after masking out poorly modeled regions, the newest version of the PHOENIX atmosphere models accurately reproduce temperatures derived bolometrically. We apply methods to late-type hosts of transiting planet candidates in the Kepler field, and calculate effective temperature, radius, mass, and luminosity with typical errors of 57 K, 7%, 11%, and 13%, respectively. We find systematic offsets between our values and those from previous analyses of the same stars, which we attribute to differences in atmospheric models utilized for each study. We investigate which of the planets in this sample are likely to orbit in the circumstellar habitable zone. We determine that four candidate planets (KOI 854.01, 1298.02, 1686.01, and 2992.01) are inside of or within 1-sigma of a conservative definition of the habitable zone, but that several planets identified by previous analyses are not (e.g. KOI 1422.02 and KOI 2626.01). Only one of the four habitable-zone planets is Earth sized, suggesting a downward revision in the occurrence of such planets around M dwarfs. These findings highlight the importance of measuring accurate stellar parameters when deriving parameters of their orbiting planets.Comment: 17 pages, 16 figures, accepted to ApJ. Added requisite significant Figures to Equations 6-8. Fixed a formatting error in the machine readable tables. All spectra now downloadable from http://www.as.utexas.edu/~amann/files/th_spec

    The Invisible Majority? Evolution and Detection of Outer Planetary Systems without Gas Giants

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    We present 230 realizations of a numerical model of planet formation in systems without gas giants. These represent a scenario in which protoplanets grow in a region of a circumstellar disk where water ice condenses (the "ice line''), but fail to accrete massive gas envelopes before the gaseous disk is dispersed. Each simulation consists of a small number of gravitationally interacting oligarchs and a much larger number of small bodies that represent the natal disk of planetesimals. We investigate systems with varying initial number of oligarchs, oligarch spacing, location of the ice line, total mass in the ice line, and oligarch mean density. Systems become chaotic in ~1 Myr but settle into stable configurations in 10-100 Myr. We find: (1) runs consistently produce a 5-9 Earth mass planet at a semimajor axis of 0.25-0.6 times the position of the ice line, (2) the distribution of planets' orbital eccentricities is distinct from, and skewed toward lower values than the observed distribution of (giant) exoplanet orbits, (3) inner systems of two dominant planets (e.g., Earth and Venus) are not stable or do not form because of the gravitational influence of the innermost icy planet. The planets predicted by our model are unlikely to be detected by current Doppler observations. Microlensing is currently sensitive to the most massive planets found in our simulations. A scenario where up to 60% of stars host systems such as those we simulate is consistent with all the available data. We predict that, if this scenario holds, the NASA Kepler spacecraft will detect about 120 planets by two or more transits over the course of its 3.5 yr mission. Future microlensing surveys will detect ~130 analogs over a 5 yr survey. Finally, the Space Interferometry Mission (SIM-Lite) should be capable of detecting 96% of the innermost icy planets over the course of a 5 yr mission.Comment: 17 pages, 16 figure

    Radial Trends in IMF-Sensitive Absorption Features in Two Early-Type Galaxies: Evidence for Abundance-Driven Gradients

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    Samples of early-type galaxies show a correlation between stellar velocity dispersion and the stellar initial mass function (IMF) as inferred from gravity-sensitive absorption lines in the galaxies' central regions. To search for spatial variations in the IMF, we have observed two early-type galaxies with Keck/LRIS and measured radial gradients in the strengths of absorption features from 4000-5500 \AA  \, and 8000-10,000 \AA. We present spatially resolved measurements of the dwarf-sensitive spectral indices NaI (8190 \AA) and Wing-Ford FeH (9915 \AA), as well as indices for species of H, C2_2, CN, Mg, Ca, TiO, and Fe. Our measurements show a metallicity gradient in both objects, and Mg/Fe consistent with a shallow gradient in \alpha-enhancement, matching widely observed trends for massive early-type galaxies. The NaI index and the CN1_1 index at 4160 \AA  \, exhibit significantly steeper gradients, with a break at r∼0.1reffr \sim 0.1 r_{\rm eff} (r∼300r \sim 300 pc). Inside this radius NaI strength increases sharply toward the galaxy center, consistent with a rapid central rise in [Na/Fe]. In contrast, the ratio of FeH to Fe index strength decreases toward the galaxy center. This behavior cannot be reproduced by a steepening IMF inside 0.1reff0.1 r_{\rm eff} if the IMF is a single power law. While gradients in the mass function above ∼0.4M⊙\sim 0.4 M_\odot may occur, exceptional care is required to disentangle these IMF variations from the extreme variations in individual element abundances near the galaxies' centers.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. Updates from v1 include an expanded comparison of measured index strengths to SPS models. 20 page body + 7 page appendix + references. Includes 25 figure

    They might be giants: luminosity class, planet frequency, and planet-metallicity relation of the coolest Kepler target stars

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    We estimate the stellar parameters of late K and early M type Kepler target stars. We obtain medium resolution visible spectra of 382 stars with Kp-J>2 (~K5 and later spectral type). We determine luminosity class by comparing the strength of gravity-sensitive indices (CaH, K I, Ca II, and Na I) to their strength in a sample of stars of known luminosity class. We find that giants constitute 96+-% of the bright (Kp<14) Kepler target stars, and 7+-3% of dim (Kp>14) stars, significantly higher than fractions based on the stellar parameters quoted in the Kepler Input Catalog (KIC). The KIC effective temperatures are systematically (110 +15 -35} K) higher than temperatures we determine from fitting our spectra to PHOENIX stellar models. Through Monte Carlo simulations of the Kepler exoplanet candidate population, we find a planet occurrence of 0.36+-0.08 when giant stars are properly removed, somewhat higher than when a KIC log(g)>4 criterion is used (0.27+-0.05). Lastly, we show that there is no significant difference in g-r color (a probe of metallicity) between late-type Kepler stars with transiting Earth-to-Neptune sized exoplanet candidates and dwarf stars with no detected transits. We show that a previous claimed offset between these two populations is most likely an artifact of including a large number of misidentified giants.Comment: Accepted to Ap
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