47 research outputs found

    A one dimensional analysis of singularities of the d-dimensional stochastic Burgers equation.

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    This thesis presents a one dimensional analysis of the singularities of the d- dimensional stochastic Burgers equation using the 'reduced action function'. In particular, we investigate the geometry of the caustic, the Maxwell set and the Hamilton-Jacobi level surfaces, and describe some turbulent phenomena. Chapter 1 begins by introducing the stochastic Burgers equation and its related Stratonovich heat equation. Some earlier geometric results of Davies, Truman and Zhao are presented together with the derivation of the reduced action function. In Chapter 2 we present a complete analysis of the caustic in terms of the derivatives of the reduced action function, which leads to a new method for identifying the singular (cool) parts of the caustic. Chapter 3 investigates the spontaneous formation of swallowtails on the caustic and Hamilton-Jacobi level surfaces. Using a circle of ideas due to Arnol'd, Cayley and Klein, we find necessary conditions for these swallowtail perestroikas and relate these conditions to the reduced action function. In Chapter 4 we find an explicit formula for the Maxwell set by considering the double points of the level surfaces in the two dimensional polynomial case. We extend this to higher dimensions using a double discriminant of the reduced action function and then consider the geometric properties of the Maxwell set in terms of the pre-Maxwell set. We conclude in Chapter 5 by using our earlier work to model turbulence in the Burgers fluid. We show that the number of cusps on the level surfaces can change infinitely rapidly causing 'real turbulence' and also that the number of swallowtails on the caustic can change infinitely rapidly causing 'complex turbulence'. These processes are both inherently stochastic in nature. We determine their intermittence in terms of the recurrent behaviour of two processes derived from the reduced action

    Further Mathematics and the transition between school and university mathematics

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    Further Mathematics, student choice and transition to university: part 1 - Mathematics degrees

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    The transition from studying mathematics at school to university is known to be challenging for students. Given the desire to increase participation in science, technology, engineering and mathematics subjects at degree level, it is important to ensure that the school mathematics curriculum is providing suitable preparation for the challenges ahead, and yet remains both accessible and popular. This two-part study investigates student choices of studying the post-16 A-level Mathematics and Further Mathematics qualifications in the UK and their impact on the transition from school to university mathematics. Student opinions were accessed via a survey of undergraduate students and also individual interviews. This first part of the study considers the responses of mathematics undergraduate students and finds that both those who studied Further Mathematics and those who did not perceive studying Further Mathematics as advantageous for their degree courses. However, the advantages identified mostly relate to the familiarity with topics, while students still feel unprepared for studying more abstract and proof-based mathematics. The study found that some factors which may be beneficial for transition currently lie outside the mainstream school mathematics syllabus and include studying through blended learning provided by the Further Mathematics Support Programme, practicing more advanced extension exam papers and attending university outreach events. The choice of Further Mathematics is found to be influenced by the attitudes of the students, their teachers and their parents, to both mathematics as a subject and to Further Mathematics as a qualification as well as student perceptions of Further Mathematics and their plans in terms of degree and university choice

    Choosing Further Mathematics

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    'Education in the UK is failing to provide the increases in the numbers of school-leavers with science and mathematics qualifications required by industry, business and the research community to assure the UK's future economic competitiveness' (The Royal Society, 2008: 17). Furthermore, the proportion of students in Wales following mathematics courses post 16 is lower than in England (GSR, 2014). In particular, although the situation has improved, fewer students in Wales choose to study further mathematics (FM). This paper explores the reasons for student choices in mathematics and FM in order to make recommendations about how to increase participation. Phase one of the study used a questionnaire to access the opinions of students studying mathematically based courses in sixth forms and colleges to explore the reasons behind their choices and the factors influencing their progression or otherwise in mathematics. In phase two, small focus groups of students in selected schools and colleges were interviewed to enrich the questionnaire data and provide further insight into their decisions. The study identified a lack of information from peers, siblings, parents and teachers about FM as a factor restricting choice. Current models of delivery contribute to the false perception that FM is harder than mathematics and only suitable for the most talented mathematicians. We suggest: developing teachers' knowledge and skills so that whenever possible students can be offered FM as a fully timetabled subject; promoting FM to parents; and establishing student champions to encourage participation

    The Divine Clockwork: Bohr's correspondence principle and Nelson's stochastic mechanics for the atomic elliptic state

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    We consider the Bohr correspondence limit of the Schrodinger wave function for an atomic elliptic state. We analyse this limit in the context of Nelson's stochastic mechanics, exposing an underlying deterministic dynamical system in which trajectories converge to Keplerian motion on an ellipse. This solves the long standing problem of obtaining Kepler's laws of planetary motion in a quantum mechanical setting. In this quantum mechanical setting, local mild instabilities occur in the Kelperian orbit for eccentricities greater than 1/\sqrt{2} which do not occur classically.Comment: 42 pages, 18 figures, with typos corrected, updated abstract and updated section 6.